Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone of you are aware of the Business Promoting Tools available in the market like:

IBP (internet business promoter)
Web CEO 5.6x
Add Web

If you dont know them then just google it

Well my question is that, are these tools really worth purchasing. Are they any good in promoting your website/business?

I use WebCEO, there is a free version that doesn't have all the functions. I used that for several months, and then was so happy with it I bough the professional version. I love it!
It really is an all-in-one tool. If you have a limited amount of $$ to spend on software, then WebCEO is the way to go.

At least download and use the free version. (It's not a trial either, it is a true free version). Use it and then decide, you have nothing to lose.


I used a really old version of AddWeb once. Been there, done that. Not worth it. Note that the best way to get indexed nowadays is via backlinks - you WILL be picked up ;)

Note that the best way to get indexed nowadays is via backlinks - you WILL be picked up ;)

yeap, indeed.
one of my clients was really surprised when found his brand new site in search results, without me doing anything except basic SEO and putting project to my portfolio

btw, i really think that you should use promoting applications only when you see all the source code (written by you own, or developed as custom app specially for you) - because my seo guy used few earlier and all he got was spam at his mail box :mrgreen:

Hello Everyone,

I hope everyone of you are aware of the Business Promoting Tools available in the market like:

IBP (internet business promoter)
Web CEO 5.6x
Add Web

If you dont know them then just google it

Well my question is that, are these tools really worth purchasing. Are they any good in promoting your website/business?

well i just bought IBP and its really good.
everything uptodate
i'm just new to this so still playing with IBP ,but i should say i have got much more from it .really worth buying.
if you want more just go to http://promotionstools.com

yep i'm using WebCEO as well very nice and easy to use its gr8 the Free Version of WebCEO =)

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