10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ross Cox

I have the following sql statement in VB6 (latest VB SP, Win XP, SP2) that works fine in ado to sql server 2k5 but does not work in ado to access 2k3. [B]"Select ID, Make, Model, PlsPerBBL, Size, Processor, Location, From MeterData Where MeterNo = 'FQ-805 8" IN'"[/B]. I know …

Member Avatar for cometburn
Member Avatar for ITKnight

i want to get all running process... how a can do this? anybody know how to do this? please help. thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for asihuay

Hi. I am looking for vba or vb code to unassign, assign, switch, drive letter. The hard disc will be identified by its serial number or by its name. Thanks in advance. asihuay

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for smelf1

Hi all, I have not programmed in about 6+ years and need to start getting back into it. Does anyone have any code for encrypting a plaintext file into DES and then back again to plain text. I have attached a doc with what i want to try to do. …

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

I have a DHTML page with a treeview control in it which has a parent node and 6 child node in it. I want to check all the child node checkboxes when i check the parent node checkbox. Please help me..

Member Avatar for Mbt925
Member Avatar for Naruse
Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for ChrLeigw

am doing a tic tac toe game, and I am having trouble with using the index of my array (the nine boxes) as x and y coordinates. I have done [code] Dim pictt(3,3) as integer [/code] and used the format of picttt(x,y) in other places. I have separated out the …

Member Avatar for ChrLeigw
Member Avatar for dmf1978

Hi, I am working in an application that uses Drag & Drop in VB6, and I need to determine which type of control is the user dragging. I have in the form several controls: PictureBox, TextBox and ListBox. I know that I can use TypeOf() in VB .Net, but, what …

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Member Avatar for shri23

Respected Sirs, I have problem in vb6 and crystal report9.I m using vb6,crystal report9,MS Access 2000. i have protected database. I set connection for report as [B]ODBC(RDO)[/B] at desing time and dsn as Newdsn.dsn.At run time when i try with this line Report.Database.Tables(1).SetLogOnInfo "", App.Path & "\DB\Utm.mdb", "Admin", "becool" it …

Member Avatar for cometburn
Member Avatar for brdoolit

I'm stuck on my homework trying to deal with arrays of structs. The prof is terrible and just reads off slides from another prof and talks about his weekend. Heres what we have to do: You have been hired as a programmer for Super Sales Company. You are being asked …

Member Avatar for brdoolit
Member Avatar for saurabh2007

Hi, i have made an application just like windows i have everything but a filesystem and disk system what i mean is the i want a new filesystem meaning that like windows uses ListView every where to display the icons, i also want to use it but i can't get …

Member Avatar for humera05
Member Avatar for bornok15

i have a report design made within visual basic using crystal reports 8.5. Right now i need to made the report preview 4 of it in one 8.5x11 bond paper. I know i need to change the design to make it fit if im going to make it 4 at …

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for mushifrederick1

hi, i'm new in this site, but according to good reputation you have in this world i realy appriciate u'r concern. my problem might seem very simple to u but inrealy sense its giving me hard times. plz help me to know how to start a vb6 project. thanx in …

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for leroi green

hey guys and gals, i'm making this program where i am asking if someone is a wholesaler and then making a computation but the compiler is telling me that there is something wrong with the argument "_" after the "MessageBoxButtons.YesNo" part but everything else is fine. below is the regular …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for catch.divya08

Please help me... Its very urgent... I've to finish my miniproject by tomorrow... Please Debug The coding given below... i am doin student information system. in vb oracle. i have created a module in which i wanna display info about students extracurriculars in ms flex grid control from a form …

Member Avatar for n1cole

Hi All. I am new to this web site and find it very helpful. Keep up the good work. I am also a Novice ( at best) when it comes to programming but really would like to master VB. My question is, As I design my form, I would like …

Member Avatar for zanzo
Member Avatar for janvanderpeet

I use a DBGrid in 2 applications in 2 languages. The DBGrid1 in the one application shows a record I have in the databasetable and although the DBGrid in the other application has similar settings as the other application it does not show the record nor the field headers. I …

Member Avatar for janvanderpeet
Member Avatar for go4rinkesh

Hello Friends ! I am making a setup project in which i have to install SQl server 2005 , Crystal Report and main application which is created in VB6. Now i have to install this two software before i install my application. then after i have to attach two database …

Member Avatar for Shefali

hii all i guess this is a simple problem but somehow i cant figure out the answer to it. i wrote a vb6 code which uses a particular software to draw a picture, saves it in the hard disk and then displays it in a picturebox. now what i need …

Member Avatar for morphan
Member Avatar for kehar

Hi, I have prepared one report in Crystal Report 8.5 and the front end is VB 6. But the problem when I assigned number of copies to print as 4, in the title portion of the first copy it should show as "DEPOSITORS COPY" in second copy it should show …

Member Avatar for kehar
Member Avatar for bmora96

hello there, Its showing that Run-time error '3251': Current Recordset does not support updating. This may be a limitation of the provider, or the selected locktype. Any help regarding this would be great. Thanks in advance for any replies. Bmora96

Member Avatar for hawisme000
Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi all, I would like to ask one question. Can I know where the focus is in a main Form? Eg: there will have some buttons, text boxes and labels. How to check the focus? Please give me some ideals. Thanks, zawpai

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Member Avatar for zawpai

Hi all, Has anyone used the skin software in VB 6.0 because I would like to know one question? Now, I am using that software, Active Skin 4.3, in VB 6.0 program. Whenever I start to run my program, it will show one message, "Trial version of ActiveSkin control", with …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for leo_83

Hallo comrades, I am a newbie in VB and I need your assistance to complete my assignment The task is : 1 ) Open Excel file -->>> Sucessfully done & working 2) This excel file contains 3 important strings BEG_Spe $ Package_N: <Package_N> End_Spec the VB program must be able …

Member Avatar for RORY24

I am in the pocess of converting an old VBA program into VB6 to try and sort out some of the problems it is having. I am finding that the syntax is a little different. I also found that they used text boxes to display the data. the vba program(when …

Member Avatar for sofiagrave

Hej I am new here and also new programming in VB, I am making a form in VB and I want that some data that I have in a xml file to be loaded into that form. my XML file looks like this: <Ship> <Identification> <OrderNo>2</OrderNo> <Yard>T</Yard> <HullNo>NB</HullNo> </Identification> <CargoTypes> …

Member Avatar for Jawker

Hello Everybody, I just started learning programming about 2 months ago. I'm trying to do a Tic-Tac-Toe game using labels but I have a little difficulty. How do I get the computer to check if 3 labels are of the same value. I've tried this: [code] If lblLeft.Text And lblCenter.Text …

Member Avatar for Bob Jacobs
Member Avatar for jonrmoore

I don't know if this is the right section for this. Over the weekend I decided to try to install the service pack for vista. It did not install (big surprise) and now whenever I try to go into vb6, I get a permissions error on every project! I tried …

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover
Member Avatar for jbett
Member Avatar for cometburn

The End.