10,993 Topics

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Member Avatar for Lapari

Hi there, I am working on an assignment that I have to create a menu. The user is suppose to select the menu and change form color. But I have no idea how to that. Help please. Anyone?

Member Avatar for Lapari
Member Avatar for QB_Pete

A friend of mine wrote me a great dialer routine in VB-5. It works with mscomm32.ocx perfectly on my Win98 and XP but I cannot get it to work on my Win95. The error code is 8018 unable to dial on any commport. Operation valid only when the port is …

Member Avatar for NewVBguy

Hi there, I want to center the caption of a form and make the caption bold. Can anyone show me how to do this... Many thanks.... Newvbguy

Member Avatar for NewVBguy
Member Avatar for lostprophet

hi there, i ve got a visual basic project that is being linked to an access database. i ve already got a search function working to populate text box's with the information from one table in the relational access database. i am using the ADODC control to connect to the …

Member Avatar for NewVBguy
Member Avatar for jaso55

I really need help with putting in additional features in Excel, i also wanted to know what other codes i could put in apart from Screenupdating. I really need help as it is very important for my work. Thanks

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for tricia

Hi, I have 2 variables defined in a code module as public which are used in the same 3 sub procedures. While the first variable is ok, when I debug, the second variables comes up "variable not defined"! Can anyone help? PS I'm a researcher using VB to design experiments …

Member Avatar for tricia
Member Avatar for bushlink

kindly assist me oh how to store voice files in an access database and later reference them as needed.

Member Avatar for Kiba Ookami

Hello all! I'm a year one programming student who is currently finishing up his first year, and heading into AP! We only really work with VB in our corse, and we're not moving too fast, so I had a question I'd hope was answerable. Is it possable to cause a …

Member Avatar for uniquestar
Member Avatar for JB1

Dear all, I have a question around the issue of using VB6 to access MS Access databases. Can VB6 be used to open access 2002, retrieve data from and input data into a table? The following code keeps on giving me the message of "Unrecognised database format" error code 3343. …

Member Avatar for uniquestar
Member Avatar for jksmithyuk

Im wondering if anyone can suggest a solution to my problem. Im simply trying to connect to a database through VB 6 and add a new record and populate one of the fields. Any help would be great. The code below throws up error message 'Current Recordset does not support …

Member Avatar for uniquestar
Member Avatar for robert_sun

Hi, guys, I have a MS access database with my contacts details in there. In visual basic, how do I get my records show on in the outlook contacts folder so that if I change one item in contacts folder, it will also change the linked record in the database …

Member Avatar for Tom Pilk

I've produced an exe file in visual basic - (recently downloaded as beta version) When I run it it will start up an excel file - runs fine on my computer but when I try it on another I get error message that dotnetfx must be installed. Can I alter …

Member Avatar for mcldev
Member Avatar for ghaney1
Member Avatar for ghaney1
Member Avatar for cwickam

I am trying to find the best way to program a timeshare inventory. Here is the problem, one unit has the possibility of being sold annually, odd or even years. If the unit is sold for just even or odd, I then need the open inventory to reflect the opposite …

Member Avatar for cwickam
Member Avatar for esox

I have a TINY program that calculate odds for me, in qbasic! Would like to convert this into a VB .exe-file...how do I do? Here is the source CLS PRINT PRINT PRINT "Odds for 1:a"; INPUT a PRINT PRINT "Odds for X"; INPUT b PRINT PRINT "Odds for 2:a"; INPUT …

Member Avatar for nicole0904

Is there a way to have information in quotes display in a label? If I have a sequential file with "Question one:","The answer is "A"." and I want it to display as Question one: The answer is "A". Is there a way to have it not read the "" around …

Member Avatar for echelon

I have a project due involving a problem from my textbook. In the text they want a list of all students for a carpool. They want me to get the info from an input file and print only the students from the local city (Huntley). They also want me to …

Member Avatar for echelon
Member Avatar for dimuthubas

Hi.. I have done some programs in VB6 (SQL Database). With the Crystal report (Vertion 4). Now I wanted to do these things with Crystal-9. But the procedure to pass values to “Formulas

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Member Avatar for dexterz

I finally got the time to redesign the Visual Basic API section of my site. I added an ASP scripts to colorize the VB code to look exactly as if you were working on MS VB. I built this apps for my own personal use, but everyone are free to …

Member Avatar for tbartoli

After compiling a QBasic program, an object code file is created (.obj). My question is: How do I look at that file? I've tried opening it with a number of different programs, but all I get is gibberish. Thanks for any help....

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for tomex

hi every am anew guy in all this stuf however i want to connect to an access 97 data base with a password through visual basic 6 however each time i try to connect it give me an error i put in the correct username and password can some one …

Member Avatar for dimuthubas
Member Avatar for dreyes67

I am a new user to VB so forgive any simple questions. I just created a tool that will display the Job Number, Requested by, Status, Group, Operator. As this database has about 50-75 requests added to it daily and with luck we process them all or 90% of them …

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Member Avatar for Seyha Eng

Hi, I have code to open program that work(on attach files). My problem is when I change code to open another file it error. Ex: Right code: Call Shell(li & "\" & "Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office10\POWERPNT.EXE", 1) Error code: Call Shell(li & "\" & "aa.pdf", 1) Error say:"Invalid procedure call or …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for ncc1701d

hi I need help with docking app to side of screen. Anyone have idea how to do? I have no clue. Any any terminology, code, tutorials you know of? I use Visual basic. I am NOT refering to permanent positioning with form coordinates and not talking about docking controls within …

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for jlinden

I have a database in access that allows user to create a record that uses the autonumber to create the primary key. On occassion, the autonumber generates a key, but the user may later choose to undo the insertion of that record. This all works fine except, after the user …

Member Avatar for casterhack

Hello to all Programmer i have a problem in ADO, every time i going to load the 200,000 record in Visual Basic it so very slow, its consuming a time for 1 Minute and 30 second, what are the solution for that? in Delphi 5 its only 3 Second and …

Member Avatar for koolsid
Member Avatar for StephenHancox

Hi, Im trying to populate a listbox with 3 database fields in a row such as Name, Address, Tel at the moment Im creating 3 recordsets for each field and them adding them to the listbox but it looks like Joe Bloggs In a House 2452345 John Smith In a …

Member Avatar for Buff
Member Avatar for nicole0904

How do I import a picture from a sequential file. I want the sequential file to have the pathname and filename and that to load the picture as the image.

Member Avatar for Comatose
Member Avatar for huckbird

hello everyone please can someone help me. i am trying to help my school produce a voting system so that we can vote for various things using computers but i am only a beginner at visual basic and keep getting compile errors. i have tried and recently been very stressed …

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Member Avatar for bcheath_1

[b]How should I go about creating a calendar?[/b] [b]I am creating an application for a client that requires a calendar similar to the one found in Microsoft Works. [/b] [b]The client needs to be able to add an appointment or special event and that event visible be displayed on the …

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The End.