I was just wondering what framework or any other libraries you use that contain a control similar to the datagridview in vb.net. It's basically a tabular control in which you can move in all direction and enter information. Structurally, I guess it's just a textbox that moves around in a table and positions itself according to table's cells.

Thank you very much for any wisdom you can share on this subject.

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I was just wondering what framework or any other libraries you use that contain a control similar to the datagridview in vb.net. It's basically a tabular control in which you can move in all direction and enter information. Structurally, I guess it's just a textbox that moves around in a table and positions itself according to table's cells.

C# is the closest code related to ASP.net, so the framework is similar.

But regards about to your question what you trying to do?

Right. I am looking for this kind of functionality in a php/javascript/css/html environment.

Thanks for your answer.

In asp.net, the closest control is the GridView, in the update mode where you can access the various controls within the rows of the GridView. <asp:gridview />

It sounds like you are describing a table you can move from cell to cell and update client side without a postback such as a "live" table sort of what Google Sheets?

I don't really know what Google Sheets are at this stage, but otherwise, yes, that's more or less what I'm looking for. It would need to be in Javascript on the client side yes.

So, yes there are alot of samples out there that are written in javascript and/or jquery. I've used a few just to display data in a table and allow the user to filter and sort. However, there are a few that will allow you to tie back to a server side scripting language so you can do inline updates.

Take a look at this link..i found it in my browser's bookmark. You may find something there that would be useful for you.


Many thanks. :)

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