What are your opinions about implementing 3D into online store web sites? Could 3D improve product presentation in an online-store?

it would be cool if you could browse the shop in 3d and pick up and examine 3d products

it would be cool if you could browse the shop in 3d and pick up and examine 3d products

That would annoy the flip out of me; unless it was very well done.

Could 3D improve product presentation in an online-store?

Providing it's well done, not over-the-top, and it's quick loading.. If it's an essential part of the store (i.e. you couldn't use the store without it); then only if it's compatible everywhere, or a compatible alternative provided without having to look for it: one thing I hate is: 'You can't view this page because you don't have latest version of [insert as applicable]'.

you could have a standard one for dialup customers and a 3d one for Broadband Customers.

and what about broadband users who want actual performance and don't care about flashy images?

There are very few items I'd buy online where I give a darn about having a "3D" view of the thing. I either don't care what it looks like or know already.

The only 3D I ever thought was a nice feature for websites was for real-estate; virtual tours through homes.

A 3D store sounds like something I probably would've used VRML for. Does anyone even use vrml anymore?

have you seen the kinda 3d view you can do on dells website? you cam rotate the products and get an exploded view

have you seen the kinda 3d view you can do on dells website? you cam rotate the products and get an exploded view

and how useful is that exactly?
Or are computers now such fashion items that you choose them based purely on looks?

very useful as it enabkes you to see the design (e.g the dimesnions side vents) - it also lets you check out the ports and how the inside of the case is arranged

The only 3D I ever thought was a nice feature for websites was for real-estate; virtual tours through homes.

A 3D store sounds like something I probably would've used VRML for. Does anyone even use vrml anymore?

Now the 3d buzz is around Second Life. This sounds like something someone would make there.

For the record I don't like 3d stuff unless I get to shoot people (counterstrike 1.6!!!). SL is clunky. VRML is clunkier.

Real estate trade is not the only shopping field where you can apply 3D solution effectively! You can also use 3D for selling such merchant as watches, apparel, electronics, furniture etc. There is no doubt that 3D view provides customers with more detailed information about the product retailers sell online.

We are currently developing an online VR 3D online shopping application. Would appreciate if any one has links for existing applications.


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