10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for MagicBytes

Hello there, how can I [COLOR="red"]SendKeys[/COLOR] to the same window with out having to run a new instance of it every time I click on the command button on my form ? [COLOR="Green"]Private Sub [/COLOR]Command1_Click() Shell "notepad", vbNormalFocus SendKeys "This is a test string" [COLOR="green"]End Sub[/COLOR] The code above keeps …

Member Avatar for djjaries
Member Avatar for vitchu2003

Hello Friends, I need to store 4text files(diff location) into MYSQL Database., then i access 4 locations data.Here i attached 2 text files. 1. report cum export.txt file contain how i export single databade into text file 2.SalesHyd.txt file after i export the following step1. Now i need to read …

Member Avatar for priyala

Hi, I am using mysql as the backend. I am trying to retreive data from the mysql table into VB front end For EG: I have Id using id I do a select query and retrieve the value Can some one help me with VB code what do i do …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for edsat

hi there, I'm new here. I have a problem to open a form with variable. Help me Please

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for sal21

From a CICS application i send a txt file in dir c:\my_dir\test.txt my probem is when the job is finished... How to be sure when the file is updatable or movable from dir to other dir???

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for locsin

Hi I am COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENT. I created thesis project with a report using VB6 datareport and Access2000. The report works fine on my machine, but when i presented this to my instructor an error "Invalid Data Source" occurs when I installed the application on other machines without visual basic …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for nawaray

hi.... i did this form for sending emails... the form consists of: text boxex: from, to , subject , attachment... buttons: send , forward, ...etc when i fill the info and send the email it will go , but i don't know how to use the attachment , i have …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for lsleongps

Hi, I have been struggling to design a form, so that the form can be escalated from person A to person B, then person B to person C and so forth automatically. The person A only needs to click at a button (exp: confirmed?), then the form will be sent …

Member Avatar for lsleongps
Member Avatar for talablink

Hello everyone, can anyone tell me where i can find sample codes of basic vb programming of making a database..a sample program where it shows me how to add update search delete and all those stuff..or does anyone have that program here or show me anything? please cause i have …

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for mariegomez84

Hi, everybody! I'm working in Visual Basic 6 (NOT for excel application). I'm quite new in this and I'm trying to plot some curves in a graph. The point is that when I plot the curve the second time, the curve for the first time is still there!!! And I …

Member Avatar for mariegomez84
Member Avatar for purplestar86

Hi experts! I'm a newbie in this site and i wanted to ask for help in VB timers. We have a simple system about time monitoring. May i ask, what code will i use. if i clicked a command button (time in), it will run the time. then if i …

Member Avatar for Jx_Man
Member Avatar for DGULLIVER

Hi, I needed to add over 200 Class Modules to a DLL, Sounds crazy I know. The quickest way I found was to create a text file with the following class=myclass1;myclass1.cls class=myclass2;myclass2.cls class=myclass3;myclass3.cls class=myclass4;myclass4.cls etc etc... I then copied into the vbp directly. But I'm now getting an out of …

Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi all, I'm writing a program in vb 6.0 which copies all the files from a pen drive(USB). Problem is pen drive(USB) may reside on any drive letter depending upon the partitions done on hard disk and the availability of CD drive. How do I come to know as to …

Member Avatar for harryl5

Hey people! I have been using VB2008 since it came out now, and have also used the 2005 version, but I was just wondering, if there is ANY way to create a Chat Application, or any way to create an IM service. Please help me :) Thanks x

Member Avatar for Jugortha
Member Avatar for Debasis Bag

Dear Sir I have project on vb 6.0 and want to generate report in html page I have knowledge on html but I can't do it through code Please help with a sample code Thanking you Debasis Bag

Member Avatar for choudhuryshouvi
Member Avatar for aminpr

Hello guys Im working on this project were I have to make the shape of my inicials "HIP" then make the letter H rotate on its center against the clock + make it rotate clock wise around the letter "I". I also have to make the letter "P" move up …

Member Avatar for aminpr
Member Avatar for Debasis Bag

Dear Sir I have knowledge on html but I can't make a report in html format through vb 6.0 code Now I am giving a Example: <html> <Body>"Debasis Bag"</Body> </html> above this example how to write code in vb 6.0 and print in htm format please help me wiht example …

Member Avatar for rajeshkhanna_in

Hi all, I'm writing a program in vb 6.0 which copies all the files from a pen drive(USB). Problem is pen drive(USB) may reside on any drive letter depending upon the partitions done on hard disk and the availability of CD drive. How do I come to know as to …

Member Avatar for evios

i have 1 function shown below: after O won the game, it will call the function below: [code]Private Sub OWins() Do playero=playero +1 loop GameOver = True Call GameIsOver MsgBox ("O Wins!") End Sub[/code] this function will show the player O won the games and reset the game. However, i …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for vikas1111

Hi All.. I am trying to access records and edit and save the changes .. Here is the code Private Sub cmd_edit_Click() Dim addnew As Boolean rsnew3.Open "select * from company", c, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rsnew3.addnew If text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox " enter the company name" text1.SetFocus rsnew3.Fields("text1").Value = text1.Text …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for werks

Hi experts this is an urgent question. how do you import and export database online? I have 2 equal database. I uploaded my FrontEnd(OPAC) and Database online. I have also a same database in my BackEnd(VB6) located in my computer. My problem is how do i update both database in …

Member Avatar for werks
Member Avatar for urmip

I need to show multi line address in a listview. I am using it in report format. I am able to show single line data but when i try to add multiline data, it shows it in the same line with boxes for chr(13) and chr(10). I want that it …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for JCVM

I found this code that I have to change to work as I need it to I have this event procedure to open a query that gives me the approvers based on the amount of the request so I open the approver Form that has the email addresses I need …

Member Avatar for Irmann

I have a problem about using find method in Excel VBA. Here is my program:- ____________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Dim MyProduct As Range Product = Range("F8").Value Set MyProduct = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Columns("E").Find(what:=Client, LookAt:=xlWhole) [COLOR="Red"]ActiveSheet.Cells(8, 8).Value = MyProduct.Columns("G").Value[/COLOR] End Sub ____________________________________________________________________________ > how can I pull data in Columns(G) to Cells(8,8) >the program …

Member Avatar for evios

I'm doing tic tac toe. I am planning to show the scores of the users and computers using the same form. So, for each time the user or the computer loop, i need to add a timer to it so that it can update the scores. Refer to the source …

Member Avatar for evios
Member Avatar for dragonheart

i am using some listboxes in my form to load data from textboxes.. in one text box , the entry is bit lengthier than others, but the list box size osnt enough to display the whole entry .. is there anyway in which i can increase the column width of …

Member Avatar for mahibha

hai i am working with vb6 with mapobjects2.4 and i wrote code for MaxFileBuffer Property and i also got the error message as ActiveX component cannot create object th code is as like below: Dim dc As New MapObjects2.DataConnection Dim geo As New MapObjects2.GeoDataset Dim layer As New MapObjects2.MapLayer Private …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bashir matovu
Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for vickyx

Hi, I am making a programme where I use a timer, I have 2 command buttons, one starting the timer, another stopping the timer, currently this works. But when i press the comand button starting the timer I want to have it reset to 0 because at the moment it …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for delete_at

[B][COLOR="Red"]Hello I am new to this site I wish you to help I use Visual Basic Version 6 and database ACCESS would connect database to the server So I can use the database in more than one device Example If the two fields in the database the First for the …

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The End.