Many search engine automatically delete website that were registered but have not been updated for a long time. You may have also submitted a web page that has changed or has been deleted yourself. Also, many search engine submission place new submissions in the top of their lists. The longer you leave before a resubmission the further down the list your website appears. Resubmitting once in a month will keep your details current and update.

Many search engines automatically delete websites that were registered but have not been updated for a long time. You may also have submitted a webpage that has changed or has been deleted yourself. Also, many search engines place new submissions at the top of their lists. The longer you leave before resubmission the further down the list your website appears. Resubmitting once a month will keep your details current and up to date,All the major search engines use human beings to review new websites and they know if the site has been submitted by a machine or by a person. Manual submission also ensures that your site is listed properly and under the correct category. The quickest was to have your site banned altogether is to list it under the wrong category or by simply using software to spam the search engines. Many Search Engines like Excite require five pages of submission details and you must also enter a key code and confirm the submission by return email or visiting a link before your site is successfully submitted. No software can do this properly. Search Engine Submission is also changing rapidly and by using our submission service you can rely on your submission being current and up to date.

Hi, harjos

In my own experiences, manually submitting to search engines might be not necessary these days. Back linking would work better for this purpose. Also, I think search engines would find the updates on your sites after they index your sites via their own crawling bots. :)

all the best,

I agree with you, SEO is a process to increase traffic and ranking of your website, From this will increase your website popularity and business.

Yeah, plus if you don't monitor your SERP continuosly, any one can easily beat you!

I think you need to create backlinks for your website instead of submitting it again and again to search engines.

The fastest was to have a site completely banned list is in the wrong category or simply using software to spam search engines.

Why waste any time with a search engine that doesn't index intelligently, hasn't even the capability to offer live web pages and demands a time consuming registration process of any kind. These types of search engines were popular in the mid 1990's and have hardly any purpose in today's Internet world.

I think resubmitting is not necessarily but you can always let the Search engine bots the changes you've made to your website and if you deleted it, use 301 redirects to old pages to the new one's.

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