10,993 Topics
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hi....i got one simple question...how to make the caption background transparent? and, is it possible to have animation GIF on message box? hihi thank ya | |
Im new to Vb. I have created a simple database and its working fine. I want to implement a search function to my database. Iam also receiving an error when itry to edit a record. The error message reads you changes were not effected becaus ethey would create duplicate records. … | |
hi, my problem is i want to display date using combo box. user will select da date and it will be save to db. da date will be separate to day, month and year. the main prob is i don't know how to aviod this happen 31/2/2005, don't no how … | |
Hi all, I have created a VB Script file that runs when the user logs in, and writes the username and date & time to a log file. The vbs file as well as the log file is a network location that contains more than 3 users. I would like … | |
hi everyone please let me know how to change the charttype of a grph created using dynaplot in visual basic6.0 if anyone can suggest me good tutorial for dynaplot contrl it will be very helpful kindly help me thanks in advance | |
hey im real sorry about this but none of the forums ive looked at help me much. basicly ive created a database for usernames and passwords and i want to make vb check the database for passwords and usernames. im usine vb6.0 if any one could just tell me the … | |
i want code by visual basic 5 (search code for db by access connect with vb5) because i made one but search only give me one result on(( first one only)) for example -- after i enterd data in db and then i want search for any filed such i … | |
Hi all, Could anyone please check my sample code because I can't see the final result? Private Sub Form1_Load() Call AnyNumberArguments Call AnyNumberArguments(1) Call AnyNumberArguments(2, 3) Call AnyNumberArguments(4, 5, 6) Call AnyNumberArguments(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12) End Sub Private Sub AnyNumberArguments(ParamArray x() As Variant) Dim y As Integer Print … | |
Perhaps someone can help me... I'm trying to figure out how to transfer Access data to Word documents so that the data for each contact will transfer with a command. Does anyone know how to do this? | |
hi, Could anyone please explain to me about the following question? Although I do 'unload me', but it can't be closed immediately and some parts of that form is still processing. Eg; my project has many timers and other processing sequences. I really don't know how to solve it because … | |
I'm a beginner in vb6. I want to change form,command button,frame.... to xp or vista style If anyone have an activex please email to me. [email]reezox@gmail.com[/email] p/s: sorry for my broken English | |
Could you have me please?I have made a web browser in visual basic 6.0 and its working well for the most part. I have a several questions. Basing most of my project off of IE7, How do i get my web browser to show the "view source" function of webpage? … | |
Hi Everybody I am making a software for my business I have easily connected my access database to add new records in it's tables but don't know how to show these tables with updated data in another form. Please suggest any way! Thankx | |
i am using VB5 cce to write an TCP/IP file transfer from one pc to another. i get the information that using Winsock Control able to do such file transfer function, however i dont know how i can get the Winsock control since i cant add it from the Component … | |
Hi everyone, How can i receive data such as in binary or decimal and display it out in visual basic 6? by the way, how can i send a word"hello" from micro controller to visual basic 6? what is the source code in visual basic for such an application? thanks | |
how can i connect crystal report 10 to vb6.0? is it possible? i really need to know how,,, thanks in advance! | |
Hello Everybody, If I'm a Java Newbie I am even more hopeless in VB... I'm using the Trial version of VB 8. I need to find out why am I getting an InvalidCastException on the line in red... I tried taking the .Text out but then it won't recognize it. … | |
Hi all, I would like to ask some questions. One is I am facing file missing problem after removing the VB installer. Eg: 'COMCT232.OCX', 'MSCOMCT2.OCX' OR 'MSSTDFMT.DLL'. I don't know how to solve that problem. When I run exe File, it will show a message like above file aren't registered. … | |
i am using monthview control in my form to display date in textboxes .. it's date format is mm/dd/yyyy , but i need to change it to dd/mm/yyyy.. is it possible in any other way than using "format" ?? coz when i use "format" it works only for 1 textbox, … | |
Hi, I am in the process of making an application which I am hoping will become a GUI for QStat (a DOS based application which retrieves the current status of an online game server). The problem I have is this: I can run the QStat application as normal (including the … | |
hi....does vb6 has any class or module work exactly like a mouse? using the four directions, left and right click? i m currently working on a game and need it as joystick using only keyboard, thanks | |
Hi to all i want appface.dll without period time .if any one have this , please send to me thanks alot | |
somebody please help me give the code to convert image into pixel using VB6. i have no idea about it... i need it for my thesis...thanks for ur help...:) | |
Public Class frmCommand Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim txtInput1 As Double Dim txtInput2 As Integer Dim txtInput As Integer Dim Sum As Integer Dim Average As Integer Dim Larger As Integer Dim Smallest As Integer Sum.Caption = "Sum : " & (Val(txtInput1.Text) + Val(txtInput2.Text) + Val(txtInput3.Text)) Average.Caption = "Average : " … | |
haluuu.... I'm looking for log analyze freeware that can be edit....hopefully in Visual basic... as soon as possible.... i already search at google but can't find... i only have 5 days to submit my assignment... help me... | |
The following is the code that i have... please let me know where i hv gone wrong... Set Application = CreateObject("crystal.crpe.application") Set Report = Application.OpenReport("d:\swati\mahalaxmi\reports\ClientList.rpt") Report.Preview "Client List", 0, 0, 1200, 1200 from swati | |
Hi, can you guys please tell me how I can print a screenshot of a form? I am linking to a database and I want to print the form with the names of fields etc... Cheers | |
my GUI using VB6.0 had 2 textbox to allow user enter an integer that represent a movement of motor along X and Y axes. there is any possible that i can send 2 data simultenously? do i need a delay? for your information, i used serial port. thank you VB … | |
can anyone help me on [COLOR="Red"]how to create or to set a username and password [/COLOR]for [COLOR="red"]my ms-access 2003 database [/COLOR]and how can i save or [COLOR="red"]set that username and password in ADO control [/COLOR][COLOR="red"]so that i can edit that database in my vb project without opening that database in … | |
I am currently trying to set up a server winsock but the problem is even after certain clients have disconnected from the server, the server trys to send data to those disconnected clients causing either a server side runtime error or preventing further clients to connect(or the same client to … |
The End.