10,993 Topics
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Does anyone know what component I can use to create a Visual Basic (6) Program that can dial phone numbers? Thanks. | |
I am very new with VB and am using Access2000 to try to find a Table in ALL mdb's located under Z:\ and look in all mdbs in all folders and subfolders. I need not to see information but to have someone actually help me with this code. There has … | |
hello all while looking on msdn i noticed there was a visual basic express edition that can be downloaded??? i currently just have the (working edition that came with a book so i cannot turn a programe into an exe ,just for home /personel use) its not that clear on … | |
hi all i have a book using vbasic by babani books, it gives an example of a form with with one textbox,and 1 command button and code. but gives a referance as follows, before running code return to design form,select the print command button use ctrl+c ctrl+v and drag two … | |
Hi folks, this is what I want to do and I don't know how. I want to play a midi file in VB and in real time alter the voices of the channels whilst it is playing dependent upon user inputs - these will be determined by inputs from pressure … | |
im new to vb, i need to use vb6 to connect to local sql server with the local system account and get all the databases. ill be very thanksfull for any help. | |
Hi, I need to code a Log-In menu for multiple users, so that you can not only log-in, but register a user account as well...I dont know how to do this and where to start, so I need some help. Thanks. | |
Am trying to get a simple program to run to get it to set the default connection that i am setting up in win xp, making it in VB, need it to edit the registry to make the connection the default connection when ran. Can get it to make the … | |
I develop in Access 2002. I have some snags: - 1. I need to disable a menu item of a custom menu 2. I need to use bitmaps on my customised toolbars instead of the limited images provided by access. I have a dead line to beat...pls assist Email me … | |
hi all computer programming is one of those areas that i know absolutly zero about, how dialogue boxes/buttons and toolbars are created. so went to local library and got claton walnums vb6 for dummies, this comes with a learning edition of vb6. installed vb6 in vb6 there are toolbars/blank buttons … | |
Hi guys I have a a text box that is initialized with some value, let's say "William". When I run the program, the text box shows "William" of course, but what I want to do is to type something else, let's say "Vincent" and set this value as the default … | |
hi all have spent a lot of time recently trying to get the attatched programe to run. decided to start from scratch,went through the tutorial for vb6 on main page of functionx , tried a few examples and all are ok,except where i had put in code incorrectly. but this … | |
[Microsoft VB.NET Step by Step by Microsoft Press] This book has some good things and some bad things. Unfortunately I personally found it to be lacking some of the more critical coding practices I was interested in. But at the same time it does have some good points. Good: -Good … | |
I get very large binary print files that need to be sent directly to the Windows spooler. If the file is less than 2GB, I get LOF (or FileLen) and divide that by a defined buffer size. A segment of the input file is read into the buffer and then … | |
Hi, quick question: Is it possible for vb6 to receive an answer from PERL via a return statement? Let me expand: The thing is, I have a CGI script that I would like to send data to a VB application. I know VB can "call" the script by making an … | |
I need code to print a PDF present in a folder to the local printer using VBA in word. Can any help me with the code. Thanks in Advance Vignesh N | |
I have a commondialog on my form, 1 textbox, 1 command button. I want to show the path of a link(link file) on the textbox using the commondialog? how should I? When I write the following code, I get the path of the actual file and not the path of … | |
I want the timer to set the interval in hours or minutes and not in milliseconds. I get the following error when I set the interval as in minute as Timer1.Interval = 60000 * 5 "Run-time error 380, Invalid Property Value" | |
Hi All, I want to update an attribute in LDAP using VB. when i try to do this using the obj.get property I get the message: 'The active directory property cannot be found in the cache'. How to sort out this error' Thanks for any help | |
hi all i wish to create a simple programe that does the following. to be able to calculate the circumferance of any given circle and divide by chosen degrees over 360 degrees. have tried simple programe by typing in the immediate window. giving a radius of 10 as follows,and using … | |
I HAVE TO HAVE THIS DONE BY TODAY ---Here Goes---ALL HELP REALLY TRULY APPRECIATED I WILL PRAY FOR YOU ASWELL!! Produce a vb application that incorportates a class module that will hold two pieces of information about 6 company employees. the information is their new salary and a short description … | |
Here is one for you I am able to password protect an Access database. I have even been able to password protect forms and reports but I seem to be having a problem password protecting Access sub switchboard forms. I am setting up a database and I want to password … | |
I always open a file just before it it written to, then close it as soon as practical. I have always wondered what would happen in this scenario:- Your program is on a server and two people use a shortcut from their stations to run it. All the file access … | |
:rolleyes: Good Day all. I am new to This forum and VB Programming. I am trying to set up a database for use with my hobbies. Perfin collecting (stamps). I want just the perfin pattern stored in the database, so i can do searches by cat number OR the perfin … | |
Hi, I do a lot of VB programming on my own, and have gotten pretty decent at it. From time to time, a couple of people have asked me how much I would charge them for a specific program. Has anyone done this before, where they take "jobs" on their … | |
Hi, I need some help on a school project regarding visual basic. mind giving me some ideas on what mini project we can do ? Actually i got a ideas of making a pop3 portal because my school pop3 cilent looks sucky so our group intend to revamp them Cheers … | |
hi all.. could u pls help me in sorting out this......... i want to update a attribute in LDAP using VB...... how can i do this........ thanks in advance for ur help | |
Hi I have a problem when filtering this acces database, this is what i have found so far: 1. when i do it with one criteria it works 2. when i concatenate two clauses with direct values it works 3. but when i assign a variable instead of direct values … | |
I am trying to write a VB program that will detect if audio is coming into the microphone or line-in ports. Perhaps one way to do this is to read the ADC register which constains digitized samples and verifying that it doesn't equal 0x0000? I have never done anythign like … | |
I have a VB app that uses the ITC control to download a files from an FTP site. It works fine on Windows 2000 but it will not connect to the FTP site on an XP machine. It most likely has something to do with the SP2 firewall but I … |
The End.