Just out of curiosity ... what is YOUR singlemost favorite DaniWeb feature? It can be anything no matter how big or small. For me it's the look of the category portal pages and the members who share your interests within a member profile.

I like the member certificates they're really funky. And I like the syntax highlighting where you can specify the language in the code tag.

Funny you should say. I'm actually not entirely happy with the member certificates. I think they can be implemented better somehow. They're too simplistic for my taste and very under utilized.

The syntax highlighting is cool but I don't really have a chance to use it myself.

People who know me will tell you I'm easily pleased!

Now.. if only I could be cloned 156,776 times you wouldn't have to worry about timezones and would suffer less headaches. :cheesy:

commented: haha... +1

haha :)

The blogs, but then I would say that.

Oh c'mon Davey, you can be more specific than that :) What about our blogs makes them stand out ... the trackbacks feature? The way they're integrated with the rest of DaniWeb? ...

The bloggers! :)

Oh, OK then, specifically it is ease of submission, ease of navigation (both main blog pages and tag cloud routes) and the quality of commenting that blog posting seems to generate from members.

Member Avatar for iamthwee

>What is your favorite DaniWeb feature?

The Ads, they're so intrusive and they give me a warm and fuzzy feeling when they pop up in my face.


commented: haha very funny. -christina +5
commented: :D :D :D :D :D :p +3


>What is your favorite DaniWeb feature?

The Ads, they're so intrusive and they give me a warm and fuzzy feeling when they pop up in my face.



I'd say the syntax highlighting code tags.

I know what initially drew me was the look of everything. I thought DW looked a whole lot more professional then the other sites I had considered.

...but that's just me. ;)

No, it isn't just you. I guess familiarity breeds contempt, which is why nobody else mentioned it :)

> Just out of curiosity ... what is YOUR singlemost favorite DaniWeb feature?

A girl admin who does't hide her identity... :P

:eek: !!!

Heh, sorry if my small joke freaked you out... :D

Naa, it's fine. I was just trying to find an "oh goodness gracious!" smiley face.

>What is your favorite DaniWeb feature?

The Ads, they're so intrusive and they give me a warm and fuzzy feeling when they pop up in my face.


:mrgreen: I just about killed myself laughing on that one...

I'd say my favorite part about DaniWeb is the great community, and the way you can goof off without getting shot down, if you know what I mean...


What a bad shot, missed me by a mile :P

I never said I had good aim.

I like the posting games forum. It's nice not having several dozen posting games threads polluting the Geek's Lounge. It was a good idea making posts in that forum not contribute to the user's total post count, too.

For me; all your site integration is perfect.
I:* 'it
I'm french, and we don't have an hight quality forum same as daniweb.com

Congratulation for the Dani's team!

Would it be possible to have cool stats such as total number of LOL's in your member profile.

Would it be possible to have cool stats such as total number of LOL's in your member profile.

Disagree! Sounds very unprofessional.

I would like to know. On a more serious note:

  1. If i post a comment on someones blog and then someone else comments why dont i get notified - i think i should be.
  2. Also, why can you not post pictures on blogs?
  3. How about having the gold stars and rep blocks on the member certificate?

Other than that i :* daniweb.

Afflicted to obstruct you MR. Bennet.
I do not speak the shakespear language very well , and I would take care not to obstruct you again MR. Bennet.

Are you happy?

For my experience, I 'm not the personnel needs to spread out it, but it is equivalent has at least your age.
You is too strong for me (I am afraid for my business), and still sorry “to have dirtied” your only hobby.(see profile)

what the hell I never even said anything, whats with the personal attack?

Afflicted to obstruct you MR. Bennet.
I do not speak the shakespear language very well , and I would take care not to obstruct you again MR. Bennet.

Are you happy?

For my experience, I 'm not the personnel needs to spread out it, but it is equivalent has at least your age.
You is too strong for me (I am afraid for my business), and still sorry “to have dirtied” your only hobby.(see profile)

What are you talking about?
No personal attacks towards anyone, please.

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