What is your fastest way?

I mean lets say you find some list and click the site open in a new windows and enter your comment with url. Close window and continue with other hunderds of sites..

I have in my mind only searching high PR forums and register plus write comments but its too much time consuming. Whats your fastest way you use?

Thank you


Link Building is all about building nice and quality backlinks to your web site. Backlink quality also depends on source site’s popularity and traffic. Higher popularity and traffic equals more quality backlink. Try to submit your site to search engines and high page rank directories.


Hi Lafaso870

Rather than list all the strategies which you can use to build quality back links to your website, I would refer you to an excellent resource from the experts - Wordtracker.

They recently held a webinar on "How to build quality backlinks to your site".
The replay can be accessed here :Building Backlinks Webinar

I think it would be writing a quality content and then publishing it n bookmarking on as much as social media networks as you can!

You have to do it manually only, there is no other ways to do t faster or using some tools.

There is no fast way to success, success come with dedication, patience and effort. So you can not build quality links in a fast manner

In my opinion these are fastest way to get an back link are:->

Forum comments,
Blog comments [Do-follow site],
Article Submission,
Social bookmarking...

Good content and quality backlinks helps. Try to get higher pr backlinks for your website.

There is no such a fastest way. SEO is time taking task. It is not one time result. So every body should have patience.

link submission, article submission, and smo techniques create backlinks very fast.

You should submit your sites to more directories and do follow blog commenting is great way to create quality backlinks

Forum submission and blog submission will be fastest way of getting back links

Submit articles, post on forums with links in your sig, post on blogs, submit links to directories...etc etc. Check forum backlinks here if you dont know where to start. There's 1500 dofollow forums and software to make profiles with backlinks. Good luck

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