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About a month ago, when I turn on the computer the screen was like a broken old TV screen. Broken lines were going all over the screen. I could barely read anything or do any work. Less than an year ago I brought a Nvidia graphic card and it was 9600GT made by a brand called Foxconn.
here is a link to my graphic card.

Before the day that this happened, I used a program called SpeenFan on Windows 7. I changed the fan speed. I don't know what I did....

So I returned the graphic card but the warranty was over. Somehow they agreed to do something so they took the graphic card and they told me that they have to send this to the main company to see what's the problem. So I'm still waiting for it.

Anyway can anyone tell me what happened to the card?
was it caused by SpeedFan a virus?? I Don't have a clue.

Umm. SpeedFan is a legitimate program. Presuming yours was not a viral copy, of course. however, it does change the speed of the fan, and if you force it to go slower, and your card (or cpu) overheats,,, bang. weird things happen, or nothing does.

Expect a bill from 'them'.

And then go buy a new card if it there a bill. And don't buy it from them.

what are ou using at the moment, your PC or another one?
Can you put another card in your PC and see if it is going OK at the moment? maybe it is not the card at fault...

Member Avatar for Sinaru

Thnx for the reply. I'm currently using my on-board graphic card and everything is fine. So it was the graphic card.
Yeah, I remember reducing the speeds of many things. :P anyway even after that the machine was working ok....

OK. So at least now you know what was wrong, and how it happened. Help me, mark this thread as solved? Reputation points if I was helpful?



Member Avatar for Sinaru

Well how can you be sure that SpeedFan caused that? I've said it was working well,even after I changed the fan speeds, till I turned on the machine next day.

Well how can you be sure that SpeedFan caused that? I've said it was working well,even after I changed the fan speeds, till I turned on the machine next day.


Before the day that this happened, I used a program called SpeenFan on Windows 7. I changed the fan speed. I don't know what I did.....

then you stop using the card, so you know that the card is the problem.

It sounds likely, at least. Besides, just looking at one of those (see thumbnail below), those fans look like they are rather important Don't you think? Messing with them using 3rd party software is not particularly recommended, and usually voids the warranty (I wonder why - oh, because they break).

I admit, stating that SpeedFan WAS the cause may be a little presumptious of me...

If you can tell us what the actual cause was, then please enlighten us, for the benefit of others who have this issue - otherwise this thread serves as a good warning to others about some of the dangers of playing with 3rd party tweaking tools...

whether it was the cause or otherwise.

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