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Member Avatar for Webxeros

I would like to know about SEO link Wheel. Please explain it with appropriate examplrs.

Member Avatar for katebonner
Member Avatar for Adriano 7
Member Avatar for seigell971
Member Avatar for gaminggril
Member Avatar for seigell971
Member Avatar for Dani

This is a two part question. Firstly, what are some methods to build backlinks in late 2020 that are __not__ through guest blogging / blog outreach? Secondly, what are some methods to encourage users to share your content on social platforms?

Member Avatar for Vedika
Member Avatar for Edvinas_1

Quality Content is the King of SEO. The very basic reason behind searching on Google is the accuracy and the quality result google gives. But how Google search engine gives such an accurate result? Whenever user feeds some query in the Google Search bar. Google crawler will start looking for …

Member Avatar for chrisjames
Member Avatar for ezestseo

I think this is been a long time passed when Google have not updated PR. So any ideas why they have not updated PR? and when will be next the PR update?

Member Avatar for alishamarie
Member Avatar for fazeel ayaz

I have been working to optimize my website (www.buycustomlogo.com) for a while now and have observed that Google Analytics is helping me do much better except for the proprietary software that I have been using for a while now. I want to know, is it worth it to shift to …

Member Avatar for Himanshu77
Member Avatar for FarrisFahad

I read about a lot of people who ranked their site without building a single link. Does posting great content or building a great site can get you ranked higher? What if I'm in a competitive niche, do I need to build links? Or should I post my content to …

Member Avatar for yialeks
Member Avatar for rproffitt

Watched most of The Social Dilemma ( https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11464826/ ) it appears to me to be successful you must learn certain, let's say, deep physcology and think about how to sway your followers using all the tools noted in the movie. This is a drama documentary but what you see there …

Member Avatar for rollan

Hello.. There have been a lot of discussion about making money online programmes. Can some one tell me if something really works (please don’t tell me just because you want me to be your referral). Can some one please tell me the way to make money online ?? Thanks

Member Avatar for jibranahmed
Member Avatar for Emi_2

Recently i created a website https://hmothersday.com/ and now i want to do link building of my site. So i want to ask what kind of link building strategy will work for this type of site? Thanks, Regards

Member Avatar for infernal199
Member Avatar for Dani

Googlebot is crawling my AMP pages more than they are crawling my desktop pages. I have the appropriate canonical from AMP to desktop and amphtml from desktop to AMP. The desktop version also has a self-referencing canonical. Only canonical pages are in the sitemap. This is a concern because less …

Member Avatar for daxclark52
Member Avatar for Jen Larosa
Member Avatar for soniyabis

Hello all , Our website not ranking on google 1st page . We have done everything , content writing , back links, comments ..etc also spent huge money on google ads and Facebook ads, but no use for it. I have checked many website and their back link is very …

Member Avatar for hazelstella
Member Avatar for gayatrisc
Member Avatar for Stelajones
Member Avatar for Dani

I just spent way too long realizing that by setting the boundary property for Twitter Bootstrap popover Javascript to viewport (I believe it's parent element by default), it gets rid of the flickering issue I was having with popovers triggered on hover. If anyone else is having that problem, this …

Member Avatar for Sohaib_7
Member Avatar for SabithaSri
Member Avatar for yeshamarques

What according to you is the best way to get noticed and get stuck in people’s mind? Is less really more or is big, loud and busy the way to leave your impression on people’s mind? Discover it yourself by exploring the beauty of the two extremes of web designing …

Member Avatar for Sohaib_7
Member Avatar for Fantastech
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Adriano 7

If i creat a section on my website or a blog (and redirecting it to the website) where i talk about local events, i will rank better for that locality? Though the contents are difficult to correlate? I have no idea if this can work maybe some of you can …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

There was a huge fluctuation in the SERPS yesterday that left a lot of people baffled by the unannounced algorithm ... until Google officially announced it was a bug that was rolled out. Unlike just about everyone who commented on WW, SEW, etc., I actually fared well from it, until …

Member Avatar for subhodip
Member Avatar for robertlaar

Is there a benefit to ping your URL's from websites like http://www.pingmylink.com/ this ?

Member Avatar for Gennry
Member Avatar for Dani

Has anyone read about any studies, or has any anecdotal evidence, that might demonstrate that detailed schema.org/Person markup about an author improves the authoritativeness of an article or tutorial in Google's eyes?

Member Avatar for Dani

I'm noticing Googlebot is not respecting my robots.txt. I'm seeing Googlebot's user agent crawling pages that have been in my robots.txt file for many months. Some of them are showing up in GSC as "Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt" with Last crawled dates indicated as recent as yesterday. Additionally, I'm …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Dani

Google search console flagged a couple of my AMP pages with the error: Error in required structured data element When I use the URL inspection tool, it says: Linked AMP version is valid with warnings Error in required structured data element But in the HTML section of the crawled page, …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for AlexandrieAmou

Hello, I'm an office worker and I love to listen to pop and rap songs. And what music do you like to listen to? thanks

Digital Media social-media
Member Avatar for John_165
Member Avatar for wilsonjoee

Internet has changed many aspects of our life, and the change is very positive. It has more or less you can say revolutionized the whole world. Nowadays Email Marketing is very popular and cost effective medium. Here are some tips for effective email marketing which would your business to success …

Member Avatar for pogeken216
Member Avatar for harshadgowda

Hi! Recently I have decided to change my website from Fred's Fashion Boutique to Fred's Fashion (because the URL became available) and I was in the process of a redesign so I thought it would be a good time. My website is only about 3 months old so wasn't receiving …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for IVDMindore

Hi there, Hope you all member of these forum community doing well there. I m in trouble here, I have just started my own local digital marketing training classes here in Indore region. And I want to optimise my institute's Website SEO and want to be on 1st top organic …

Member Avatar for subhodip
Member Avatar for vijayakumar_1

Iam designing a circular progress bar for my application. iam getting some example code which implements circular progress bar using PyQt4. I tried to convert the PyQt4 code in to PySide code which suits my application. but when i try to run the code iam getting error. plz help me …


The End.