My name is Nicole and I am a current marketing student. I need to conduct 2 interviews with people already working in the field I have chosen to make my career as an assignment. The questions i have are as follows:

1. What is your current job title?

2. What education requirements did you earn to prepare you for this job?

3. What are the advantages/ disadvantages to this career choice?

4. What is an average workday like?

5. Where did you start out on your career path?

Thank you to anyone who answers this post!!!

and what do you think to achieve with those questions?
What possible use could you have of the answers (especially as you have no way to verify them)?

what i'm wondering is why a marketing student would think that professional marketers hang out in an "IT Professionals Lounge"

I mean, marketers dont have a technical bone in their body. they obviously wouldn't have any idea about a forum .. for ... technical ....

oh. wait. i get it now.

1. What is your current job title?

Professional student

2. What education requirements did you earn to prepare you for this job?

I passed some classes. They let me take more.

3. What are the advantages/ disadvantages to this career choice?

You pay someone, you don't get paid.

4. What is an average workday like?

Shitty projects, very little sunlight.

5. Where did you start out on your career path?

In CMSC 100 level.


The interview questions are for a graded report that I have been assigned. Since I am inexperienced in the field, the objective is to come out of the project with a better prospective of what the person currently employed in the field experiences. Eventhough I have no way to verify the findings of my interviews (if anyone would answer the questions) the information is still valid if given by an honest professional and will help me to attain my goal and my grade.

Umm.... Thanks. I think. Helps a very little...

one of the major concepts in marketing is demographics. i.e., "understand your audience".

the problem is, that there probably aren't very many professional marketers that frequent this forum. i'd be willing to bet that there aren't any.

see what i'm getting at?

now there are some forums that have to do with internet marketing... i have no idea what goes on over there, i have zero interest in finding out. but i'm thinking perhaps you should have put your thread in one of those


sadly there are a LOT of professional marketeers here. They're all in the business of generating accounts for their spambots to flood the forums with link spam.
It's no doubt well known by now that Daniweb endorses link spam in signatures and won't do anything about it, so ever more will flock here knowing their messages won't be deleted and will turn up on Google searches for years to come.

sadly there are a LOT of professional marketeers here. They're all in the business of generating accounts for their spambots to flood the forums with link spam.
It's no doubt well known by now that Daniweb endorses link spam in signatures and won't do anything about it, so ever more will flock here knowing their messages won't be deleted and will turn up on Google searches for years to come.

yeah, i've been wondering about that, why that is.

it's kind of disturbing actually, and i've been avoiding thinking about the whole issue and it's ramifications. i

i enjoy participating in the forum of my programming-language-of-choice... but the fact that this whole website is really becoming such a spam relay station makes me reconsider whether i should continue to participate here at all anymore.

like, for instance, there's this rule about putting your email or website contact info in your post. it will get snipped and repeats will presumably get you warnings. Yet someone can fill their signature with emails and contact info, and that's perfectly okay?

what kind of hypocritical bullshit is that?

yeah, i've been wondering about that, why that is.

it's kind of disturbing actually, and i've been avoiding thinking about the whole issue and it's ramifications. i

i enjoy participating in the forum of my programming-language-of-choice... but the fact that this whole website is really becoming such a spam relay station makes me reconsider whether i should continue to participate here at all anymore.

like, for instance, there's this rule about putting your email or website contact info in your post. it will get snipped and repeats will presumably get you warnings. Yet someone can fill their signature with emails and contact info, and that's perfectly okay?

what kind of hypocritical bullshit is that?


I do not agreed with you. Any way, your ideal make me thinking about some thing for my project.

Please try to keep posting. Tks and best regards


I do not agreed with you. Any way, your ideal make me thinking about some thing for my project.

Please try to keep posting. Tks and best regards

Apart from that, this link below may be useful: Marketing interview questions

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