10,987 Topics

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Member Avatar for Ghost1330

[I]Private Sub File1_Click() [/I] [B](<.....It usally highlights that)[/B] File1.Pattern = ("*.wmv;*.mp3;*.wma;*") Else: without File1.Pattern = ("*.*") End If If Right(File1.Path, 1) <> "\" Then FileName = File1.Path + "\" + File1.FileName Else FileName = File1.Path + File1.FileName End If End Sub The Error is Runtime 424 Object Required and i …

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Member Avatar for Gunapriya

hi all.. could u pls help me in sorting out this......... i want to get Ldap connection using VB...... and also want to check whether the connection is established. how can i do this........ thanks in advance for ur help

Member Avatar for Gunapriya
Member Avatar for amir_ct2001

i have used crystal reports in vb5.but there is problem in generating report footer.becas there is no heading like report footer but summary is there but it is displayed before pagefooter at last page. how can i generate after page footer in last page

Member Avatar for mwaora

AM trying to use a string "0000" to generate an auto number. i.e 0000 +1 to increment to 0001. how do i achieve this.

Member Avatar for vhinehds
Member Avatar for ortizSr

Gentlemen: I need help in solving the following problem: A form that display 10 textboxes calls for 6 variables to be given by the User. Below are all the variables in the program, but only the ones called for on the form are highlighted. [B]1.Dim Price As Currency[/B] - Starting …

Member Avatar for StephenHancox

Im trying to send the following string to refresh a crysal report but sadly I receive the error message 'Run Time Error 20515 - Error In Formula <Record_Selection>'{ProgrammeSummary.ProgrammeNumber}=AV137' A number, currency amount, boolean or string is expected here. Any suggestions? Many thanks, Stephen Dim sSelect As String sSelect = "{ProgrammeSummary.ProgrammeNumber}=" …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for chan

[FONT=Arial]i am working with VB6. i used ADODC recordset. in my Form there is some text box and command bottom. it is about Student Data for example. it can view and add new record. i want a view after adding new record.so how can i refresh DataBase record from Access …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for ewomack

Hello, this is more of a general question, but how much VB6 or under do you all run into out there in the real world? I'm guessing quite a lot since .NET has a monstrous learning curve. Myself, I still support VB6 on the job and I've needed to keep …

Member Avatar for yni420
Member Avatar for williamrojas78

Hi i have a form with a mschart and a msflexgrid in it. What i want to do is that when the form is maximized, scale these two components and move the rest of them (command buttons, combo boxes, etc) I would apprecciate your help

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Member Avatar for williamrojas78

Hi all. I have this ADO connection to an acces 97 database and I need to filter some of the data. I can connect and I can read and write to this database, but the filtering option is giving me a hard time. I have tried but i don't know …

Member Avatar for fozzle

Hi I am not a vb programmer but I am attempting to code something that will read in a spool file, change a couple of words and then write it out again. It works fine when I'm not changing the length of the file but if I need to change …

Member Avatar for w00dy
Member Avatar for Tovabi

Ok I really need help with macro's in VB. I have no knowledge of them what so ever so I was wondering if any of you could either link me to a macro tutorial (I've been searching for about 13 days for one, I can't find anything) or tell me …

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Member Avatar for hgim

I need help to create a delete form and search for the banking system. I have created a add form for the users now i need to create delete and search form for the project. i have put the codes inside the attachment of the zip file. thanks.

Member Avatar for hatem
Member Avatar for Nomiree

Sorry, I am a beginner at Visual Basic, and have had to create this project as part of a school task. It keeps coming up with "argument not optional" on the calls tp checkcards and determinewinnings. I don't knkow what this means really, and I don't know how to fix …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for bouzahme
Member Avatar for dancraggs

Hi there! I'm having some trouble with the Winsock control. I'm trying to connect to a POP3 server. Problem is, I have the winsock.Connect function, then the DataReceived event SHOULD be called (the POP3 welcome message upon connection), and then after the Connect function I have other things that read …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for GGKauten

I have a program that imports table names into a treeview, however the problem I am having is it will only import 10 table names then stop. I have 26 table names to import. Is there a away to get around this without having to split it into three different …

Member Avatar for hatem
Member Avatar for vhinehds

hello everyone! let me get straight to the point...we have one department in my work here using SAP system. first of all is there a way for me to connect to SAP? second, is there any ocx available for VB6 in connecting to SAP? lastly, can someone help me please...thanks …

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Member Avatar for amentyct

Do any users know liberty basic, which is a lot like VB, but with diffrent commands. does liberty basic let you put in varables in its LINE statment like this: graphicbox #main.draw, 10, 10, 255, 255 open "Graphicbox example" for dialog as #main print #main.draw, " home ; down" print …

Member Avatar for Sparkplug188
Member Avatar for sham
Member Avatar for sham

Hello, I am working on encryption/decrypt Logic based program. The requirement is such that I have launch required document/image thr' VB, so I am using WshShell.Run to lauch the required App. WshShell.Run has an argument blnWaitOnReturn, I am keeping this True since I want to know when user finishes editing …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for mrmike

I'm busy writing an application for work which needs to connect to a list of our servers and check some ports to ensure the correct ones we require are open and ones we don't use are closed. I'm using winsock and checking for a connection and the results are being …

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Member Avatar for aaron_tan

I desperately need help on data type conversions. I am working on converting a set of codes in Visual Basic to C but i'm faced with a lot of problems dealing with strings. Can anyone help me out here? Below is the code I have in Visual Basic. [CODE]Private Function …

Member Avatar for aaron_tan
Member Avatar for Phreak

Hi All, Before i start asking for advice on this just a quick mention to comatose to say thank you for all your previous help. Cheers.. Also just to say i believe my problem i pm'd you about has been resolved.. (i need to be a little more carful, i …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for purplegerbil

I have a list box containing a list of field names. The user would select/hi-light a number of these so they can find out quantities. The file the fields are from is in csv format ie: List box contains- Title Initial Surname Address1 Address2 Media Code Ref Number If the …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for w00dy

Hi All, I wrote a guitar-related program, one of the options is a guitar tuner which works fine, each note is in a separate 3second wav file. However, when I tried to write an option to play a full chord i.e. play 6 files, one after the other, only the …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for C. Raghuraja

The text in the Combo box has lenthly text, but combo box has no horizondal scroll bar. I want to Add Horizondal Scroll bar to Combo Box. Advanced Thanks Raghuraja

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Member Avatar for madmital

Hi. I'm a long time asp-developer, but fairly new to VB so I don't know all the trick yet. My problem: I'm writing a program that fetches file and directory information from a given drive/location and stores information in an array for further processing. During this procedure the application sometimes …

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Member Avatar for evsanga

Hello I have ASP files in one web server and dll's in vb6 that connects to sql in another server. I would like to know if there are needed any specified component in order the application, asp pages that call a main dll that references another dll's and that connect …

Member Avatar for cx323

[code]Private Sub LoadList_Click() lstList.Clear CmDialog1.DialogTitle = "Load Your List" CmDialog1.InitDir = App.Path CmDialog1.flags = &H4 CmDialog1.Filter = "Lists (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files(*.*)|*.*" CmDialog1.ShowOpen Call xLoadList(CmDialog1.FileName, lstList) End Sub[/code] when i try to compile my program it says "argument not optional" and highlights "Call xLoadList". will someone help me with this? thanks

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The End.