10,993 Topics
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Hi im trying to load an Object well reading a file, But the code is not working I have used it several times but this time I am getting an error message "Invalid use of Property" and it is highlighting the 'Load' Function [CODE]Private Sub Terrain_Load() Dim intFileNum As Integer … | |
In my application i use adodc to connect with access database and have command button to show a report consisting of datas from that database. I also have command button to add datas in runtime. But in runtime when i call for show report firsttime it show what is in … | |
I need one more help Say suppose I have 3 records from database when i did a select query I need three values to be popualted in the three different text box . If I have four then i need four text box in the form How can I do … | |
hi guys, i am using vb6 as front end and oracle as back end for my project. i am using ADO to connect to oracle database. can u please help me with the code. my code is [B]Dim con As New ADODB.Connection Dim str As String Private Sub Command1_Click() str … | |
Hi im a student programmer and I was writing a program... and I need to beable to load a form from string variable like Private Sub cmdLoad_Click() dim strFormLink(99) as string strFormLink(1).Show End Sub That will not work... Have Any ideas(If you do I'd be really greatful I tried code … | |
how would i write this programme to calculate the average monthly sales figure for a single user like in one calendar year. A user will be asked to enter 12 sales figures (pounds & pence), one for each month of the year, and then the average monthly figure will be … | |
Hello there, how can I [COLOR="red"]SendKeys[/COLOR] to the same window with out having to run a new instance of it every time I click on the command button on my form ? [COLOR="Green"]Private Sub [/COLOR]Command1_Click() Shell "notepad", vbNormalFocus SendKeys "This is a test string" [COLOR="green"]End Sub[/COLOR] The code above keeps … | |
Hello Friends, I need to store 4text files(diff location) into MYSQL Database., then i access 4 locations data.Here i attached 2 text files. 1. report cum export.txt file contain how i export single databade into text file 2.SalesHyd.txt file after i export the following step1. Now i need to read … | |
Hi, I am using mysql as the backend. I am trying to retreive data from the mysql table into VB front end For EG: I have Id using id I do a select query and retrieve the value Can some one help me with VB code what do i do … | |
hi there, I'm new here. I have a problem to open a form with variable. Help me Please | |
From a CICS application i send a txt file in dir c:\my_dir\test.txt my probem is when the job is finished... How to be sure when the file is updatable or movable from dir to other dir??? | |
Hi I am COMPUTER SCIENCE STUDENT. I created thesis project with a report using VB6 datareport and Access2000. The report works fine on my machine, but when i presented this to my instructor an error "Invalid Data Source" occurs when I installed the application on other machines without visual basic … | |
hi.... i did this form for sending emails... the form consists of: text boxex: from, to , subject , attachment... buttons: send , forward, ...etc when i fill the info and send the email it will go , but i don't know how to use the attachment , i have … | |
Hi, I have been struggling to design a form, so that the form can be escalated from person A to person B, then person B to person C and so forth automatically. The person A only needs to click at a button (exp: confirmed?), then the form will be sent … | |
Hello everyone, can anyone tell me where i can find sample codes of basic vb programming of making a database..a sample program where it shows me how to add update search delete and all those stuff..or does anyone have that program here or show me anything? please cause i have … | |
Hi, everybody! I'm working in Visual Basic 6 (NOT for excel application). I'm quite new in this and I'm trying to plot some curves in a graph. The point is that when I plot the curve the second time, the curve for the first time is still there!!! And I … | |
Hi experts! I'm a newbie in this site and i wanted to ask for help in VB timers. We have a simple system about time monitoring. May i ask, what code will i use. if i clicked a command button (time in), it will run the time. then if i … | |
Hi, I needed to add over 200 Class Modules to a DLL, Sounds crazy I know. The quickest way I found was to create a text file with the following class=myclass1;myclass1.cls class=myclass2;myclass2.cls class=myclass3;myclass3.cls class=myclass4;myclass4.cls etc etc... I then copied into the vbp directly. But I'm now getting an out of … | |
Hi all, I'm writing a program in vb 6.0 which copies all the files from a pen drive(USB). Problem is pen drive(USB) may reside on any drive letter depending upon the partitions done on hard disk and the availability of CD drive. How do I come to know as to … | |
Hey people! I have been using VB2008 since it came out now, and have also used the 2005 version, but I was just wondering, if there is ANY way to create a Chat Application, or any way to create an IM service. Please help me :) Thanks x | |
Dear Sir I have project on vb 6.0 and want to generate report in html page I have knowledge on html but I can't do it through code Please help with a sample code Thanking you Debasis Bag | |
Hello guys Im working on this project were I have to make the shape of my inicials "HIP" then make the letter H rotate on its center against the clock + make it rotate clock wise around the letter "I". I also have to make the letter "P" move up … | |
Dear Sir I have knowledge on html but I can't make a report in html format through vb 6.0 code Now I am giving a Example: <html> <Body>"Debasis Bag"</Body> </html> above this example how to write code in vb 6.0 and print in htm format please help me wiht example … | |
Hi all, I'm writing a program in vb 6.0 which copies all the files from a pen drive(USB). Problem is pen drive(USB) may reside on any drive letter depending upon the partitions done on hard disk and the availability of CD drive. How do I come to know as to … | |
i have 1 function shown below: after O won the game, it will call the function below: [code]Private Sub OWins() Do playero=playero +1 loop GameOver = True Call GameIsOver MsgBox ("O Wins!") End Sub[/code] this function will show the player O won the games and reset the game. However, i … | |
Hi All.. I am trying to access records and edit and save the changes .. Here is the code Private Sub cmd_edit_Click() Dim addnew As Boolean rsnew3.Open "select * from company", c, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic rsnew3.addnew If text1.Text = "" Then MsgBox " enter the company name" text1.SetFocus rsnew3.Fields("text1").Value = text1.Text … | |
Hi experts this is an urgent question. how do you import and export database online? I have 2 equal database. I uploaded my FrontEnd(OPAC) and Database online. I have also a same database in my BackEnd(VB6) located in my computer. My problem is how do i update both database in … | |
I need to show multi line address in a listview. I am using it in report format. I am able to show single line data but when i try to add multiline data, it shows it in the same line with boxes for chr(13) and chr(10). I want that it … | |
I found this code that I have to change to work as I need it to I have this event procedure to open a query that gives me the approvers based on the amount of the request so I open the approver Form that has the email addresses I need … | |
I have a problem about using find method in Excel VBA. Here is my program:- ____________________________________________________________________________ Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Dim MyProduct As Range Product = Range("F8").Value Set MyProduct = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet2").Columns("E").Find(what:=Client, LookAt:=xlWhole) [COLOR="Red"]ActiveSheet.Cells(8, 8).Value = MyProduct.Columns("G").Value[/COLOR] End Sub ____________________________________________________________________________ > how can I pull data in Columns(G) to Cells(8,8) >the program … |
The End.