10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for webtrade

If anyone can help me convert this snipet of code to vb.net I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance. webtrade Dim not_first_symbol As Boolean Dim symbol As String Dim query_url As String Dim response As Variant Dim quotes As String Dim fnum As Integer Dim whole_file As String Dim …

Member Avatar for Sroxx

hey im making a database on licnese issuing authority now i want get data retrived frm da database ma access to list boxes but i want data only of the data which i slelect fmr da dtpicker can u plz suggest a code for this thx

Member Avatar for Sroxx
Member Avatar for Ryano24

Can anyone tell me what this code does. Private Sub MysteryCode_Click(ByVal sender As _ System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _ Handles MysteryCode.Click ' Determines MYSTERVALUE base on number entered by user Dim Y As Integer, X As Integer, MYSTERYVALUE As Integer ' initialization phase X = 1 'prepare to loop …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sammy_eyison

Hello Jx_man, I have been trying to download the zip file you sent to Neji on [B]Get all users[/B], but it appears to be corrupted. I will be grateful if you could resend it to me. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Reiko

Hi im currently having a problem with taking data from a field in a database and then using it within the form, when supplied with a telephone number by inputting in to a text box, the number needs to be checked against the database and then if a record matches …

Member Avatar for AUGXIS
Member Avatar for V.Rajagopalan

hi, I developed one application in visual basic 6.0 with the backend of Sql server 2000. I want this application can be run in all client level. what i did is i installed windows 2003 server and sql server 2000 in one system and i copied the exe file of …

Member Avatar for fkmercado
Member Avatar for AUGXIS

help me.i woul like to make my access 2003 database be network database.im using vb6 as front end.thanks

Member Avatar for AUGXIS
Member Avatar for Expotential

I am trying to remove a list item in a listbox... the problem is I have to remove it by the what is visible to the user the program doesnt keep record of the index number in the listbox so we have the following in a list box Bob Fred …

Member Avatar for Expotential
Member Avatar for AUGXIS

I have a program created in vb 6 and has a backend of ms access 2003 and it only runs on a single pc. i want to install that program to more pc but i don't know how to configure my database so that all pc can read/wrtite on it.please …

Member Avatar for maharajakecil

i have a source code for vb6.0 to send an integer to my PIC circuit. i dont know wheter my source code is correct or not. please somebody give a hand or comment on my source code.. one more thing, if i key in an integer in val(test) in my …

Member Avatar for locsin

I have printing report using printer.print command. My report contains words and amount value. but the output is not properly arrange especially the amount. It is not align properly. I am using direct printing command "Printer.print" My report output is like this: Product Amount Soap 23.50 Fabric 215.25 Dishwashing Paste …

Member Avatar for cometburn
Member Avatar for jcwc84

Hi all, i want to make a program so that when i press A, it shows "." then i press D, it shows "/". How can i do this? Thanks.

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for ITech

i am trying to develop a database management software.using MS ACCESS 2003 as back-end and VISUAL BASIC 6.0 as front end.. i am having a problem..can any one help with this.. [B]i have typed the code below in a module for the connection to the database...and connection to the record …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for iceguy

Hi everyone, I am looking for some sample code for controling 4 different LED's (light emiting diodes) from VIA usb. I would like to do this from VB. thanks in advance iceguy

Member Avatar for november_pooh

Hi all.... i m already got startup path and now i want to copying my exe file into startup. how i can do this?? please help me. any help will be appreciated

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for jem00

Hey Guys, I have started using Visual basic 6.0 but i'm running into a few troubles. How can i write this psuedo code into visual basic: [CODE] BEGIN even and odd numbers PUT "Enter a number : " GET num even = 0 odd = 0 WHILE num <> -1 …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for maharajakecil

please please please... i really need the source code to send integer using vb6.0. i'm using rs232

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for Ryano24

I am kinda new to Visual Basic and I was wondering how I could program a user to input 3 numbers and give the sum, average, product, and find the smallest and largest number using a Windows Application

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for TylerTCF

As you can see below, I am working on making a macro that compares the time in one column on a page to another on a page. However, in the if statement where I'm trying to round the numbers with time values in it (because I need the numbers to …

Member Avatar for TylerTCF
Member Avatar for laoballer

Hello all, I'm fairly new to visual basic I've gone through the teach yourself VB in 24 hours book, that wasn't very detailed. I'm starting a new project and what it involves is taking a ms access database populated with street addresses and then querying those addresses with some kind …

Member Avatar for Bob Jacobs

How can I get an image control to pass in front of a picturebox control, rather than behind it. ZOrder doesn't do it.

Member Avatar for manoshailu
Member Avatar for maharajakecil

hello vb expert there... i really need a sampl of vb6.0 source code for rs232. i try to link my vb6.0 to PIC circuit using max232. anybody have idea how to send a number from vb?

Member Avatar for VIeditorlover
Member Avatar for suginaga

can anyone please guide me with the code in VB6.0 how to retrieve values from binary files to to measure rise time of a waveform .

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for shotgunjoe

I know this seems like a very noobish question and has probably been asked many times before, I'm trying to write a lottery program in which the numbers are generated, then you can check your numbers. There is a command button on the first form which says "Check Numbers" and …

Member Avatar for kinyuadave
Member Avatar for saurabh2007

I wanna create a titlebar in visual basic so everytime i create new form, it wont add default windows xp look but the new title bar what i made. can anyone help me how to do this. any code will be appriceated i know how to do it for one …

Member Avatar for saurabh2007
Member Avatar for tabasaki

I am trying to create a program that will do address standardizing. I have to compare two files. One file is a master file that has all the correct info I will need to use. The other file is a collection of data received from seperate individuals. Not all individuals …

Member Avatar for tabasaki
Member Avatar for nileshjaiswal

[COLOR="Red"][B]Plz help me tell me how we can convert the C program in C++ I working on OCX(Active X controls) plzzzzzzzzzzz...............reply[/B][/COLOR]

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for john99

I have a from created to fill out and print. I have the form size set but when I run the program I cant scroll down to fill out the bottom part of the form. I have added a vertical scroll bar to my for but it does not move …

Member Avatar for cricket2030
Member Avatar for ITech

i have a project with lv buttons ..when i load it it says lv button .ocx cannot be loaded.i have copied tat lvbutton.ocx into my system32 directory and in start menu run i have done this too regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\lvButton.ocx it also succeeded..but still it says that lv button.ocx cannot be …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for leroi green

ok guys, I've got an issue where a computation is just not working but I've used the same set up in other programs and don't truly understand the deal with this one. at the beginning of the below if (the whole program lower) statement i find if a number is …

Member Avatar for leroi green

The End.