Today is my 16th birthday, so i had a question for everyone. How do you celebrate your birthday?
Do you get together with friends?
Go somewhere special?
Personally i spend it with family :)

But thats it from me, excuse me while i go and learn to drive :D

Grn Xtrm commented: Happy Birthday :) +0
Nick Evan commented: Happy b'day! +0
sknake commented: Happy birthday! :) +0
Ancient Dragon commented: Hope you have many many more birthdays :) +0
William Hemsworth commented: Happy Birthday (: +0
ahihihi... commented: BELATED(^.^) +0

Varies - I spent my 40th in a cabin in Montana drinking 40 year old port (Fonseca) with family and friends; spent my 30th tied up to the log boom at a SeaFair unlimited hydroplane race; spent my 60th with my long time companion in a bar in Pony Montana - so let's just say varied.

Today is my 16th birthday, so i had a question for everyone. How do you celebrate your birthday?

Where I live, 16 is the age when you're legally allowed to drink alcohol. So when I turned 16, I went to a bar with friends and got wasted on beer and cheap vodka.

Nowadays I spent my birthday with my wife. Probably go out for dinner and catch a movie. Yes I am getting old :)

How do you celebrate your birthday?

I do not

happy birthday!! have an amazin year ahead!!

Yes Paul, have a happy birthday! Let's just say that if I would put a candle for every year on my birthday cake, I would set the house on fire!

I think that you have a birthday every day and a birthyear only once a year.

Well first of all buddy i would like to say happy birthday to you. Have a very nice day. I would like to celebrate my birthday with my family.

First of all, you only have ONE birthday -- the day you were born. After that they are the Anniversary of your Birthday.

My family (wife and two children) celebrates the anniversary of our birthdays all at the same time because we are so close (within 30 days). We have a small get-together, dinner, then cake & ice cream. There is only one candle on the cake because we don't want to burn the house down :) The only birthday presents we give any more is just ourselves. We give each of our two grandchildren $100.00 USD on the anniversary of their birthday.

Go out with friends. Go to a dinner and movies with friends or go girl hunting, ahem. Then come back home to your families, and have a birthday
cake celebration. Happy late, b-day. May the light be with you.

Where I live, 16 is the age when you're legally allowed to drink alcohol. So when I turned 16, I went to a bar with friends and got wasted on beer and cheap vodka.

It's not legal here, but that didn't stop me :D
Usually I just watch a movie with a few friends, and go to a restaurant for dinner with my parents, but it varies.

Happy Birthday! :icon_razz:

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