I just started to optimize my website. I found after my some efforts it started to ranking but some time it comes it 100 or some time it goes very back why it is fluctuating so much. What to do for that??:icon_cool:

I think the fluctuation in SERP is normal, especially on Google these days. The only way to keep your site on top of SERP is to building more backlinks from quality sources and keep your sites up-to-date. :)

Wish this help,

From how I understand it, fluctuations in rankings occur because you have yet to demonstrate authoritativeness. The search engine thinks you have good content but not as good as it could be. Authoritativeness can only be achieved over time by deploying an evolving web site and adhering to a standard of offering the search engine unique, important and credible content. It's time to grow. Pay particular attention to how you utilize your internal linking structure to emphasize important webpages.

Off-site factors can influence this phenomenum too (for example, the SE finds a thousand links one day and doesn't find any others for ten days, then finds two thousand of them somewhere else) but are best left to determine themselves. It seems good for the overall search engine strategy, in the longer term, to concentrate on what's within your control: your web pages, your images, your coding, your linking, your optimizable webpage components ...

I just started to optimize my website. I found after my some efforts it started to ranking but some time it comes it 100 or some time it goes very back why it is fluctuating so much. What to do for that??:icon_cool:

It is normal! If you want to stay on top positions, then you have to continue building links. Creating quality of back links will help you.

It is normal! If you want to stay on top positions, then you have to continue building links. Creating quality of back links will help you.

That's such a common misconception. Create whatever then make it appear to be important by deploying some link building scheme. In this model, should it have any success, you'll have to be forever trying to convince the search engine that you have important content.

How 'bout just creating important content right from the get go. Any off-site influences that come from other webmasters that think your important web pages are valuable additional resources for their Internet visitor may or may not affect your page rankings but it doesn't really matter if you have excellent, well-crafted optimized stuff. This is what the search engine seeks out: unique, well crafted, credible, authentic, authoritative, intelligently put together content and rewards web pages for that much much much more highly than garbage webpages with a zillion useless, pointless, manipulated, force fed links... I could go on but I'm out of breath.

I can attest to what Fred says in regards to content vs. backlinks. I have created sites for a number of my clients and I have written keyword-rich content with minimal links (meaning, links that matter not links for the sake of linking), I have had no problem ranking high in the SE's.

I too go in line with Fred. Quality and unique content are more important than building links though link building is also important.

But one another important thing is that Google changes its algorithm often. That may also affect your ranking.

Keyword Ranking always changes day by day. Don't worry about it and make sure you work more on quality backlinks for good ranking.

Remember, even if your site is static on and off page, your competitors are changing. If some site ranks higher than you, or gets booted from the index, that can also cause fluctuation. You are not in a static situation, you are in a dynamic flow of competitors.

For some keywords my site ranking is also fluctuating and I analyze that work regularly for those keywords for which ranking is fluctuating.

I agree with Fred just concentrate on your contents and prove the authority and authenticity.

more useful content and high quality backlinks could make your site has a good rank.

In the problem of SERP fluctuation don't worry much about it..I also experienced the same, just continue on what you are doing..And soon your sites ranking will be back..

its hard to reach stability in google rankings
especially for competitive keywords. you have to keep in mind that your competitors are doing the exact same thing and wondering the exact same thing. you will be stable when you out link you competition by a lot.

commented: the last post is in 2009 -1

Just stick to creating original, high-quality content that's actually useful. Do everyone in the industry a favor and avoiding plagiarism and keyword spamming. Fluctuations are normal--we even had a #5 ranked site that disappeared from the SERPs for no reason at all, only to regain its position some 2 to 3 weeks later. I know, strange.

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