Hi All,

I am a computer science student.
Currently I am thinking my final year project.
I am think of doing something related to Quality as I aims at doing something related to IT Quality as my futures career.
Any topics you can think of??

OR something relate to education, teaching, learning is also fine for me.

Could anyone please advise me some topics?

Thanks a lots

I think you could look at IT projects failed and successful and see if the Quality in the design and management played any difference. See if those that were successful adhere to any specific standards e.g Prince2, ITIL.

On the educational side of things you could design & develop a teachers management system:
1.use a language such as java, c# etc as a front end GUI
2.use SQL as back end database

The system could incorporate emergency contact details for pupils and teacher timetables etc etc. this system could also be used in a client serer system. You could use ASP.NET (for eg) and design a web service that has a backend sql d/b

You can do something about development process quality.
I think you could write about CMMI, the advantages and quality improvements to use this model, you could also write about the KPA Quality Assurance.

QoS in wireless mobile muni LANs

I think you could look at IT projects failed and successful and see if the Quality in the design and management played any difference. See if those that were successful adhere to any specific standards e.g Prince2, ITIL.

yeah i think that better.

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