10,649 Topics
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I try to add a "simulated" shadow on the left and right of my table/website. I use a background picture as my main background. I read something about using a transparent picture (.png?) and use that above my main background. Anyone who has an idea to how this can be … | |
Hello There: I Build Me web site in Drupal I Think you know it very well, so I look for theme and I found a beautiful theme but their is problem with it [url]http://drupal.org/project/acquia_marina[/url] I want To make the theme 3 column, with width 100% not fixed for all the … | |
In my searching, I think I know the answer, it seems that any time you want to do input using HTML, it references a form. Is this also true with buttons? Does ALL user feed back in HTML require a form? I am not speaking of Java Script, just HTML. | |
Thanx in Advance. | |
Hi folks. I'm Jeff, long time lurker, but now I need help I can't figure it out for the life of me. I can get everything else to look just fine, but the 'body' part of the site(right pane) shows up UNDERneath everything in IE. For example [url]http://www.sparkleaning.com/commercial/[/url] Thanks for … | |
Hello everyone, So here is the deal. I have to create a webpage for a bodybuilding fitness club. The problem is that i don't know where to start. Also, am a uni student doing various modules like Database systems(we are using Postgre SQL), Interface Design and computer Graphics(OpenGL, Maya, Google … | |
Check this link: [url]http://weightlosscoach.codegenies.com/[/url][B][/B] I would like to know where to search with simple AScript Flash effect, between2-4 pictures - Especially if I could ad an Arrows forl -eft and -right picture slide!!! WoW !!! Thanksfoer any help, help is always welcome!! | |
Hi , I am trying to create a site for my father work. But it is so bad in appearance. The left side of the site is so empty, how can I add divs like these in the right side. And I would like my logo image to become larger … | |
My website is programmed in PHP and currently uses HTTP compression (gzip) using PHP's built-in compression functions. (I cannot use mod_deflate.c because my shared hosting provider will not install it because it would use a lot of CPU.) The shared server where my website is hosted currently hosts 100 other … | |
Please help. I want to put scrolling thumbs in horizontal area, each thumb should be open on mouse over in upper area for eg. 470px x 300px. Any help, thanks in advance. | |
![]() | I have already created a video player in AS3.0. The Client wants to convert it to a component. I need some good to follow tutorials on creating own components. I had know the concepts of creating components and utilizing that as a SWC. I need to create the component with … ![]() |
I have been able to vertically align: middle multiple lines of text (navigation) and it works in FF. This does not work in IE7. I have seen multiple ways to align right in IE7 but I have not found one that worked for me. Any suggestions? | |
Hi, I would like to design my website in photoshop but am struggling firstly with what resolution to use? i have read articles etc that say 800x600 is dead and i should use at least 1024x768. my next question is how would i start such a layout as obviously i … | |
Ok, this is confusing me to no end, I am making a site and am trying to get the background image to stay in the center, not repeating. I've done this countless times by linking to an internet URL, but not from off of my own hdd. The code I … | |
Hi guys, hoping for some pointers on this one - On a website i run there is a simple 2 image flash animation advertising 2 store openings. However, it cannot be seen on an iPhone which the client is asking me to ensure visitors be able to see it in … | |
I'm trying to overlap an absolute positioned div box in front of a flash object. I applied wmode="opaque" It works for firefox but not for IE8. [CODE] <style type="text/css"> #absolute{background-color:blue; height:100px; width:100px; position:absolute; top:30px;} </style> [/CODE] [CODE] <body> <div id="absolute"></div> <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,29,0" width="100" height="100"> <param name="movie" value="test.swf" [B]name="wmode" value="opaque"[/B]> … | |
Why removing float:left affects dimensions of a li element? The cod is simple: [CODE] <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> <title> Horizontal menu </title> <style type="text/css"> *{ margin:0; padding:0; } .menu { list-style-type:none; margin:50px; } .menu li{ display:inline; font-size:18px; line-height:36px; } … | |
Hi please tell me how to view a pdf file in a web page in a flashy manner. The pdf shoulf open in the same page when a user clicks on the pdf link .. The display should be something flashy or attractive.. suggest me with your ideas .. Please … | |
Can anyone explain why if I apply style to a <p> to "display: inline" it overflows outside its containing block? #iaminline{display:inline;} <div> <p id="iaminline">hola!</p> </div> The result has overflow, while "display:black" is completely contained in the containing block. I want to have inline elements completely inside the containing block. Thanks! | |
In IE6 the container on my home page doesn't center. On IE7, Safari and Foxfire, it's fine and on all other pages on IE6, it's also fine. Could there be something in the HTML of the home (index.html) page that is saying to ignore the margin-left, margin-right:auto in the Container … | |
Hello, i have some inline images (keyboard keys) in a table cell near each other. Another cell in the row may be very long - fitting into several lines - so the browsers try to wrap every cell. Not using XHTML DTD everything is o.k - the two keyboard key … | |
guys kindly help me namn po ,,mke a website same as fs using html hir is my # [removed]..,nid lang po | |
how to adjust height in 2rows textarea.it look ok in ie.but collaps height in ff. bellow is code [code=html]<td valign="top"> <label> <textarea name="textarea" cols="21" rows="2"></textarea> </label> </td>[/code] | |
Hi fellow designers and affiliates. I'm really struggling to [B]make my customer understand a few basic things about web design[/B]. I'm not perfect myself but I have been doing this for quite some years. However, the company currently has its website done by a [I]friend of the family[/I]. The marketing … | |
I have already learned CSS and want to learn Web Designing by flash. please tell me if u could suggest any free video tutorial for learning FLASH for website designing | |
Hi, I have a very simple HTML and CSS combination which behaves differently in IE browsers and Firefox. Just wondering if anyone can explain why I'm seeing extra space allocated in IE browsers. I've tried everything I can to remove it but can't figure out how. Here's the HTML [CODE] … | |
Does using a free web hosting service effect the amount of traffic you get to your site? | |
hi, please help me out.... I want to get the values of the checkbox, if i checked or if i unchecked. first time,i have checked the checkbox and the values is coming correctly to me and at the same time, when i unchecked the same checkbox and the values is … | |
Greetings, I am using Dreamweaver MX and am having problems with my tables being stretched vertically longer than they are supposed to. I removed all height requirements and are primarily vertically aligned to the top. First, here is my external CSS Sheet: [CODE]/* CSS Document */ .Arial14px { font-size: 14px; … | |
Okay so I'm building a site with a bit of an unusual and complex layout. It has a static header div of a fixed height. A body div of a variable height that must be positioned absolutely for overlapping. And I need there to be a footer directly below the … |
The End.