10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I would like to include bootstrap for both desktop and mobile phone for product category: When I check it once it only works in desktop if I only use this code (col-md-4) and if I use both code (col-md-4 col-xs-4) it does not work for both desktop and mobile …

Member Avatar for UK-1991
Member Avatar for chubbyy.putto

I know I should have try it first but I dont understand what is this asking about. My english is my very bad. Can you please telling in easy english. PLus this is very confusing. Please help me out Write a BNF grammar for the for statement of C. Assume …

Member Avatar for sepp2k
Member Avatar for happygeek

Just noticed that the blue burger menu is showing 'Web Applications' as a forum, but when you get there it is called 'Cloud-based Applications' instead.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Matthew_12

I can not get this program to compile, the problem lies in the method inputData. Does anyone see anything wrong it? #ifndef JEDI_H #define JEDI_H #include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <fstream> using namespace std; class Jedi { public: Jedi(string name, int maxHealth, int currHealth, int attackBonus, int defenseBonus); …

Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for Lalainealb

Hi, I have a website and quite a few members have suggested that adding a chat room would be a great idea. I'm searching for something I might be able to integrate well into my site. Has anyone tried RumbleTalk or C-box?

Member Avatar for Robin_7
Member Avatar for fonzali

I do not like the new design , tonight , I can not find the python forum . whose idea was this anyway ?

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Dani

So our new design is live, but it's *far* from complete. There were quite a handful of changes that needed to be made on the backend, and I needed everyone on the same layout before I could make changes to the code base. Otherwise, it would break the old design. …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for PulsarScript

Hi all.I got task to do,here are the details: A social network service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services Registered users may register and set up a PROFILE/ home page, photo etc. Please advise the steps,how it …

Member Avatar for midastouchwebs
Member Avatar for VarunPes

I am using javascript, Html, css, Bootstrap,than i want to implement customise product like upload photo on mug, t-shirt and other products. Than suggest me, how to implement this fearture.

Member Avatar for Петя
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hallo, I would like to make the grey background liquid whenever someone narrow down the web browser. Is there anyway to do it? Can anyone gives me advice how to do it? testimonial.php <div style="background-color: grey; width: auto; height: 150px;"> <div class="col-sm-1"><br><br> <img src="Images/testimonial/arrow2.jpg" width="30"> </div> <div class="col-sm-2"> <img src="Images/testimonial/person1.jpg" …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for lewashby

I'm working with MariaDB through PHPMyAdmin and I have a question about how I need to set up my database. For eash person in the table I am currently building I'll also need an array of date values. I don't think there is a way for me to setup a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for davecoventry

I have a form which has a series of label/input pairs. I'm trying to get these to line up. It's quite simple in tables: you just layout the table as follows: <table><tr><td>Your name</td><td><input name="name" type="text" /></td></tr> <tr>...</tr></table> If I try the same thing with CSS: <div class="row"> <lable class="label-left">Name</div> <div …

Member Avatar for davecoventry
Member Avatar for sallah.ul.din
Member Avatar for Aeonix

So, first the bug, numbers appear in vision of code field, "I spik no inglich good", so [here's the screenshot](http://oi61.tinypic.com/o5qsmh.jpg). I'm using Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS LiveCD (on USB 2.0) I'm using Google Chrome v45.0.2454.93. Screen resolution: 1366 x 768 Pixel-ratio: 1 Maybe a feedback: When I click [Code] button, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ddanbe

What is not so clear is how to vote. Well it is obvious and well done in the new version, but I'm not sure if I can vote for myself now.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for w33n

Hi Everybody, I was wondering if any of you know about alert window textual content. I am trying to disable where it says "from "xxxx.com" " line in the heading of the alert window? Also is there any way to customize it? For example, can I add a photo or …

Member Avatar for w33n
Member Avatar for venkyb

Choose a problem that interests you and which can be solved with a program. This problem will be the foundation for your homework assignments and presentation; this is the problem for which you will design a solution during this course. Your chosen problem should be of reasonable complexity. If a …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for can-mohan

Hi All, Usually in factory method we need to check the existance of object based on given argument and then need to return the object and due to this we need to have multiple if and else statement and while adding one more type then again one more else block …

Member Avatar for rubberman
Member Avatar for theonlylos

I am currently trying to roll out a custom Wordpress site for a client (it's currently being hosted at [url]http://cjcdigital.net/clients/andrea/[/url]) however I've been having trouble getting the sidebar to position next to the content. I've tried resizing everything so it fits within the wrapper and much more, but nothing I …

Member Avatar for double_virginia
Member Avatar for Nmalik1

Do you know about this new term of " Responsive website design ", How it is beneficial for SEO work. Please let me know if you have any idea about it. Thanks in Advance !

Member Avatar for Shyamalanissi
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, Can anyone help me fix this code for about page: http://www.innovation.web.id/One/about.php Cek the part that has 4 circle and that grey areas. I would like to be able to work both in desktop and android. about.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>About</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for Khalilur_1

Hi, I am new in web designing, but freequetnly facing problem with embedding video in my html5 web site. It is browers problem also. If chrome show, internet explorer does'nt show. I am looking for standard embeding code what will help me show my video on all major browsers.

Member Avatar for Ashley_9
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I would like to fix my bootstrap code on this web browser. I wonder why on android : http://www.innovation.web.id/One/blog.php my footer and navigation bar does not filled in the whole screen. It seems like there is a fix width for android whereas the my blog article width seems wider …

Member Avatar for Ashley_9
Member Avatar for Latrell_vie

I want my body tag to be in vertical italian flag color therefor i need color green to cover 33% of the screen , then i need color white to cover another 33% under color white and color red to cover the remaining 33% of the screen and this pattern …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for Lakhbir

Hello, In sort by relevance mode, my cse at [website](http://www.besttubesites.tk) displays label "relevance" out of box and when label "date" is selected, it displays correctly. Pure CSE's html and css code displays correctly, whereas when I add it to my site the above problem occurs. Some css or javascript at …

Member Avatar for Lakhbir
Member Avatar for pro-tek
Member Avatar for happygeek

[ATTACH=RIGHT]22199[/ATTACH]Ever wondered just how many domain names there are on the Internet? DaniWeb has, and can reveal the answer as being an almost astonishing 215 million worldwide. According to global Internet infrastructure provider and domain registrar Verisign, more than five million domain names were added to the total during the …

Member Avatar for Portia_1
Member Avatar for Saeed_5

hi, when i change the height attribute of canvas tag in http://www.anthonyterrien.com/knob/ , for example in this section: data-width="100" data-display Input=false change the height from 200 to 100 or 150 , (with inspect elements) everything is gone . how can i change the height without any affect on the element …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, Can anyone help me cek this code? I find it strange that when I open my website on an android web browser. The website appears differently. It does not fit the whole horizontal screen as I expect it. http://responsivetest.net/#u=www.innovation.web.id/One|908|948|2 about.php <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>About</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> …

Member Avatar for davy_yg
Member Avatar for Leslie_1

Some time ago, while trying to learn python, I stumbled across coursera.org. Via coursera.org, I found two python courses. They are free to follow, to enroll, and to enjoy. Since then, I took a refresher course in Linear Algebra, Compiler Design, Algorithms, and Converting from C to C++. Each course …

Member Avatar for Vincentas

The End.