You know better, if you let a CRT monitor keep an image on its screen for a long time it makes tracks on it.

Is it same for the LCD monitors? Is it a must to use screen saver for LCD monitors too?

Nope, LCD's do not burn in like CRT's and plasma displays. LCDs are great especially for that reason so you have no need to worry about that. Also it is not a must to use a screen saver for a LCD neither.

it used to be the case for LCDs btw in like the early/mid 90s - thats why win95 and 3.1 have schemes where all the white bits are black and vice versa so that it reduces whiteon, but no. not anymore

i been running a 19" LCD (dell) for 2 yhears 24/7 - no burnon
ive actually had a crt running since 1997 its kinda yellowy now and theres a green blob in the top right corner and a red hadow in the bottom right

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