10,643 Topics

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Member Avatar for Casjen

I'm trying to build a website with Weebly. I am currently searching the web far and wide to try to figure out how to create a sticky navigation bar and insert it into the style sheet, but everything I try won't work. I have a website header with the logo, …

Member Avatar for Zill_1
Member Avatar for sukritinfotech

What is the technique to write good content for our websites? Please give details.

Member Avatar for Rachel Stinson
Member Avatar for CreatorZeus

So im trying to make a background switch by adjusting the z-index with a hover. I got it to work on one of my pages but the second page has more stuff on it and is too complex. Maybe im just over looking what im suppose to fix. First, the …

Member Avatar for AndrisP
Member Avatar for Max_28

Hi guys, I have the further problem. I created the project in Mpobirise app nad published it to my server via FileZilla. In some time I needed to change the project a bit. Now I can't find it neither on my PC nor in the application. Could you please help …

Member Avatar for gentlemedia
Member Avatar for jej1216

I have a website that lists pdf files for downloading, with links to each file. What I want to do now is design a search page that will look in the folder that contains these docs and search for docs that match a partial name. I have created search pages …

Member Avatar for Ray Paseur
Member Avatar for alexgrover

Hi, Simple HTML code with few DIVs. See below the code. When window resized, One DIV overlaps with other and it looks messy. I could not figure out the problem. I tried to change position to relative and no it overlaps. Can someone please point out the problem in the …

Member Avatar for LearnTheNew
Member Avatar for Rafael

Web languages — HTML, CSS and JavaSscript are the best choice for kids and for amateur programmers, because they are very simple, and with them you can create many interesting things: sites, mobile and desktop applications, web servers and robotics — what else an amateur programmer needs for happiness? **Visual …

Member Avatar for LearnTheNew
Member Avatar for Maddison
Member Avatar for happygeek

Huge congrats Dani, the new DaniWeb is not only looking slick and on-trend but actually *feeling* so much better to use, more powerful and more professional. I'm loving it so far! A BIG thank you from me for all the hard work you've put into this.

Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

I think this guy has made some excellent points in [this article](http://tonsky.me/blog/disenchantment/).

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi,i've designed a website. It seems okay on my laptop screen. But when i try to open it on the larger screen or on the smaller screen,the width of my website does not longer fit the screen's width. Why is this happen?do i need to always use "%" for the …

Member Avatar for spy_1
Member Avatar for sashiksu

Hello everyone. I want to build a special form. It has different kind of input types text, radio,select and combo boxes. Specility of my need is this. *I need to insert one element value as one record to database. Let's assume there are two textboxes and radio button group. It …

Member Avatar for kinhkha1984
Member Avatar for Toni_7

Hello, I am building a calculator in c++ windows application form, i want the calculator to handle multiple operator precedence (for example, 2+4*5/3). but i am not sure how to write the following code on my windows form project. Any suggestions would appreciated . #include <iostream> #include <conio.h> using namespace …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mattyd

When I submit a form and the page refreshes the password and password confirmation values are being displayed in the address bar. Why is this? Can anyone explain this and give me an idea how to suppress this behavior? Please see attached screenshot. Thank you in advance! ![pass12.jpg](/attachments/large/0/f9784f8c4ab7d06aef077fb0ecdc4988.jpg "align-center")

Member Avatar for Bhavna_2
Member Avatar for Didier_1

Hi, Recently I'm working for a Japanese company and taking a task from my boss: Research and get new ideas for UI-UX of a site Subaru Forester 2008 for sale : https://carfromjapan.com/cheap-used-subaru-forester-for-sale-year2008 . However I'm still a junior in Web development and Web design, so I really need to learn …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Mauricio_5

Hello, For some reason when I click on my simple input box, the input box does not accept focus. Has anyone has a solution fot this? Here is a link to the webpage: http://landbankrealestate.com/en/properties/lote-en-condominio-las-vueltas/ The only way I can enter data into the box is to use tab to highlight …

Member Avatar for Mauricio_5
Member Avatar for Mapper99

For some reason when I click on my simple input box, the input box does not accept focus. Has anyone seen this before? Here is a link to the webpage: www laudontech com / garmin Here is my code: [code=html]<form name="form1" method="POST" action="test5.php5"> </br> <P ALIGN=CENTER> <INPUT TYPE = "TEXT" …

Member Avatar for Mauricio_5
Member Avatar for Jack_30

I need a function that will create and store usernames and passwords for different students. Their programme should ask the user for their name and age and a username should be created, consisted of their name and age eg. Jack16. They then can make up their own password which then …

Member Avatar for benanamen
Member Avatar for Tickon

Hi, I'm looking for a simple way to let people leave comments (without even registering to the website) on my website. Any suggestions how I could do that? Thanks for your help!

Member Avatar for Janet_4
Member Avatar for ddanbe

I have a table with nutrient data(in Dutch) it looks like this ![Nutrient_table.png](/attachments/small/1/ea03b9085fe045894414a3101f2d6b4b.png "align-left") My DB design skills are very low, I only know Mr. Codd is lurking 'round the corner somwhere. Could anyone give me some hints on how to set up my tables or should I just usr …

Member Avatar for ddanbe
Member Avatar for esedee

Hello..please I need help on making my menu bar on my web page remains fix at the top whenever you scroll down the page

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Metrikhive
Member Avatar for Noname_1

Hi all, I have to solve a tripple sudoku. The program is supposed to solve the enlarged sudoku. We load 21 rows, each with 9 integers in the range <0.9>. Rows 1-9 (numbered so that the first line is numbered 1, etc.), 7-15 and 13-21 are to create a classic …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for SolidSolutions

I have a sticky header on my page by setting CSS to relative and z-index. When I go to print, the first page prints fine (header, with page content starting just below header). The following pages has header on top of content. How can I force content below header on …

Member Avatar for henk_2
Member Avatar for ajelliott

I have good design skills and want to create web pages but I dont want to do web development or programming. There is so much out there and so much of it is complicated. I want to keep it real simple. I have Dreamweaver but not a lot of time …

Member Avatar for Paul_49
Member Avatar for Robin_7
Member Avatar for vmars

Hello & Thanks , In my code below , why is it the Html code that the <div class="middle"> is specified BEFORE the <aside class="left-sidebar"> and the <aside class="right-sidebar"> ? Thanks..Vern OOPS! Forgot code , see next Reply .

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Phaelax

I have a fixed header followed by a list with various anchor tags. By default, the anchor will jump to the top of the browser. I need to offset this so it displays below the header. I found a solution online, but became quite annoyed once I found out that …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Himanshu Chawla

Here is my HTML Code: <div class="container"> <div class="row db-padding-btm db-attached"> <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-3 col-md-3"> <div class="db-wrapper"> <div class="db-pricing-eleven db-bk-color-one"> <div class="price"> <sup>$</sup>99 <small>per quarter</small> </div> <div class="type"> BASIC PLAN </div> <ul> <li><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-print"></i>30+ Accounts </li> <li><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-time"></i>150+ Projects </li> <li><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i>Lead Required</li> </ul> <div class="pricing-footer"> <a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for canonzone

his is an example of creating a semi-dynamic pie chart without the use of server-side imaging libraries [url]http://www.surfare.net/~toolman/temp/diagram.html[/url] CSS Diagrams Things to Do With CSS When You’re Bored at Work [url]http://komodomedia.com/blog/index.php/2005/08/24/creating-a-star-rater-using-css/[/url] Star Rater Creating a Star Rater using CSS [url]http://komodomedia.com/blog/index.php/2006/01/09/css-star-rating-part-deux/[/url] CSS Star Rating CSS Star Rating Part Deux [url]http://www.jluvip.com/works/css/starvote/index2-1.html[/url] Star …

Member Avatar for christian_8

The End.