3,634 Topics

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Member Avatar for ROSS679

Hi, I am having a problem regarding the return statment, for some reason it is not working, can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong? The return is taking a selection of table collumns not all e.g. the simple return all "return $x" Thanks for $x in doc("Suppliers.xml")/dataroot/Suppliers[Country …

Member Avatar for FakeTales
Member Avatar for FakeTales

i have an xml File, below is snippet from the file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <dataroot> <Products> <ProductID>37</ProductID> <ProductName>Gravad lax</ProductName> <SupplierID>17</SupplierID> <CategoryID>8</CategoryID> <QuantityPerUnit>12 - 500 g pkgs.</QuantityPerUnit> <UnitPrice>26</UnitPrice> <UnitsInStock>11</UnitsInStock> <UnitsOnOrder>50</UnitsOnOrder> <ReorderLevel>25</ReorderLevel> <Discontinued>0</Discontinued> </Products> <Products> <ProductID>38</ProductID> <ProductName>Côte de Blaye</ProductName> <SupplierID>18</SupplierID> <CategoryID>1</CategoryID> <QuantityPerUnit>12 - 75 cl bottles</QuantityPerUnit> <UnitPrice>263.5</UnitPrice> <UnitsInStock>17</UnitsInStock> <UnitsOnOrder>0</UnitsOnOrder> <ReorderLevel>15</ReorderLevel> <Discontinued>0</Discontinued> </Products> …

Member Avatar for vivsshake

Hi i am trying to parse a *large xml* file and printing the tags to a output file. I am using *minidom*, my code is working fine for 30Mb files but more than that its getting memory error.So i used buffer reading the file but unable to get the desired …

Member Avatar for vivsshake
Member Avatar for fheppell

I need to connect to the wikipedia search API. Here is an example response <api> <query-continue> <search sroffset="10"/> </query-continue> <query> <searchinfo totalhits="169717"/> <search> <p ns="0" title="Intelligence quotient" timestamp="2013-04-04T05:15:12Z"/> <p ns="0" title="Test" timestamp="2013-02-23T01:15:05Z"/> <p ns="0" title="TeST Gliders" timestamp="2012-09-22T11:05:05Z"/> <p ns="0" title=".test" timestamp="2013-02-25T14:48:22Z"/> <p ns="0" title="Test cricket" timestamp="2013-04-02T18:49:54Z"/> <p ns="0" title="Test (assessment)" …

Member Avatar for fheppell
Member Avatar for phfilly

Hi all! I have a problem that I've been struggling with for quite sometime. In short I've successfully parsed a xml file from a string. But I can't seem to access the correct elements. The thing is I'm reading the xml file data via javascript but in the xml file …

Member Avatar for phfilly
Member Avatar for barakros

hi I need some help. I have XML file with the folowing structure, and I wanted to know if there is a way to get some FLD nodes from a LIN Node in 1 XPATH command so I can get these values in 1 command. I need just the first …

Member Avatar for barakros
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I'm stumped on getting svg to show. Even the simplest thing file will not show when I upload it. When uploaded to the server at work, no problem. I uploaded the files to my own hosting space from home, to learn and test. The exact same files. Nothing works??? I …

Member Avatar for diafol

OK, as promised, here's an updated 'quick(!) and dirty' class for retrieving and setting data via the Daniweb API. It allows the extraction of data based around: # DATA RETRIEVAL & SETTING # ## non-OAuth ## * forums * articles * posts * members * activity points * endorsements * …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for tpickett

I have created a function that creates .xml files from input from a form provided in another script and saves the file in a network location. I got this working correctly, however, when i tried to convert it into a wordpress plugin (creating the .xml file from post meta data …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for ahmed.hayman

Hi would you please help my how to know my ( mysql host server)???? i used greengeeks to upload my website , i tried "local host" but it shows "couldn't find data base"...thanks <?php mysql_connect("localhost","ahmedhay_ahmed","Password") or die("couldnt connect to data base"); mysql_select_db("ahmedhay_hayman") or die ("couldnt find data base"); ?>

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for pritaeas

## RSS Class ## The code snippet is a PHP class for retrieving RSS feeds from the DaniWeb website. There are two exposed methods, one for retrieving the list of predefined article types, and another to get a specific RSS feed. If you pass parameters to this method, there is …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dudegio

Hello, I need help on how to integrate the passing of information in XML format from ASP.Net(from client) to PHP(my server). I've been searching for solution but cannot find accurate results. A sample code is very much appreciated. Thank you.

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Pervex

Hi, I am newbie , I have application in which check-box tree is present. I want to pre-populate the check-box's if user before checked some of those check box. For that am getting XML format from my back-end perl script as shown below.like , in below XML only 0, 43,44,45,46 …

Member Avatar for mariasain
Member Avatar for krovi
Member Avatar for owenransen

I want to port some graphics applications in C++ which compile to Windows Executables to run as WEB apps. I don't want to throw away all the code I've written in C++, so it seems to me that Microsoft Azure would be prefect. My idea is that I learn to …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for lukas.vandendijssel

Hello, I am making a Google Chrome extension. It checks if a Minecraft Server is online. To do so, it has to open a socket. As JavaScript can't do this, I made a PHP script that does the trick and I host it on my webserver. However, my code returns …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for debasishgang7

Hi Guys, I am trying to modify an xml string on the fly. I will enter a sample XML string and the code should generate modified xml.I have exploied it later. xml = xml = '''<FixedPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/xps/2005/06" xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/xps/2005/06/resourcedictionary-key" xml:lang="en-us" Width="793.92" Height="1122.24"><FixedPage.Resources><ResourceDictionary><LinearGradientBrush x:Key="b0" StartPoint="0,0" EndPoint="0,1122.24" ColorInterpolationMode="SRgbLinearInterpolation" MappingMode="Absolute" SpreadMethod="Pad"><LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops><GradientStop Color="#FFFFFFFF" Offset="0" /><GradientStop …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for fheppell

How would I write a php script that gets article x from an rss feed? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for mohammad.khasawneh.12
Member Avatar for milkman93

Hey guys, I'm trying to take xml code and present it to the client via html. Creating the xml file was the easy part, the part I'm having an issue with the javascript code. Here is the xml code: <staff> <member> <name>Joe Gerilo</name> <schedule>Mon-Fri</schedule> <office> <city>Chiago</city> <building>31st AMC</building> <boss>John H</boss> …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for kingk110

I am using the google search engine. I can add autocomplete terms and upload an xml file with the autocompletetion terms within the site itself. I am trying to auto upload this xml file by a console application or a php file.Is there a way that I can auto-upload this …

Member Avatar for LastMitch
Member Avatar for reflectbrokers

To whom it may concern I have recently launched my company's website: http://wwww.reflectbrokers.com and have run into a couple of problems: To start, I would just like to say that i am a beginner in web design and don't really have a clue how to write html, php or js …

Member Avatar for reflectbrokers
Member Avatar for vex

Could someone decribe the differences between HTML and XML. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for austinluthers
Member Avatar for mb2006

For the following xml file, i need to generate an xsl-fo file to be converted into pdf. I am new to style sheets and struggling to create dynamic table. Please help. Also, the width for each column varies,based on the column.How would i include this into the code? The Column …

Member Avatar for dualzNZ

hi all i am developing a small application that will allow the user to paste in admin logs which will then be converted into xml data. The code works fine in VB.net but i am trying to convert it into C# as the application is written in c# i am …

Member Avatar for dualzNZ
Member Avatar for piumiM

Hi, I need to implement java question answering system (similar to chatbot but domain specific) for my final year project. I first thought of using AIML to build knowledgebase. But I could not find how to access it in java. All I found was program D, program W and so …

Member Avatar for Lamirp
Member Avatar for vex

Could someone decribe the differences between HTML and XML. Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for Neuronimbus1
Member Avatar for asifalizaman

hi!guys i think you all will be fine,..........Today i want to know from you what is the difference b/t PHP and XML also which is best ,which language i start learing first and what's relation are among b/t two languages..My poin of view is PHP is hypertext preprocessing language used …

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Member Avatar for Samyx

Hello Everyone, How can I verify if an date type field is empty? I tried: `I_MENOP_NA00_OOPH_DT_3994 eq ""` but it does not work for a partial date type field. <RuleDef OID="MENOPAUSAL_STATUS_V21RULE12" Name="OOPH Provided But Procedure Date Not Provided"> <Description>If OOPH is marked Yes, the Procedure Date should be provided.</Description> <Expression>I_MENOP_NA00_OOPH_9377 …

Member Avatar for Samyx
Member Avatar for chdboy

This code creates XML File Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim connetionString As String Dim connection As SqlConnection Dim adapter As SqlDataAdapter Dim ds As New DataSet Dim sql As String connetionString = "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=C:\Users\Danial\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\ESI_PF_Payroll_V1\ESI_PF_Payroll_V1\Pay.mdf;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True" connection = New …

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The End.