10,649 Topics
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I needn't even explain it, look it up. You needn't to click anything, just zoom-in 10%, then zoom out as far as you can, and notice how table cell and a div, go full on agression. View website itself under `5millionpixels-##.comlu.com`, (no I'm not a bot, but files are PHP, … | |
I have created a footer with links for the major pages of the "upgrade" to my choir's website. It displays perfectly in Chrome and Firefox but the alignment is bad in IE10 (I don't doubt IE 9 and earlier makes a bigger mess of the whole page.) Edge dislpays the … | |
How to Change an input’s HTML5 placeholder color with CSS? ![]() | |
i have image templates of the mobile app i want to develop, is there anyway to turn these into a html5 app without any processing | |
hello daniwebers... I am really stuck with this design of tables for calendar. Here is the thing...there are employees in a specific company. Each employee accepts customers of the company per day. The number of customers is limited by the doctor on a day by day basis. So for e.g. … | |
Moving my [Vivaldi](http://www.vivaldichoir.org/index.php) choir pages to use .php to include for common elements as per [Mayne Island Conservancy](http://www.conservancyonmayne.com) (see open question from 3 days ago) & have noticed some anomolies in IE 11. Any help would be appreciated on this and my open query on "Mobile Display" I intend to … | |
Hi ! My website is working as intended on bigger screen, but at @media screen and (max-width: 767px) following happens: on firefox website still works fine but on google chrom the design cracks; <div class="menubar1"> extends out of <div class="topnavibar"> Anyone sees where i made the mistake ? My index.html: … | |
I decided to put my navigation section into another file and retrieve it via html includes, so it will be easier to service if changes need to be done , as the navigation section is shared amongst several sites. My index site used to work well, but now that i'm … | |
Hello everyone, Can anyone tell me How do I update my Domain's DNS Records? Regards | |
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Hey, I need to make a bootstrap footer like the one on the bottom of this site http://drantipov.com/ . (I'm using Bootstrap v2.3.2. I'm using this version because my website looks compact and small - the way I need this. But when I try to use Bootstrap v3.3.5 - new … | |
Dear Folks ! I´m having problems with my navigation at different screensizes. At current level the navigation display is nearly the way i want it for the bigger screensizes. But at media querry @media screen and (max-width: 320px) I want the navigationlinks to stack horizontally which i managed to do … | |
How Can I Detect IPAD MINI IN HTML5? | |
What is difference between UL and OL in HTML? | |
Hi All, I'm trying to set up an application cache for offline viewing. I'm using a custom built mvc framework. I'm having trouble getting anything to work regarding the application cache. It's as though the .appcache file isn't even being picked up. My set up is as follows: referencing the … | |
![]() | Hello Daniweb fellows! I'm looking for a good guide to learn **step by step** how to convert an HTML/CSS layout with positions to a Joomla 3x Template! I design web interfaces but now I'd like to learn about this convertion for my future web projects! I don't like free templates... … ![]() |
I am having a huge problem. In my stylesheet I have: @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 700px) { code1 } @media only screen and (min-width: 1280px) and (max-width: 1400px) { code2 } my browser window is currently 640x960, so only code1 should run... right? But code1 and … | |
Hi I have "performed" my frst venture into html5 video using the [URL="http://camendesign.com/code/video_for_everybody"]video for everyone[/URL] and it works well in IE, Opera, Saf, Chrome, FF. I have one small question - Safari (at least on my windows laptop) seems to want to download the whole darn video before it shows … | |
Hello, just a question, have anyone tried the new language from Apple (Swift) as a web development tool? if so, what was the result? | |
Hello Guys, I have tried to make a Pure CSS Menu with Sub-Menus but I am stuck with one small (or big) problem. After I hover over my Link which has a Sub-Menu assigned to it, the Sub-Menu appears but if I try to go on it, it disappears. I … | |
Hello i'm not recieving any emails on my website. Can someone help me? Thank you. <div class="col-sm-6 col-md-8"> <form action="#" method="post" role="form"> <div class="col-md-6"> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Name"> </div> <div class="col-md-6"> <input type="email" class="form-control" placeholder="Email"> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Subject"> </div> <div class="col-md-12"> <textarea class="form-control" rows="6" placeholder="Message"></textarea> </div> … | |
Recently in an interview I was asked to design a "send invitation for an appointment to multiple contacts in a company". (Something similar to creating an Appointment in Outlook) Here is what I came up with, I would really appreciate some feedback, suggestions, questions. So, after asking few questions, the … | |
My goal is to populate my HTML table with SQL results that I pull from the below PHP code that I have written. Keep in mind that in reality my hostname, username and password variables do have string data in them. The first block is my PHP where I am … ![]() | |
Dear Daniwebbers, Hello. Noobie question. I am trying to figure out whether the following tasks are possible in front end development using only HTML, CSS and JavaScript: When Text box/Date box field is entered, it should be connected to all other relevant fields -- auto populate other relevant "textbox/date box" … ![]() | |
Hello i have created something in CSS but the position changes according to the resolution of the screen. Here is the code? I want them to remain in one place regardless the resolution here is the code #poster { width:25%; height:25%; position:absolute; z-index:0; } #poster img { -moz-border-radius: 50%; -webkit-border-radius: … | |
I want to make a website for sms posts using the same software script which the below mentioned websites are using : http://bestsmsmaza.com http://jokesmasti.com Though I have idea about Wordpress and Blogger but not getting idea which scripts these websites are using. I tried to explore source code but to … | |
registration table broker_id , email , affiliate_id.....etc 40 abc@gmail.com 9999 62 xyz@gmail.com 8888 affiliate_Stats table status_id , affiliate_id , banner_id , campaign_id , clicks impressioins , ctr , sale , sale_price, total_earned...etc 27 9999 3 0 0 1 0 29 9999 3 0 1 0 0 affiliate_chain id name recruitedby … | |
Hello! How to open a link in another page created? for example. <a href="" ><img src=""></a> <----- this image, to open in this -----> page. (this page have other design) Thanks in advance! | |
Hello everyone i started learning bootstrap for a while and i want to make close button for div boxes i have this code but the X button doesn't work: <div class="panel panel-default"> <table class="table table-hover"> <thead> <tr style="background-color: lavender;"> <th><button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-xs">Share</button></th> <th><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="panel" aria-label="close" id="hide">×</a></th> … | |
hi everyone ! I'm working on a network strategy game with 3 components one reffere will define the mission and 2 players will make moves and attacks in a turn based way . in the end of each turn , the reffere will generate a rapport of each player action … |
The End.