3,634 Topics
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Hey everyone, So I did some more searching and I found a link that sort of helped me figure this thing out in a sense.. Here's the link https://developers.google.com/maps/articles/phpsqlajax_v3 . When I do all of what the site told me to do, it did give me a map but it … | |
Hi I have a WSDL file. from that file how do create a java clinet application. apprecate if someone could reference me to some links appreciate it thanks | |
Hy all, Does anybody know a good method to edit data from office xml spreadsheet format in C#? I've found a way to get data from it using OpenXML but I'm stuck at saving the changes made back in the file. I've attached my source file here.. | |
Hello, For me it is weird this thing: Let say there is a part of xml: <result comments="LAST :T3 DIST : 3/4" favouritenews="WINNER & T3" id="3131846" message="OFF" nonrunners="0" ran="6" settlingstatus="D" statuscode="O"> <position fav="jf" id="8669343" name="Elizas Impact" num="1" photo="N" position="1" runnernumber="4" selectionref="26973474" sp="11/4" winnersTime="00:00:28.920"/> <position id="8669348" name="Amazing Madam" num="2" photo="N" position="2" … | |
I'm dealing with a SOAP client response for a flight booking application, I successfully got the response, See the response below: <arzoo__response> <Response__Depart> <OriginDestinationOptions> <OriginDestinationOption> <FareDetails> <ChargeableFares> <ActualBaseFare>4850</ActualBaseFare> <Tax>4267</Tax> <STax>31</STax> <SCharge>0</SCharge> <TDiscount>0</TDiscount> <TPartnerCommission>0</TPartnerCommission> </ChargeableFares> <NonchargeableFares> <TCharge>0</TCharge> <TMarkup>0</TMarkup> <TSdiscount>0</TSdiscount> </NonchargeableFares> </FareDetails> <FlightSegments> <FlightSegment> <AirEquipType>321</AirEquipType> <ArrivalAirportCode>DEL</ArrivalAirportCode> <ArrivalDateTime>2013-05-20T08:00:00</ArrivalDateTime> <DepartureAirportCode>BOM</DepartureAirportCode> <DepartureDateTime>2013-05-20T06:00:00</DepartureDateTime> <FlightNumber>601</FlightNumber> <OperatingAirlineCode>AI</OperatingAirlineCode> <OperatingAirlineFlightNumber>601</OperatingAirlineFlightNumber> … ![]() | |
I'm curremtly working on a project "Flight search" with SOAP and PHP. I'm new to this SOAP Technology. I've to send the XML over POST Request and get the response: <Request> <Origin>BOM</Origin> <Destination>DEL</Destination> <DepartDate>2013-05-20</DepartDate> <ReturnDate>2013-05-21</ReturnDate> <AdultPax>1</AdultPax> <ChildPax>0</ChildPax> <InfantPax>0</InfantPax> <Currency>INR</Currency> <Clientid>*********</Clientid> <Clientpassword>**************************</Clientpassword> <Clienttype>ArzooFWS1.1</Clienttype> <Preferredclass>E</Preferredclass> <mode>ONE</mode> <PreferredAirline>AI</PreferredAirline> </Request> to the URL: > … | |
hi how do i create a list contaiing one or more customers from the below xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <customers> <customer> <first>string</first> <last>string</last> </customer> <customer> <first>string</first> <last>string</last> </customer> <customer> <first>string</first> <last>string</last> </customer> </customers> i am new to writing xsd schemas, appreciate a reply thanks | |
I have created an SI indication message and to be sent over mobile through SMS, i am being told to convert it to wbxml then hexadecimal. how will i make it? the SI indication is as follows: <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE si PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD SI 1.0//EN" "http://www.wapforum.org/DTD/si.dtd"> <si> <indication href="http://testing.0adz.com/sys_files/start.php" action="signal-medium" … | |
Hi guys. Okay, well I've been at this for a while and I cannot seem to figure it out. Basically, I have a simpleXML PHP file that I'm trying to"parse" (I guess it's called). *All I want to do is get some info from an API XML site and display … ![]() | |
I need some way to save and read a file using a DataGridView. Databases are out of the question, because I'm going for something template-style. And the user will probably make lots of templates. I tried saving/reading from/into XML, but I got lost. Thanks. | |
Hi I do have XML as below: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <library> <book publisher="Del Rey"> <series>The Lord of the Pings</series> <title>Way Station</title> <author>Clifford D. Simak</author> </book> <book publisher="Del Rey"> <series>The Lord of the Rings</series> <title>The Fellowship of the Ring</title> <author>J.R.R. Tolkien</author> </book> <book publisher="Del Rey"> <series>The Lord of the Rings</series> <title>The … | |
I am learning to build.xml a project with eclipse ide. below is the MANIFEST.MF that I am creating. The build shows that the manifest is being written in the dir structure below. The dir META-INF (sibling to the src) contains this MANIFEST.MF [code] Manifest-Version: 1.0 Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.8.1 Created-By: … | |
function addUsers($params) { $fnameval = $params->getParam(0); $fname = $fnameval->scalarval(); $mnameval = $params->getParam(1); $mname = $mnameval->scalarval(); $lnameval = $params->getParam(2); $lname = $lnameval->scalarval(); if(mysql_query("INSERT INTO users(fname,mname,lname) VALUES('$fname','$mname','$lname')")){ $mess="data and synced successfully";} else{ $mess="data saved but not synced as required";} $response = array('response' => new xmlrpcval($mess, 'string')); return new xmlrpcresp(new xmlrpcval($response, 'struct')); } … | |
Hi, I have a weird requirement and since i have never worked on xml, xsd and python i am not understanding how to go about it. There will be 2 xsd files containing parameters(structure), (may or maynot have)default values for them and range values for them. The xml file will … | |
1. Create the HTML document using Notepad for Figure 1.1 (page 2) by following instructions: • Use the following DTD <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> • Just below the html opening tag, add the following details as comments using the eg. <!-- This is … | |
Hi, help me to configure (hibernate + mysql + xml) in eclipse, I am getting errors while following the sites when i got them in google seach thanks for your time | |
(edit) this is solved, was a unicode issue. Hi I'm hoping someone has used the library [pugixml](http://pugixml.org/) I'm just trying to use a simple example provided but I'm not getting the result I expect. int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { pugi::xml_document doc; pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_file("tree.xml"); //pugi::char_t * c = … | |
Hello I need help encrypting just the password from a XML file. The file follows the W3C XML syntax. I think I can achieve it by by encrypting the xml element content like this example: <?xml version='1.0'?> <PaymentInfo xmlns='http://example.org/paymentv2'> <Name>John Smith</Name> <CreditCard Limit='5,000' Currency='USD'> <Number> <EncryptedData xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#' Type='http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#Content'> <CipherData> <CipherValue>A23B45C56</CipherValue> … | |
hello I have a xml like this: <book> <Publication> myPublication0</Publication> <Publication> myPublication<bookName> my book</bookName></Publication> <Publication> myPublication1</Publication> <Publication> myPublication2<bookName> my book2</bookName>asd</Publication> </book> and i want to read through java program and want output like myPublication0 myPublication<bookName> my book</bookName> myPublication1 myPublication2<bookName> my book2</bookName>asd please tell how to get given output | |
Hi there, Looking for some desperate help with a problem I am encountering. I have a third party product (bentley Geo Web Publisher) that allows you to specify an xslt to transform some tabular content into a HTML page. Everything worked fine until a couple of weeks ago when I … | |
Hi guys, i'm a little bit new to c# but someone asked me to make something for him, now was the question to make a Winform application, and you can insert 2 xml files, then read the xml files, and make a new xml file with the updated data out … | |
I am using the following code for playlist in jwplayer as shown in this page http://www.longtailvideo.com/blog/20697/jw-player-57-all-about-html5-playlists <div id="html5playlist"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> jwplayer("html5playlist").setup({ modes: [ { type: "html5" }, { type: "flash", src: "http://player.longtailvideo.com/player.swf" } ], playlist: [ { levels: [ { file: "http://content.bitsontherun.com/videos/bkaovAYt-364766.mp4" }, { file: "http://content.bitsontherun.com/videos/bkaovAYt-1287469.webm" } ], image: "http://content.bitsontherun.com/thumbs/bkaovAYt-480.jpg", … ![]() | |
> I have an xml document that looks like this: <OUTPUT version="2.0"> <RESPONSE> <LOAN_DATA loan_id="xxxx" loan_number="1111" loan_type="HE" status_code="OK"> <![CDATA[<MORTGAGE_LOAN xmlns="http://www.something.com/CLF" version="1.0"> <APPLICANTS> <APPLICANT is_declined="N" first_name="MARISOL" last_name="TESTCASE" m_initial="L" middle_name="L" ssn="000000001" > </APPLICANT> </APPLICANTS> </MORTGAGE_LOAN>]]> </LOAN_DATA> </RESPONSE> </OUTPUT> I can successfully read down to the CData section and can even access the … ![]() | |
Well i am having an interesting thing to discuss with you all people. i am having table in database where one column is having xml data with certain fields. I want to fetch those field using select query. So tell me if you can suggest something to me. Thanks a … | |
Hello I want to send xml values to a database I just created, here is the xml file <record> <name>tcpmux</name> <protocol>tcp</protocol> <xref type="person" data="Mark_Lottor"/> <description>TCP Port Service Multiplexer</description> <number>1</number> </record> <record> <name>tcpmux</name> <protocol>udp</protocol> <xref type="person" data="Mark_Lottor"/> <description>TCP Port Service Multiplexer</description> <number>1</number> </record> I've got 4 columns in my database:- ServiceName, … | |
hey there guys I need a PHP class to fetch news from different sites, I use rssphp.net class and its great if I need the **title** of article and the **short description**, but what I need is the full story somthing like ?type=rss2 in vBulletin forums the main output of … | |
I want to create xml file using asp.net c#.xml file have multiple paragraph. I upload document it split into multiple paragraphs. And then fetch into aspx page. | |
Its a Requiredment, i have a asmx service that returns a list<dataset> and the schema defination keeps on repeating foreach dataset in the List. How can i prevent. Thanks ![]() | |
I have this xml file <?xml version="1.0"?> <xml> <accounts> <user name="User123" cellphone="000000000123" email="n/a" balance="123.12" pin="123" accNumber="123"/> <user name="User456" cellphone="000000000456" email="445@email.com" balance="456.45" pin="456" accNumber="456"/> </accounts> </xml This file is part of an ATM's database, containing the user's details. I would like to change a spesific value. Say "User123" is login at … | |
Hi every body, I am trying to parse an xml file with sax parser in java and then fulfill a Jtable with the XML elements. The parsing is well done, the Jtable is created but the problem is that all the elements are placed in the same row and the … |
The End.