10,643 Topics

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Member Avatar for Moirae

Hello everyone, I'm writing my degree-thesis (so I'm one step from graduation yay) about web photo galleries (especially flash galleries). Does anyone know any good sites where I can get some tips and stuff like that? Thanks!!!

Member Avatar for Moirae
Member Avatar for jowen@yahoo.com

[code=html]<html> <head> <title>web ko</title> </head> <body> <h1 align="center">INTERNSTIONAL SCHOOL OF ASIA AND THE PACIFIC</h1> </body> </html>[/code]

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for chowdarysmk

hai fndz, i face alignment problems vth css... anyone can help me.....in mozilla,but not striaght it show space between bullet symbols&text area...In IE7 ,no space between bullet symbol&text area...the pics are shown below (if any one ask code i also put it).how 2 correct alignment??/ plz help me............. Thank you

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for kirit275

does anybody know how to add animation in a website? i tried it using timeline in dreamweaver cs3 but its not working on mozilla firefox & internet explorer browsers. please help....

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for edsimon

Please, how do I integrate an IP surveillance camera to be viewed in an already existing Website?

Member Avatar for ryan12193

HI i know this is probably a novice question but i made a form just with name and email and a comments box but i am having trouble with my submit button, is there a way that i can just have it send the form information to me in an …

Member Avatar for webexpertzhere
Member Avatar for iwahm

Would you please suggest any website which is offering quality tutorial on CSS freely !I want to learn this online.If you've got any free ebook, please inform about it.Thanks.

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for chowdarysmk

[B]Hello members[/B] i am the new one to css... In our forum above we see Hardware/software softwaredevelopment web development internet marketing business exchange is there in tis how can create dropdown lists like hardware/software 1.microsoftwindows 2.Linux&unix 3.Mac etc... How can i get tis type of style sheet plz give the …

Member Avatar for Beg.CProgrammer
Member Avatar for sid7

Hello, I'm facing an annoying problem where a button's border colour changes when I click on the text fields in the same form. I could use onfocus="blur();" on the text fields to resolve this, but then they will lose focus when selected. So, I'm trying to find out where I …

Member Avatar for sid7
Member Avatar for ytregnn

I've until now created all my webpages in tables but have recently been thinking about starting to use divs instead. I've been thinking about trying to convert one of my ccurrent projects (from tables) to divs - anyone that happen to know some smart way to do this (without writing …

Member Avatar for zukilover
Member Avatar for stevenpetersen

I designed the site for free for a friend not to long ago and i wanted to go ahead and design it in flash. I wanted to see what ideas anyone might have about this design. [URL="http://www.predatorpitfighting.com"]www.predatorpitfighting.com[/URL] Thanks to every one

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for jimib

[CODE] <%@ Page Language = "VB" aspcompat=true Explicit="True"%> <%Dim src As String = " bet "%> <html> <head ></head> <body > <form name=loc action=testsac.aspx method=get> <table class=s0 width=100% cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 align=center border=1> <tr class=s0 align=center> <td> Search For: <input class=s0 size=50 name=src value=<%=src%>> <input class=s0 type=submit value=Search /> <td></td> </tr> …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for jb1ker

Hi. I'm changing a site's URL to a new domain. The site is hosted at freewebs.com which makes it impossible to create redirects (unless anybody proofs different). What is the most efficient way to make sure I don't get penalized by Google for duplicate content? As the new domain is …

Member Avatar for jb1ker
Member Avatar for NinjaLink

In my header_inner, I am trying to display an image in the background, but whenever I try, it just shows the blank. Will someone please help me with this as I have been messing with this for hours. I posted a .doc to show how I want the image to …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for walba

Hey, I'm new to web design and I need tips on how to start to deign a website starting from the basics, step by step

Member Avatar for mhovidz
Member Avatar for newsguy

They say it ain't over until the fat lady sings, well it looks like this particular Opera story is far from over folks no matter what some might tell you. Perhaps the most famous Norwegian export since the Vikings, [URL="http://www.opera.com"]Opera[/URL] the web browser has certainly lost favour with the technology …

Member Avatar for ahsanpervaiz
Member Avatar for chowdarysmk

[B]This is css code[/B] [code=css]*{ padding:0px; margin:0px;font-size:100% } html{ font-size:100%; height:100%; } body { background:#8b909c url('../images/page-bg.gif') repeat-x; height:100%; font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } a{ text-decoration:none; color:#00a8cc; } a:hover{ text-decoration:underline; color:#00a8cc; } p{ font: 0.9em/1.2em "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } h1{ font: 1.5em/1.5em "Trebuchet MS", Verdana, Arial, …

Member Avatar for sylstain
Member Avatar for lisan28

Hello everyone, I have a wierd problem (seems I have a knack for that ) with a design I'm working on. When you first go to this page there is some disruption around the two floated columns in the background image that is assigned to the body tag: (Right now …

Member Avatar for shirishdhotre
Member Avatar for Arsham3
Member Avatar for theFallGuy

Hello to everyone I have a problem that is making me pull my hair out in frustration! I programmed a website (warpmediamarketing.com) and uploaded it to the server, having checked it out on my computer in IE7 and the latest Firefox. Everything seemed ok. My client called to say that …

Member Avatar for theFallGuy
Member Avatar for bjdmb

I have a site that is two column developed in CSS. Whenever the right column gets too long it appears that the right column starts to go under the right column and then the text and images start stacking on top of each other. The background also disappears. This happens …

Member Avatar for dipak_passion
Member Avatar for chowdarysmk

i tried 2 create one web page....it is good in mozilla....bad 2 view in I.E7...plz give me suggestions [url]http://blakol.com/cc/keystone/index.html[/url] thnkyou in advance

Member Avatar for dipak_passion
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

Hi, guys.. I've got this problem on CSS. What i wanted to do is like an image gallery. Luckily i found a tutorial in with this link [url]http://www.dynamicdrive.com/style/csslibrary/item/css-popup-image-viewer/[/url] In the tutorial as you hover into the thumbnail, a pop-up image shows up exactly at the thumbnail pointed to. So that's …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for snefmoo

i am trying to get my drop down navigation to centre within the div but nothing i try will work. here is the css and html for it, if anyone could help i would be extremely grateful. [B]html[/B] [CODE]<div id="topmenu"> <ul id="menu"> <li> <a href="">Home</a></li> <li> <a href="">About Us</a> <ul> …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for Dat0

Hi! I read that IE 8 accepts child selectors. But it does not seem to work for my IE8 (Spanish version if this even matters). [CODE] #div > p{background-color: blue;} ======================== <div id="div"> <p>Shoud work here!</p> <div> <p>and not here</p> </div> </div> [/CODE] It works for firefox and not for …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for bellasteward
Member Avatar for Kruptein

In my browser(opera), my background image takes up the full height off the screen, but on my friends(firefox) there appears a large black banner beneath it (black because that is the bgcolor) I give you the css hopefully you guys can help me. [code=css]body { color:#C00; background-color:#000; background-image:url('../background.jpg'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for bibbleonline

I tryed the [COde=JavaScript]<script language="JavaScript">var password;var pass1="PASSWORD-HERE";password=prompt('Whats The Magic Word?',' ');if (password==pass1) alert('That Is Correct!');else { window.location="SITE-LINK";}</script>[/COde] code, but the problem i found is, that anyone can see what text has been typed into the passord box, can anyone tell me how you get the text to appear as bullet …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I have a movie clip called [icode]dsp_albumcover[/icode] (Already created and on the stage, instance name is dsp_albumcover) I also have a variable with a .jpg file (Can be changed to any other though) defined as [CODE=actionscript] var albumimg:String = '/albumcover.jpg'; [/CODE] How do I load this in to dsp_albumcover? …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for ehem011

i am a college student and we have to make our own designed web page..can you help me to start

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm

The End.