i am losing my mind
the past year has been hell for me
my doc won't listen
nobody takes me seriously
i cannot do anything for myself
i am a complete mess
i have tried suicide,but i have 2 kids and a dad who will pay the price
and i am a coward
i see no way out of this
why does god make me suffer?

Go get professional help -- we aren't qualified to give you the help you need.

commented: Funny, I googled help me. and daniweb isn't even in the first 5 pages +2

i am losing my mind
the past year has been hell for me
my doc won't listen
nobody takes me seriously
i cannot do anything for myself
i am a complete mess
i have tried suicide,but i have 2 kids and a dad who will pay the price
and i am a coward
i see no way out of this
why does god make me suffer?

Oooh ya. Let me tell you about my wonderful life. I didn't realize how wonderful I had it when I was a bachelor. Went to school for 3 yrs full time while working full time so that my wife could stay home and develop a pill popping habit. She is finally starting to get better but the last 2 yrs I have fought and fought with her so that I could keep my career because she is a complete mess. And she stays at home all *** **** ****** ******* day! Give me a break. As hard as I work the government rapes me out of all of my money in one form or another. Student loans all over my ***. I juggle anywhere between 4 to 10 projects at once at work while missing deadlines adds more stress to my career just because clients keep changing **** mid project which adds stress to my other deadlines.

But, when I get home I get to see 3 of the most beautiful smiling faces I have ever seen, cheering because I am home. They think that I am the most exciting thing since sliced bread, and that makes it all worth it to me. You need to stop taking life for granted, because one day, something will happen and you will regret it.

commented: Nicely put. +23

Go get professional help -- we aren't qualified to give you the help you need.

i googled 'help me.'
and it sent me here
sorry to trouble you

when I said you need professional help I meant for you to go see a headshrink, not use google.

>>sorry to trouble you
You didn't "trouble " me -- we are here to provide IT-style help, not be your psychiatrist

You need to seek help from a counsellor, not in Daniweb where we communicate better with computers than with humans.

@kattastic: Welcome aboard! However, as you can see, we're an IT community. As was mentioned earlier, you'll need professional assistance. A few things I can tell you though. No matter how bad you think you make have it, someone has it worst than you. For example, was a mud-pie your most recent meal a week ago?...Granted, everyone that I know has some type of problem or another, some more severe than others too. You could perhaps oversome your suicidal thoughts by associating more with upbuilding & optimistic folks. You've got to live for your kids! I don't want you to go in details about your 'mess' that your in. However, I'd encourage you to take life one day at a time. Is the economy getting you down? Perhaps lifestyle changes could allow you to save money. Additionally, if you were successful in committing suicide, think about the severe mental trauma that your family & friends would have to go through, perhaps for the rest of their lives. I'm not saying that people's lives will be problem free, but we urge you to seek professional help, so they can inform you of how to cope.

i googled 'help me.'
and it sent me here
sorry to trouble you

May God bless you and give you salvation!
Got to your nearest church and ask the pastor to help you!

If there is no church near you visit:

Please do not do anything stupid. Your chirldren need you and if love them, you should make them the number one priority. We all have bad times in our lives but you must focus on the good things. Spend time playing with and teaching your children. You will find many worries are absent in the presence of the innocent. And please, seek help, talk to professional who are trained in making you feel better. It may be embarrassing to bring up but friends and family are always there to help.

Dont take the easy way out. It may be easy for you but the people close to you will spend a lifetime of pain.

hi kattastic,
i dont know which country u r frm did u ever visited india or any poor countries
here u will find a peole who fight for food and shelter if they don`t get food for 1 one day or two they will not die nor they will attempt suicide they will make little more effort to get it
dont get discouraged by ur problems instead see poor countries u will find u r 100% in better position than them we will compare with people who r below our living standerds and we will be happy and satisfied ,if compare ur self with people who r above u r standerds happyness will be a mile away frm happyness

commented: yes.. +2

i am losing my mind
the past year has been hell for me
my doc won't listen
nobody takes me seriously
i cannot do anything for myself
i am a complete mess
i have tried suicide,but i have 2 kids and a dad who will pay the price
and i am a coward
i see no way out of this
why does god make me suffer?

If you are a Veteran, you can go to a Veteran's Hospital.

Don't go to just any church, go to Catholic Church!

OMG! dont EVER think about commiting suicide EVER AGAIN!!!
im like, not a very good adivce-giver or counsellor, but DO NOT EVER TRY TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!!! NEVER!!! you have a family that needs you...dont leave them now... =(

OMG! dont EVER think about commiting suicide EVER AGAIN!!!
im like, not a very good adivce-giver or counsellor, but DO NOT EVER TRY TO COMMIT SUICIDE!!!! NEVER!!! you have a family that needs you...dont leave them now... =(

I agree!
I hope he will report his salvation to us!

If you are a Veteran, you can go to a Veteran's Hospital.

:D To get into a va hospital the patient needs military-related physical injuries. And even then I would go there only as a last resort.

Don't go to just any church, go to Catholic Church!

I agree! My church has helped me many times when I was down.

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