Anyone has the idea of adding a new features. Have a live 24 hours chat room, so members of daniweb can chat with other members around the world anytime.

Someone has apparently heard your request and started one moments ago on IRC. ;) (I can't take the credit, it's been there already)

Do you vote for a yes or no jonsca. Please vote in the poll, then i will know who are interested in having a chat room set up of course, i have to ask dani first.

Ok thanks, i have an it. But the IRC does not have a lot of people and when i type a message no one reply

That's what I'm saying, there already is an IRC channel for the site. See what they say, I don't speak for anybody, but it would probably be redundant to have two (since the IRC is unfortunately underused anyway).

But what i want is the chat room to be fun. You can talk to another person anywhere, anytime any topic. It can be games or homeworks or music. You get it, The IRC you post is only for support forums and technical difficulties

Already a chat room available and has been for a long time.

Where? I did not know that

You get it, The IRC you post is only for support forums and technical difficulties

You've got it wrong; IRC is not a place to ask support questions, it's a chillout zone/place. Click on the link jonsca has posted in this thread and just hang out there. You don't need to answer / ask questions. Just *relaaax*. :-)

Already a chat room available and has been for a long time.

He's talking about the IRC. You can chat about anything there, it's not just for tech support.

If you're asking about something that you can talk head to head with someone, you could put your Yahoo/MSN/yada in your profile (with the control panel) so people can see it. I would speculate that something like that on any site would take up a lot of server overhead.

But there are hardly anyone there

But there are hardly anyone there

If nobody hangs out there because nobody is there, nobody will continue to be there. :icon_rolleyes: Why don't you add yourself to the number of people on IRC and then the count goes up by one. Get others to do the same and the number of people will grow. I'd like to think this is obvious, but apparently only a handful really understand (the ones who already visit #daniweb).

That is what i have been trying to do. Either some are too lazy to do or they don't bother.Maybe for each thread, at the bottom it will say how many current active users are viewing this thread. if there are more than two. We can add a function that allow both the users who are viewing the same thread to chat with each other

They can already "chat" via PM. I think your ideas have some merit, but it takes a lot of programming effort to add in that kind of functionality. The increased server load that would occur would probably be significant.

Ok, thanks. But how do you chat in PM. Please enlighten me on that. Thanks jonsca

To get your message, go to the upper right hand corner of the screen, next to where it says your name, and click on "Private Messages". To send one, go into someone's profile (clicking on their username in a post), at the lower right hand of that screen it says "Send a private message to <username>" It's not like AIM, but you can get going back and forth pretty quickly.

Thanks Josca. Do you think i should mark this thread as solved or get more response from other posters to see whether they want a chat room

Thanks Josca. Do you think i should mark this thread as solved or get more response from other posters to see whether they want a chat room

Hello.....there IS a chat room as already stated several times :icon_rolleyes:

Ok, thabks crunchie. i explorering th chat room now.

Thanks Josca. Do you think i should mark this thread as solved or get more response from other posters to see whether they want a chat room

That's totally up to you. If the matter is resolved, mark it as such, but there's no penalty to leaving it open a bit longer.

Ok, since you say it. i will leave the thread open for another two more days, hoping to get more response from other posters. Want to go to another thread call loch ness in geek lounge. It is also by me

I see no point in leaving a poll open when the outcome does not matter.

Ok, so i will close the thread tomorrow on 21 march 2011

IRC, (AKA "Multiplayer Notepad") isn't really "cool" or "hip" these days. I am kind of fond of the idea, but unless I have a browser-based IRC client, I will be reluctant to visit often. Just because I won't ever open the IRC client, not because I don't like the chat.

Would a browser-based IRC client take up too much resources? It may very well become the hippest thing sliced bread if implemented so it's easy to use, and integrated with the 'site.

Would a chatbox be too much to ask for? I hear Chatango has some good ones... They may provide it for free, but I don't know.

Would a browser-based IRC client take up too much resources?

If you click the link I posted, it is a browser based client.

Cbox is a good chatbox and it is free

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