I recently assembled a computer and installed windows xp home edition (32bit) for media purposes. I already have another computer at home with XP 64 pro but I have been experiencing so many problems with my drives that I just decided to build the other computer. I am using a switch to share the keyboard, mouse, speakers, and monitor between both systems. Everything was just peachy during the weekend but on Sunday night I noticed that on the 32bit computer there were missing icons on the start up menu. That was just the beginning of it. After rebooting I noticed the clock was missing and on each button there was nothing written. After a while there was even more stuff missing. I thought it was a corrupted windows so I reinstalled but no joy it was still messed up. I restarted and tyhen I noticed that on the post screen there where flickering letters and when the windows start up screen came up there where vertical lines across the windows logo. My question is, do I have a bad video card or is it a bad CPU. Could someone bring some light to this dilema. I will s-pend all night troubleshooting this I will start with the video card since I know that CPU's are very reliable and the simptoms tend to point more to a video card malfunction. :!:
Thank you