you referred to this word several times , so what does that mean?

Hi! I'm Dani, the admin of this board :D It's short for Danielle, but I prefer Dani by far.

Hi! I'm Dani, the admin of this board :D It's short for Danielle, but I prefer Dani by far.

But Danielle is such a sexy, beautiful name IMO.

Funny how the general male population bestows such flirtatious values upon any woman in the vicinity, without any thought. I'm not saying I'm an exception, I just find it funny. =P

Funny how the general male population bestows such flirtatious values upon any woman in the vicinity, without any thought. I'm not saying I'm an exception, I just find it funny. =P

And also my girl friends name is Dani..

haha. Good reason.

It was the best one I could think of, its not a reason it's a "given" lol.

My excuse is:

I love words that begin with D. Best I could come up with =oP

Funny how the general male population bestows such flirtatious values upon any woman in the vicinity, without any thought. I'm not saying I'm an exception, I just find it funny. =P

I couldn't agree with you more. Even more so because Dani uses her picture as a profile, which brings even more attraction. ;) When's the last time another guy on this forum got complimented the way Dani does for anything? Hehe. It's all good though.

Here's a tip for getting fast results in a forum (when you post any sort of question). Make the accountname a girl's name. Something like Allison, Amber, or Jennifer. Post with that name and act very naive. See how fast you get responses. Nice ones too! You'll never get something like RTFM or be called a troll (popular insult in the slashdot community). It's all social psychology. Most males, studies show, in most cases, act better and are more helpful to women than men. I think we can all agree on that.

The foreigners' names are so strange that i always can't remenber. i think chinese names are easy to read and remember, and it is rich in content , every chinese character has its own meaning, often more than only one.

Here's a tip for getting fast results in a forum (when you post any sort of question). Make the accountname a girl's name. Something like Allison, Amber, or Jennifer. Post with that name and act very naive. See how fast you get responses. Nice ones too!

This is all so very true. In fact, I set up an email account with a girls name and posted on usenet with that account for about a year. People were so nice to me, it was quite funny. I also noticed an increase in the number of guys who chose to send me private emails in reponse to usenet posts.

As I recall, the only unpleasant responses I had, in one particular newsgroup, were from another girl :)

Was it your first and native language? Were you and are you exposed to it a lot? If so, of course it's going to be your language of preference. You understand it more so you can see the beauty of it. The same thing goes with anything else.

Some people find beauty in math. I guess it's those thick glasses that make it visible to them because I sure as heck don't see it. ;)

you referred to this word several times , so what does that mean?

And now I ask you: what do the Chinese (?) characters on your avatar mean? Is it your name? It's not something like "The Sex Machine" is it? I hope not. 8)

His avatar is actually taken from one of the default avatar packs I have installed here at TTF.

Oh ok. laoli, do you know what it means?

The foreigners' names are so strange that i always can't remenber. i think chinese names are easy to read and remember, and it is rich in content , every chinese character has its own meaning, often more than only one.

Just for fun (although I can’t write the tones on my Pinyin):

Wo de xing ming shi Guo Li De. Ni de shi shen me? Wo shuo yi dian de zhong wen. Wo shuo de bu hao. ;) Ni ne? (Wo zai de zhou da xue xue le zhong wen.)

Hmmm...<ponders>, is it still too late to change my account name to Kandirella?

Cool. I wish I could speak an Asian language. The only languages I can speak are Spanish and French... oh yeah, and English of course. 8)

Cool. I wish I could speak an Asian language.

I don't think that I could learn Chinese. I'm too disoriented. :D

Cool. I wish I could speak an Asian language. The only languages I can speak are Spanish and French... oh yeah, and English of course. 8)

Dan, can't you speak some Japanese?

I know a few phrases, that's about it. I was thinking about taking a course at Hofstra on it.

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I couldn't agree with you more. Even more so because Dani uses her picture as a profile, which brings even more attraction. ;)

Oh dear, it is so very true. Just seeing a name like csgal made me feel like being a little more helpful, then when I saw her picture I tried even harder.

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