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I have been to so many forums and seen so many threads with utter rubbish titles. So what is the game? I list four titles of threads and anyone tell me what it is about just by seeing it.

1. replyfast-c++
2. how do I?
3. Help on java
4. java game code

This was never meant to be a game. What I am trying to say here is can't people read the forum guidelines before posting. Do they think that words like "HELP", "URGENT" etc. make you rush to their threads; where more often then not they seem to not reply at all to helpful answers.

PS. The title was meant to be ironical.

My my, such an easy game.

>1. replyfast-c++
Gimme code.

>2. how do I?
Gimme solutions.

>3. Help on java
Gimme code.

>4. java game code
Gimme code.

>What I am trying to say here is can't people
>read the forum guidelines before posting.
No. They don't care, so why should they?

Yes Salem that is a favourite of yours lol - its a goody too

Member Avatar for DigitalPackrat

>>No. They don't care, so why should they?
Can't we do anything about it? Narue, you have been here for sometime I suppose, why so cynical?

>>I usually slap them with if >>they break too many rules in the same post.
Hope, they read a few of Eric's writings. This should be eye catchy to them. "How To Become A Hacker"

>Can't we do anything about it?
Nope, not without punishing everyone else in the process. I take solace in the fact that out of a thousand idio^H^H^H^Hcareless beginners, one or two truly promising people make it through.

>Narue, you have been here for sometime I suppose, why so cynical?
Cynical and experienced are synonyms.

Member Avatar for DigitalPackrat

>>thousand idio^H^H^H^Hcareless beginners, one or two truly promising people make it through.
Well, thats a good point made. It shows you aren't truly as cynical as you say you are.

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