
How does the SEO works? I almost finish building a webpage and ready to market it to the popular search enginee like google and yahoo.

How to make the webpage searchable and receive a good rank in the search enginee?

Do I need to add some codes to my webpage so that it will be searchable?

There are two techniques for search engine optimization i.e. On-page and Off-page optimization and There are many ways to do SEO like:-
-Link Builiding
-Social Bookmarking
-Blog writing
-Article Submission
-Video sharing
-Keep the contents for website updated and fresh
-Select the proper tags for your webpages

what are those?

I just use the meta-tag. I also want to ask if I register my website to the search enginee is it easy to change the website description in the search enginee later on?

SEO is a technique which helps search engines find and rank your site higher than the millions of other sites in response to a search query. SEO thus helps you get traffic from search engines.

start with meta tag creation and then do local targetting on different local listing websites...

If I register my website to the search enginee is it easy to change the website description in the search enginee later on?

SEO is a technique that helps in bringing your site before in SERP. Also increases traffic to your website. Types are On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.
Strategies considered in On-page SEO are:
Title tag.
Meta tag.
Meta description.
Anchor text.
Strategies considered in Off-page SEO are:
Directory submission.
Article submission.
Forum posting.
Blog posting/commenting.
Guest blogging.
Press release.

What is seo?

seo is best for online marketing.

it is seo part for optimize
On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.
Strategies considered in On-page SEO are:
Title tag.
Meta tag.
Meta description.
Anchor text.
Strategies considered in Off-page SEO are:
Directory submission.
Article submission.
Forum posting.
Blog posting/commenting.
Guest blogging.
Press release.

Thanks for the explaination. Although no one answer my question yet: is it easy to change the website description in the search enginee later on after I registered my webpage in the search enginee?

Have you developed your website as SEO point of view. SEO friendly websites can easily rank in SERPs.

your site can be recognized by bot with help of seo even before you submit your site to search engines so that your site ll be indexed by the search engine.Seo techniques helps to increase traffic to your site.your page rank will be increased.

Online SEO press release is the electronic version of the traditional marketing practice of disseminating business information through news channels.

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