10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for Dat0

Hi! I read that IE 8 accepts child selectors. But it does not seem to work for my IE8 (Spanish version if this even matters). [CODE] #div > p{background-color: blue;} ======================== <div id="div"> <p>Shoud work here!</p> <div> <p>and not here</p> </div> </div> [/CODE] It works for firefox and not for …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for bellasteward
Member Avatar for Kruptein

In my browser(opera), my background image takes up the full height off the screen, but on my friends(firefox) there appears a large black banner beneath it (black because that is the bgcolor) I give you the css hopefully you guys can help me. [code=css]body { color:#C00; background-color:#000; background-image:url('../background.jpg'); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:top; …

Member Avatar for MidiMagic
Member Avatar for bibbleonline

I tryed the [COde=JavaScript]<script language="JavaScript">var password;var pass1="PASSWORD-HERE";password=prompt('Whats The Magic Word?',' ');if (password==pass1) alert('That Is Correct!');else { window.location="SITE-LINK";}</script>[/COde] code, but the problem i found is, that anyone can see what text has been typed into the passord box, can anyone tell me how you get the text to appear as bullet …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I have a movie clip called [icode]dsp_albumcover[/icode] (Already created and on the stage, instance name is dsp_albumcover) I also have a variable with a .jpg file (Can be changed to any other though) defined as [CODE=actionscript] var albumimg:String = '/albumcover.jpg'; [/CODE] How do I load this in to dsp_albumcover? …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for ehem011

i am a college student and we have to make our own designed web page..can you help me to start

Member Avatar for Grn Xtrm
Member Avatar for bjdmb

I need another set of eyes to look this over. I can't seem to get the three columns to work properly with the product listing at the bottom of the page. Here is the CSS; [CODE]#productbox{ width:666px; background-image:url(../slices/item-bkg.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; height:173px; } .productimage { float: left; width: 100px; margin-left: 0px; padding:20px; …

Member Avatar for bjdmb
Member Avatar for vishalkhialani

Hi, I am making a eCommerce site for a client of mine and I want to add products on the site. I don't want to pust plain vanila pictures of the products. I was wondering if I can take a plain image and make it into 3d or get a …

Member Avatar for vishalkhialani
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I am trying to retrieve the contents of my XML file and use the variables later on in the script; I have the following actionscript code [CODE=actionscript3]// Get XML Vars var xml:XML; var urlLoader = new URLLoader(); var songdataurl:String = '0'; urlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE,onXMLLoaded); urlLoader.load(new URLRequest("data.xml")); function onXMLLoaded(e:Event):void{ xml = new …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for avirag

hiiiii I am making a C# .net window application and i am using VS2008...... Can anyone tell me how can i do good designing or there is any software with the help of that i can improve the designing of window applications........ kindly help me or suggest me some link …

Member Avatar for avirag
Member Avatar for matthewl

I am pondering what I could do to improve [url]http://www.mlwehelp.com[/url]! any suggestions? Part of this update I plan to rework everything even my services like getting way from everything being free. Any suggestions on pricing based on the industry standards? my main goal is to deliver reasonable prices based on …

Member Avatar for cohen
Member Avatar for jorisb

I'm developing a web page for a friend that allows participants of a sports event to "claim" a slot in a 24 hour tennis marathon. The marathon has room for 24 x 4 participants. My idea was to have a table with the columns "hour" [0-23], "time" and "name", and …

Member Avatar for jorisb
Member Avatar for freshfitz

My customer wants me to integrate a flash calendar into their website is there any premade code that has a send to friends link that would send the data on that day to outlook so you can email it? I found calendarpro by [URL="http://www.usflashmap.com"]www.usflashmap.com[/URL] which is working but they would …

Member Avatar for crackerjacker

Hi- So im making a buying/selling website, where people can search through my catalog. and i have no idea how i would go about that. basicly i would have a database with all of my producs in it, and then people would type in a key word and a page …

Member Avatar for crackerjacker
Member Avatar for leones

Ok I know.. Im a novice and have no idea.. but need a quick fix before I can do more research.. I'm working on a friends site and it's a auto resize-stretching website.. where it all stretches when browser is resized.. I no longer want it to stretch.. how do …

Member Avatar for alphagon

Hello! I have a little problem with this website, any help, suggestion would be appreciated. I discovered that on *BROWSER zoom out (on Firefox 3.5.3, Ctrl + -), the content gets outside the div's bottom, like shown bellow: [URL="http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/2422/sitenormalstate.jpg"]Normal state[/URL] [URL="http://img200.imageshack.us/img200/2796/sitezoomedstate.jpg"]Zoomed state[/URL] Any ideea? Is this a common behaviour? Thank …

Member Avatar for smith6237

Why can't I preview my webpage using Dreamweaver 8, I hit F12 but get; Internet Explorer cannot display.?I'm using dream weaver 8 and just about finished with a web page but when i preview in the browser internet explorer says; it cannot display web page. Can anyone explain if I …

Member Avatar for Beg.CProgrammer
Member Avatar for dgr231

Hello all, I am in the process of teaching myself CSS to go along with my beginner-intermediate knowledge of HTML. I am just starting with CSS and have created a small test file to attempt to create a table with one row and one cell in that row. I then …

Member Avatar for webexpertzhere
Member Avatar for aaava

Hello: I've been trying for weeks (yes, it's embarrassing) to create a dhtml popup window w/min, max and close buttons in a title bar. I can do this fine w/a table, but I hate tables, and want to accomplish the same thing w/non-table css. Here is a rough image of …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for aaava

I have no clue anymore about css. I used to think I knew what's what, but I get so many different results in different VERSIONS of the same browsers, never mind different browsers, that I'm at a loss. I have written a dhtml popup dialog window that resizes and such. …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for sumeru

I have been using tables to build all my sites till now and finally tried using CSS in dreamweaver. My page is uploaded at - [url]http://photoindia.com/test/Untitled-1.html[/url] . The problem is in my layout, I want to have 3 div tags side by side(like 3 columns). I have inserted DIV tags …

Member Avatar for webexpertzhere
Member Avatar for serendipity

I'm presently using tripod/lycos for my website and have some long web forms on there and don't have a problem receiving the data. I'm trying to transfer to godaddy and am having a problem with my "submit" button. "Reset" does work. Sometimes the "submit" button is not available (grayed out) …

Member Avatar for serendipity
Member Avatar for aanshi
Member Avatar for JohnAvo

I am looking for good (ideally open source) solution to do telnet from web browser. Anyone knows Flash/Ajax solutions for that? The best will be a pure client based components, but client-server may work too.

Member Avatar for gmx

I just Started to learn HTML coding,But don't understand how to add design in code means website layout.

Member Avatar for js112
Member Avatar for cormee

Hi, Can anyone suggest a good image slider similiar to the one at the bottom of [url]http://munsterrugby.ie/[/url] I've found two: [url]http://www.oxylusflash.com/flashfiles/advanced-image-slider-with-autoplay-xml[/url] and [url]http://www.coolfocus.com/relocate.asp?page=flash/examples/picstrip/index.asp[/url] But neither turned out to be suitable. Thanks :)

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for RhysW

Hi, this is my first post here. I'll probably stick around because this is a really good forum! Anyway, I could use a little help please. I'm a relatively new designer and I can't figure this out. I'm not too good with Js yet but I'll serve separate sheets if …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for apgriffiths

I am trying to create a kind of grid of divs but i cannot get it to work. I am a newbie at this and still learning. I have been on many websites but still no luck. My html is [CODE] <div id="pitchdiv" class="dropZoneContainer"> <div id="gk" class="wrapper"> <div id="gk1" class="dropZone" …

Member Avatar for apgriffiths
Member Avatar for Skzz

I'm making a website with a header above all the content, a box for main info and a sidebar floating to the right, and then I have a footer that goes underneath the main content and the sidebar both. Now if the main content is taller than the sidebar, there's …

Member Avatar for webmaven
Member Avatar for leegeorg07

Hi, I have this code: [code] <style> div.floating-menu {position:fixed;background:#fff4c8;border:1px solid #ffcc00;} div.floating-menu a, div.floating-menu h3 {display:block;margin:0 0.5em;float:left;} </style> <div class="floating-menu"> <h3>Floating Menu</h3> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/css/">CSS</a> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/html/">HTML</a> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/javascript/">JavaScript</a> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/coldfusion/">ColdFusion</a> <a href="http://www.quackit.com/myspace/codes/">MySpace Codes</a> </div> [/code] which I got from a website, I was wondering if there is a way I …

Member Avatar for leegeorg07

The End.