10,649 Topics

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Member Avatar for badcc

Basically I want to make it so that if someone does /test it will change to ?test. It would be really great if when they do /test they won't even see the ?test but I'm pretty sure that's what mod_rewrite does, though... Thank you in advanced. ~ badcc

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for bilal_fazlani

-webkit-transition:left .4s ease-in-out .1s; -ms-transition:left .4s ease-in-out .1s; transition:left .4s ease-in-out .1s; -moz-transition:left .4s ease-in-out .1s; can anyone please tell why is it working in browsewrs but not in IE ? what am i missing ?

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for suavedesign

I embeded 3 mp3 files into my website, to play when the user clicks "play". While this works fine in IE, in Chrome, they all start playing when the site is launched. Even though my code says " autostart="false" Here is the code I am using: <embed src="aharddaysnight.mp3"width="140" height="40" autostart="false" …

Member Avatar for suavedesign
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, When I click on a textbox, teaxtarea etc. the border turns into a different color (orange, blue) in Chrome, Linux and in some others. How do prevent it with css? Thanks

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for Violet_82

Hi peeps, I was wondering if you can hep me at all with this. I have to create a website for a client, he's a drummer and he wants to promote himself. He gave me a rough idea of what he wants - here some examples (sorry for the links …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for thelostboy

Hi All I am just windering what peoples views on the new product coming on to the Market called Adobe Muse? it seems to make web design a lot easier. Are there any limitation to it?

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I'm looking for a colour picker for my website but not **input** element based because when I click on **input** element, cursor focuses on it which is not good for me. I need something like img, div etc based approach. Thanks These two are input based: [http://jscolor.com/try.php](http://jscolor.com/try.php) [http://laktek.github.com/really-simple-color-picker/demo.html](http://laktek.github.com/really-simple-color-picker/demo.html)

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for |-|x

Just wondered if anyone knows if there is an MS equivalent of the [hidden](http://www.w3schools.com/html5/att_global_hidden.asp) property, which doens't work in IE. Or do I have to just use the style properties to set visibility/display because IE sucks so bad?

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for bo0ga

For example, if there is a section of a large image and I only want that section to be a link, how would I do that? The section is in the shape of a rectangular button. Thanks!

Member Avatar for bo0ga
Member Avatar for Reliable

Hello Hello, I'm looking for some quick help if possible. I have webpage up that works perfectly except in IE. In IE the contact form won't even show. I have no idea what the problem is. If someone would take a loook and provide assitance I would be oh so …

Member Avatar for Reliable
Member Avatar for Donaldc88

This code produces a content box that leaves a 60px margin at the top. I don't know much about CSS (much=anything) but I figured it was probably simple to fix for someone who does, so i turn to you for help. If someone could give me the solution on how …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for designer1993

Hi everyone, I'm having some trouble with my drop down menu not showing up. I've attached a screenshot in my browser showing what it does and should look like. However, the client I'm working for has sent me back screenshots from his browsers showing it isn't working correctly. I've also …

Member Avatar for designer1993
Member Avatar for BenzZz

Hi, I'm creating a website and currently working on the banner for it which is all contained within the 'logo' div that has a 900px width and 150px height. For some reason the 'menu' div is not being positioned within the 'logo' div despite being contained in it within the …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for sk8ergirl

Hi, I'm trying to create contact us form I have to create three page 1-index.html 2-main.css 3-contact.php can you explain how can I make it like this [Click Here](http://postimage.org/image/rw5lffh7h/) and what is wrong with my code one more question what should I put in contact.php page ? with explanation please …

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Member Avatar for Patiodude
Member Avatar for EddieC

If you're not yet among the percentage of the population people using Mozilla's Firefox browser, which by [url=http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp]one count[/url] stands at 47.5 percent, perhaps the anniversary of its launch will give you cause. Yesterday was Firefox's fifth birthday, and its market share with co-leader Internet Explorer by [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_web_browsers]many counts[/url] continues …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for designer1993

Hi, I'm having some trouble transfering a HTML website to Wordpress for a CMS. The HTML page which I'm transfering has a table in which I presumed I could simply copy and paste into the HTML view of Wordpress's page publisher. Inside the page publisher it looks great. You can …

Member Avatar for designer1993
Member Avatar for ben.matthews18

hi, how can i create a css menu/navigation that does this? - see attached photo.. ![upload](/attachments/large/3/upload.png "upload") here is my current html - <div id="content2" style=" width:524px; height:320px;"> <ul> <li><a href="about.php"><img src="graphics/about.png" width="148" height="101" border="0"></a> <ul> <li>about me</li> </ul> </li> <li><a href="news.php"><img src="graphics/news.png" width="147" height="101" border="0"></a> <ul> <li>news</li> </ul> </li> …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for s0bigg

See attached zip file. I have a common template that I use for multiple pages on my website. The main page div incorporates div#content and div#sidebar. See below codes. I am using a common footer on all pages with a php include() function which is a static bar. There is …

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, IS there any example code like this thread screen with bold, link, heading list, image adding buttons like we see above. I need to create a page similar to this screen and teaxarea to with it. Thanks

Member Avatar for dany12
Member Avatar for davy_yg

Hello, I wonder why the two pictures on the bottom does not want to be aligned with the 2 boxes? [Click Here](http://www.masterlink.co.id/aerosol-produk.php) Please tell me if there is anything in the codes that I need to change: aerosol-produk.php <style type="text/css"> div.ex1 { align:left; width:300px; height:80px; padding:10px; border:1px solid black; margin:100px …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for happygeek

Thought the days of having to use a particualr web browser client in order to use a specific site were over? Think again if this conversation between a user and eBay support is anything to go by. ![dweb-ebay](/attachments/small/0/dweb-ebay.jpg "align-right") As a journalist who has spent the largest part of the …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for profyou

I want to access a remote VB application(located on server) on a client machine via HTML web page. Is it possible? Is there any other way? Actually initially they wanted an VB application to see punch details.Now they want to integrate it on local intranet so that user can launch …

Member Avatar for Troy III
Member Avatar for richcc88

Hi all, I am using the below code to control the attributes of a jQuery slider on a website I am building. I need to make the following function change based on window size/re-size to make the slider resize and be responsive. Bit of a newbie when it comes to …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for ben.matthews18

I've upload a screenshot which shows the problem i'm having, anyone have any ideas what the problem is? I've circled the problem within a red circle. See image attached. Thanks ![upload3](/attachments/large/3/upload3.jpg "upload3")

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for suavedesign

I am using the following code to embedd an mp3 file into my html document: <embed src="aharddaysnight.mp3" width="140" height="40" autostart="false" loop="FALSE"></embed> In IE, this works fine, as an mp3 player with controls automatically shows up. In FF, however, a pop-up appears that says additional plug-ins are needed. When I click …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for heavyman
Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for mwood00

The form I've created only allows users to use the tab key to navigate the form fields. How can I set the form up to allow users to simply click in the field without using the tab key?

Member Avatar for mwood00
Member Avatar for sentongogray
Member Avatar for Paulxh

CSS code: .pdmenu ul {margin:0; padding:0; width:220px} /* basic settings */ .pdmenu ul li {position: relative} /* where 2nd level list will be rendered */ .pdmenu li ul {position: absolute; left:100px; top:0; display:none} /* where 2nd level list will rendered when turned on */ .pdmenu ul li a {display:block; text-decoration: …

Member Avatar for JorgeM

The End.