I have a blog in Blogger. I am trying to increase traffic and page rank by submitting it to different Blog Directory. But I have failed to submit it to Alltop. It shows an error issue with my RSS feed. Can anyone help me telling what is the correct RSS feed form of Blogger/ Blogspot Blog?

Have you successfully submitted the feed to other outlets? If so, then I think the feed is fine. In this case, you should contact Alltop and ask if they are having problems on their end.

If the feed did not work with other sites, then there may be a problem with it.

By default, the feed for a Blogger blog should look like the following:


(Replace "BLOGNAME" with the name of your blog.)

However, some sites don't require the full URL; some only require http://BLOGNAME.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default

Is your feed going through FeedBurner?
In this case, the output of FeedBurner should look like the following:


where "FEED_NAME" is the name you've assigned to this feed, and "RAN_LET" are random letters FeedBurner has assigned to this feed (but it's part of the feed, so you'll need them when submitting the feed to blog directories.)

thanks for the helpfull information.

Thanks for this information.It is very helpful.

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