10,993 Topics
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Ok I have a project I am working on and I need some help getting started .... I want to display info from an excel sheet I have ... Example: A1 = Movie Title B1 = Movie Genre ok in label1 I want the movie title and in label2 I … | |
invalid sql statement,expected "delete","insert","procedure","select" or "update" it a run time error which i recieve when an saving a record to the database. and this is the code. [B]rsord.Open "order", cnnord, adOpenKeyset, adLockPessimistic[/B] cnnord.Execute "INSERT INTO order(OrderId,DateOrdered,CustomerId,QuatityOrdered,ProductTitle,PurchasedUnitPrice);" _ & "VALUES('" & txtoid.Text & "','" & txtod.Text & "','" & txtcid.Text & … | |
im making an installation form in VB -i already made the installer/setup for my project using another installer maker im having a prob on the syntax, i just googled this and try it but have a error Dim TaskID As Long TaskID = Shell(App.Path \ CAIsetup.exe, vbNormalFocus) my only guess … | |
hi every1, another prob cnt solve even after googling how can i load a notepad file or txt file on VB, what i mean is loading the notepad.exe with the file inside example i click the cmdLoad then it will open the file (on notepad) the file i want to … | |
Hi, Can someone please help me? I have a filelistbox that can view and execute files in a specified folder. Is there a way to get a filelistbox to view folders and subfolders in a tree and then execute the files within? thanks | |
i have two forms and on each form one text box having access database behind and is connected to forms by using data bound controls. My problm is that what ever value i enter form1.text1 , it should come in form2.text1. iam using code like this in form1 lost focus … | |
hi brother i have a code which saves arecord but it gives an error syntax in insert in to statement. this is ma code. arequest for a collection or an alternative code. Private Sub cmdsave_Click() Dim findpas As String Dim cnnadd As ADODB.Connection Dim rsadd As ADODB.Recordset Set cnnadd = … | |
HI all, I have been using a software written in vb6.0 for 2 years. Now all of a sudden the software gives me this error "PCGW32.dll file is missing!". I don't know how to handle it. Even the person from whom I bought the software is nowhere to be found. … | |
i want to search data from access database and display it in datagrid. please help me.. thanks in advanced....:) | |
I want to change font of all controls in a form. how i can do this?? i can change font but just for each control not all control in a same time... please help :) | |
how can i Enable the F2 or f3 in my keyboard when i press the F1 in my keyboard?? btw this is my code i want to enable the F2 when i press F1......I've got an error when i press the F2 first before the F1....sorry for my stupidity it … | |
Hi All, I'm using MSFlexgrid in my program. I'm using Click event of it. But when I click on blank area after last row it still fires click event and focuses on a column. Is it possible to block the Click event when I click in blank space or block … | |
I am really having a tough time to update my report contents. Please help me with a project attaching with your solution. please help me quick...... | |
Hi,I am new to VB6 and I have displayed records in a DBGrid from access using Data ctrl. I have displayed name and mailid in the grid Now,wen I click on any one record,the particular record shoul get selected and corresponding mailid and name should be displayed in another form. … | |
Hi, I am looking for a way to word wrap TreeView text, if this is even possible. | |
heres what i wnated too do Write a program to calculate the average monthly sales figure for a single salesperson in one calendar year. the user will be asked to enter 12 sales figures (pounds & pence), one for each month of the year, and then the average monthly figure … | |
I have this project that am workng on that requres the user to write a name in a textbox and images are displayed on the picture box. So the question is how do i do this? | |
Any codes for mouse manipulation? I'd created a game using form, works fine. Now i am trying to control the game using only keyboard instead of mouse. I'd try class module for it and the result is unsatisfactory. The application is easy, just use up, down, left and right key … | |
Hi guys, I have a problem with the conversion of an excel spreadsheet to html. I have converted the file to html using a microsoft internet wizard and the spreadsheet comes up yet the cells that need user input - you can't enter values. I am a newbie and have … | |
there are anyone know how to get all user in computer?? please help me.. i dont have idea for this.. best regards.. any help will be appreciated.. | |
hi im a student doing a project related to video streaming application and i have no idea on how to start. im trying to do the coding using visual basic, anyone have any working examples that i might refer to? | |
hi, i need ur help. can u help me how to remotely connect some database like ms access,sql server,etc to mysql?every minute i hav to send new information from database ex ms access to mysql. I use VB6. | |
I am using adodc to connect with my database in my application. I have command button to show my report consisting of the columns of that table in database. I also have command button to add data in the database during runtime. I can see the report updated for any … | |
Hello experts. I have 2 [B]vbp[/B] (namely Project1.vbp and Project2.vbp) I Group them into 1 Project, my problem is how can the user choose on what project they want to use using VB6? My initial idea is when the user login a form will prompt, and the user will be … | |
sir help me how to disabled a checkbox. for example once i check the checkbox it should appear in my list? when im uncheck it... it should not appear in my list? tnx.. | |
Hi all, Could you please give me some suggestions about Form closing? My problem is that I will do the checking before closing the main Form whether the user saves the data, but I really don't know how to solve it. If the user doesn't save the data and close … | |
Hi, I have a query if VB 5.0 Learning edition supports usage of Reports. If so how should i go about it. If not what can i do to get the reports options. Thanks, Priya | |
I have Folder "C:/MyProject" with my Project. In this Folder exist my VB-Form with name "Form1" and HTML-Document with name "index.html". The code HTML-document: <html> <body> <object classid="clsid:0002E559-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" id="Spreadsheet1"></object> </body> </html> In Form1 I insert Webbrowser1 and button Commad1 with this code: Private WithEvents Exc As MSHTMLCtl.HTMLObjectElement sub Form_load Dim … | |
How can i read out and add each item on my listview? for example i have 3 columns in my listview and i want to add them to my 3 database fields.. | |
Hi guys! I was wondering if there is any way that I can get Visual Basic 6 to run in Windows Vista? If not, will it work in SP1? I have done so many research but I can't find any answers.. Any help will be greatly appreciated.. Thank you.. |
The End.