10,650 Topics
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Hi! I have a horizontal menu with a vertical drop down. For some reason in Chrome the drop down is horizontal instead of vertical. It seems to work fine in everything else. Suggestions on how to fix it? [Click Here to vew website](http://www.purpleblaze.com.au) | |
Hello web designers! I would like to ask for a better definition for rounding the corners of tables. I found some tutorials while searching in google, but some are using images and some are using border-radius adjustments. Any thoughts in creating this? Thanks! | |
Hello, I am having an issue with my footer in IE 8. IE is increasing the padding, and bumping the newsletter sign up box down, when it is supposed to be on the same level as the links. Any thoughts as how to fix the padding problems? Site can be … | |
hi im am farely new to making websites and was looking for a few suggestions on my website. firstly i have completed make a fare structure for the home page here is the link to the image.[Click Here](http://s14.postimage.org/s6de1rfxd/cfp.png) but it looks lame as in the background makes it dull. i … | |
I want to make a website about technology and programming languages , shopping purposes and Blogging as well as. I will also subscribe google adwords for making money and also will subscribe other money making stuff. 1.Which webhost serice provider will be best for me ? a. I will be … | |
hi everyone I have created one web page for website, these having four main Div but i have to do Show Div and Hide some Div using javascript or jquery in css. **Four main Div are:-** 1) **header** 2) **banner** 3) **Content** 4) **footer** :- on the website two div … | |
Can some one help me with good materials to design a very good website for my project | |
Hi, I followed this tutorial: http://css-tricks.com/better-tabs-with-round-out-borders/ Basically I cant get the tabs to work with seperate content, or I dont know where to start. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks. | |
Found a cool little tutorial for styling drop down menus using CSS. You can change everything about the box - border, font, background colour etc including the drop down arrow. Ive made a custom drop down arrow to suit the style of the site. It all works fine in Chrome, … | |
I have youtube videos that show up in different locations on my site in the form of streams... the stream widths are variable so I have youtube movies at 100% width and 365px fixed height... But.... now I have a super narrow stream and the youtube videos are super tall … | |
LAMP install Postby Stockton on Sat Oct 20, 2012 12:31 pm I have followed the procedure at http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/view/486 to install LAMP on my Mint 13 laptop with a view to developing locally & once working emigrate to my server but ...... the following simple HTML only displays the title(No image). … | |
I am having trouble with the dropdown I am working on. I'm trying to add the dropdown, and changed up all the code that I used for the original navigation. The problem is, the rollover state, which shows a background color, is doubled in height. My goal is to have … | |
I created an and I can not style it.. The problem I have is that the form I wiant to show in the email shows up right on top of form and it won't reveal in email with the inputs displaying? Can someone give me some sources/assistance/snippets/etc. for this? | |
I want to create a word processor. It seems like a useful project because I have strong feelings about how modern big word processors like MS Word and Open Office don't do things right, so my solution is to make one with more modest features but with the huge advantage … | |
I am having issues creating a table in Dreamweaver that looks like the image below: ![table-sample](/attachments/large/4/table-sample.jpg "table-sample") I normally use DIVs, but don't wont to have to use a lot of positioning css for them. Can anyone do the table below. The overall deminsions are 500x300px. Thanks in advanced. ~Keven | |
Hi all, Please help in middle aligning text in a div without using padding. | |
hi guys, i have an image of a box i would like to use as backgrounds for certain content boxes around my site. i can insert the corners ok, but the centre images overlap the corners. how would i style this to output my box image correctly? it needs to … | |
Hello Every one, Im trying to modify the following code so it can save for multiple edited text while at the moment this code only saving one (first) edited text ... could anybody please modify this code for me say for example: you modify it to save 3 or 4 … | |
| I'm trying to change a background image based on the height of the users window, but it is not working. I'm using @media min-height and max-height, and if I change "height" to "width" it works, but with height it does nothing. I feel like I'm missing something really simple, but … |
I found this website called CanvasMol where someone was able to make interactive 3D objects that can work on browsers that don't have flash or any plugins (this is the URL http://alteredqualia.com/canvasmol/#Cocaine). However, I don't know how he was able to make these objects. Could anyone help me figure out … | |
Hello.. I am going to design a mobile website.Can anybody tell me what factors should i keep in mind while designing mobile website...:) | |
Hi when I click the "hide" div I want the three divs to the right to dissapear and the two to the left stay as they were. Her's what I have now: http://jsfiddle.net/adishardis/r3eyD/15/ And then I might want a sliding action of the hiding... but that's probably for another forum … | |
I wanted to vertically align a div inside another div. For this I was using line-height (= height of the div) and vertical-align: middle. But if I specify the line-height value in % instead of px, it doesn't work. I tried googling it but could not find. What can be … | |
Hello, I need to find out how come my website breaks in IE/9. I've not tested in any other IE, but in IE9 it breaks. It's all over to the left and the Navigation Bar goes horribly wrong. If you don't have IE9, here's an image: http://www.mingul.co.uk/jadonsnapr/AjDUPg.jpg and an image … | |
Why can't I embed and show a UTube video on my website all I get is "this video contains content from umg. It is restricted from playback on certain sites" the video is there and I can go to UTube and play it but I want visitors to see it … | |
Can someone guide me through an easy way of shrinking the size reCAPTCHA form, I can't find much great results on google (even found a result saying its not the best idea)... I will send you the link to my page if you need to see what I mean. | |
I had Appache web server in my m/c but for some reason I had to format C drive and so I installed web server again. But after installing the web page which I had created for my tool and had saved in the htdocs directory of web server is totally … | |
Hi I am trying to create a background I like the way [Maxthon](http://i.maxthon.com/) built theirs it is simple and yet attractive. How did they do this? I am also using the 960 grid system, I have tried to create an image but the image messes up on the bottom by … | |
This is the css of a navigation bar I've made: header{ width: 85%; display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;} #nav{ width: 100%; float: left; margin: 0 0 3em 0; padding: 0; list-style: none; background-color: #6E6E6E; border-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 50px; border-top-left-radius: 50px;} #nav li{ display: inline; float: left; position: relative;} #nav … | |
hie guys l have basic knowledge of c and c++.Recently we were given a project assignment on statistical modelling we have to implement it using c/c++.I researched on the libarries that l can use eg sdl,openGL,what l wld like to noe is it possible to code using gcc in linux, … |
The End.