10,650 Topics
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Hello everyone has in the past this site has been helpfull for any kind of project that i´ve done well, now it´s time for make some charges for the time that i been spending on those projects but i don´t know how, please ¿can you help me to make a … | |
So the goal is to make a responsive coming soon page with a full screen image (mmedia queries will serve different screen sizes with different versions of the same image). sounds easy enough, but somehow I've made a black band at the top of my page (on mobile devices) that … | |
I have a project that uses DirectSound to play streaming sound. I use SetThreadpoolWait to get a threadpool callback every time the notification (AutoReset) events are signalled. (To fill the streaming buffer with more audio). The new Win7 threadpool API requires you to use SetThreadpoolWait to schedule a new wait … | |
Dear All, I am working in Windows 7 Application Migration team. I need to migrate apps from IE 8 to IE 11. Requirement is 1. During Mouse Hover IE 11 buttons should look like IE 8 buttons. In IE 8 during mouse hover there was an orange border inside the … | |
hi, how can I add an image in title of the page and in the adress bar? please help ty | |
Hi all, Submitting forms to PHP is easy with Ajax. But what if I wanted to design my website to allow for JS-free web browsers? If I call a PHP file with Ajax, I might get an error message in return to dynamically add to the page, but if I … | |
Hello, I wonder which chat application you guys recommend? I would like to implement chat gadget to my trading website for people to talk with us. I would also like to have option for a custom design. Thanks! | |
Hi everyone! So we have a web application that some of our clients use to manage their account. Part of that means they can manage activities that their registered employees do. Right now we have a table that logs all of a customer's employees activities, even if they don't use … | |
hello, Some time ago i finish project for Residential Home Rendering With Landscape Design. View my project http://www.yantramstudio.com/3d-architectural-exterior-rendering-cgi-animation.html and suugest me.... | |
Hi I would like to display photos on my website so that they are regularly changed. For example every day, or once a week a different photo is displayed. when each photo has been displayed the sequence is repeated. Geoff | |
| Hi all, I will be building a web application that does a personnel data lookup, unfortunately using SSN. So I’ve been searching for how encrypt this data so that I do not use plaintext SSN in the application to accomplish this. I found this article: http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/sql/IntroductionToSQLServerEncryptionAndSymmetricKeyEncryptionTutorial.aspx . Does this mean … |
Hi all, Actually, this question is not related to some coding or logic from my project. But, as I am doing hard and harder projects (acc. to me & my exp.), I am focussing more on design part of my projects. When I present my design to team members for … | |
Hey guys. Sorry I'm a complete stranger to Web design. I recently started my own company with website. Used godaddy drop and paste option. However it doesn't give me full functionality I need without code. What I need is a table 4 columns across and say 10 down. People need … | |
1. Design a system for an electronics retail store which sells different brands of electronic items like TV, Fridge, Oven, Music System of different brands and styles. 2. You develop a menu driven system which looks like as given below: s. Sell g. Generate Bill c. Cancel the sale r. … | |
I'm using wamp on MS-Windows 7, and inside www folder I created cgi-bin folder and put some files in it. When I go to Chrome I enter localhost/cgi-bin and it responds >The requested URL /cgi-bin/ was not found on this server. There are other folders in www and it can … | |
Hey fellas. I've been using Windows as my main OS since I sat on an PC with win 95. Now I think is time to finally change to Linux! The main reason I didn't change sooner was because the .NET dev env, but now there's Mono. So, I really would … | |
I was curious if anyone knew how to utilize a .ttf file? I would like to create an image with a particular font but I am not sure exactly how to use it. E | |
I have following (really long) statement: > When I develop website that is entirely compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer 9, and make it work foulless, I'll make sure that website doesn't require JavaScript to run, and I will make it work entirely without it. Afterwards I will add CSS3 little … | |
HI guys, What is the best textbook for CCNA security preparation? | |
1. Crystal Reports SAP Crystal Reports is known as a robust production reporting tool. With SAP Crystal Reports, you can create powerful, richly formatted, dynamic reports from virtually any data source, delivered in dozens of formats, in up to 24 languages. SAP Crystal Reports turns almost any data source into … | |
Database systems and Administration Scenario: PEC offers several programs. Each program is supervised / chaired by a Head of the department (HoD) who is a lecturer. One HoD can lead only one program. There are several departments for each program. Many modules are offered by each department. Few departments are … | |
Hi, I needed some assistance on this program I am working on. First its about putting airplanes into gates, if no gates are open the print airport full. Right now mine simulates all the arrivals and departures. I show it put it will change when I implement the Stack. The … | |
Hello..am learning web designing have learnt html and css,please I like to learn step wise,so which other package do I continue with,because now I lime to create a responsive website... | |
I need to transform between two different database schema the same data. For example i have one table in old schema looking like this: OLD EMPLOYEE TABLE USER_ID - NUMBER (PRIMARY KEY) FIRST_NAME - VARCHAR(50), (NOT NULL) LAST_NAME - VARCHAR(50), (NOT NULL) CITY - VARCHAR(50), (NOT NULL) and i need … | |
I am trying to design a calculator. I want to use the Kryptonbutton from the Krypton Component Suite. This is the code I have so far to display 0-9 in the calculator display. Private Sub KryptonButton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles KryptonButton1.Click, KryptonButton2.Click Dim b As Button = sender … | |
Hi, I have a scenario like XYZ company is creating a User management System , which allows to purchase for different company , so based on the package the system provides options to save last three or five user password to check and the max is ten . XYZ---| Total … | |
HI guys, the tiems has come for me to renew my photography site as it's really "dated", so much so that's it's not even responsive...eh eh. In anycase, I'm still at the design really, but I was thinking to have some sort of lightbox/slideshow plugin to display the pictures rather … | |
Hi Folks, I have a small issue with css that I need help with. I have a rating system on a project. My css is set up to display grey stars that can be hovered over which turn to blue stars until selected, although when I select 1 star, the … | |
See my website and give me some hints for marketing this websites. | |
Hi everyone, I've no idea how to design the grid layout like this : ![unnamed.png](/attachments/small/3/47d9a91730b2938e6dc33cc5102761ec.png "align-left") My image is square and I want to make it responsive to mobile and tablet. I only have title, price and image in one grid. Any can help me on this kind of design? … |
The End.