Should we try to encourage other members to join the IRC channel by putting a link to say this thread in place of our signature ?First of all would i be allowed ?I'd really like to see more people online and i bet i'm not the only one.

Your signature can pretty much say anything, and link anywhere, as long as neither are illegal, offensive or otherwise objectionable.

I don't think encouraging people to use DaniWeb IRC would be problematical :)

So is this not desirable?Because there are hardly five persons out there.

It's absolutely desirable. Though after several failed attempts at increasing activity, I've kind of stopped trying. Maybe you'll have better luck. The signature is a good idea, I think I'll do that too.

Thanks for the green light.I saw many channels have a trivia gaming going on.I know it's a daunting task and not easy to implement but that would be fun..i think

This is an initiative I can definitely get behind. I've been idling there for over a year now, but things seem to have been picking up recently. Maybe there's hope after all. ;)

/me changes his signature.

Be sure to report back and let us know if you find it brings more people onto IRC when you want to chat. :)

Hardly anyone's on IRC at the moment. Never used it myself, had to learn commands, maybe a short guide would help.

I'm using ChatZilla addon for firefox.

To join in the client tab type:/server
A new tab opens (, type: /join #daniweb
Another tab opens, to talk simply type in the box and press enter.

Or click here

We should try to promote using the IRC, maybe a shortcut at the top of daniweb that say IRC. The IRC now currently have less than a hundred members, if i am not wrong

The IRC now currently have less than a hundred members, if i am not wrong

Yes, quite a bit less. Like 92 less, as I believe there are only about 8 regulars on IRC.

As i have no idea what IRC is, but it has piqued my interest, could anyone explain it to me and give a hint as to why i might be interested in using it?
Genuine question.

IRC is a chat room with you can chat with other online posters. No point going there since there are around 5 regular people there

We should try to promote using the IRC, maybe a shortcut at the top of daniweb that say IRC

royng. You really need to make up your mind about which side of the fence you are going to sit on.
You cannot say the above and then one day later say the opposite :(

IRC is a chat room with you can chat with other online posters. No point going there since there are around 5 regular people there

IRC is a chat room with you can chat with other online posters. No point going there since there are around 5 regular people there

And how do we get more people on IRC if you don't want anyone to go there? Make up your mind!

We should promote the IRC so there will be more people and we wil go, there is no point going now since there are less people

Sorry, but I think you should engage the brain before putting the keyboard into gear :)

commented: Definitely. +0
commented: Hehe :) +0

What do you mean?

That's a great quote for your sig: "Nobody goes there anymore; it's too crowded." -Yogi Berra

We should promote the IRC so there will be more people and we wil go, there is no point going now since there are less people

Were you born stupid, or is it an acquired trait? Please read the quoted statement repeatedly until you realize how asinine it is.

Should i say, we should promote the IRC so that more people will be on there and you can chat with any one you like

I don't think there is any good example of people encouraging others to do stuff which they wouldn't , with actual results.But that's your opinion and it'll make a perfect example for people like yourself who don't like chatrooms and expect things to be done on their own.No offense , not everyone shares the same ideas which means we have the privilege to agree or disagree.

Have you read my post above? What is say is encourage people to go to the chat room. I myself is a big fan of chat room, please get the facts right first

Whatever .. i can't see you online on the chatlist which shows what facts i need to consider.

Although i can see you on the chat list. I am using an hidden identity. Anyway, there are not much person to chat with so i seldom go to the chatroom. If the chat room is full of people regularly, i will visit it often

What if the IRC were full of members using invisible status? How would anyone know how many members are on?
For all we know, that may be happening.

That we tell them not to be invisible.

The #daniweb channel has +n mode set. That means you can't see what's going on in the channel without joining it first. And you can't "invisibly" join the channel either.

What i mean is not really invisible. I mean using a different name. Maybe your daniweb name is 123 but in the IRC you use 123456. Thanks anyway for the advice john a

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