I have problem with receiving heaps of various banks messages at my Internet Explorer.

I including some of them:

- Dear Commonwealth Bank customer, security measures...

- ST.George Bank : Account Blocked

- NetBank Notification...

- Unated Nation....

and much more.

I tried to use option "Block Sender" but it's coming back even more agressive.

Any ide how to stop those anoying messages?

I using AVI Anti Virus and Malwarebytes Anti-Malvare for protecting my computer which working fine.


You all ready have had multiple threads here requesting help and you never complete the instructions given.


You coment is pure sarcastic and if you do not wish to help, let someone else to do.
In contrary to you remerk, I solved all problems asking here and thanks to daniweb, so what else you want from me?


You coment is pure sarcastic and if you do not wish to help, let someone else to do.
In contrary to you remerk, I solved all problems asking here and thanks to daniweb, so what else you want from me?

If all your problems were solved here then why not have the courtesy to at least post in the thread that the problems were solved and what steps helped you do so? Only one of your past threads is even marked solved but there is no explanation on how or what made it solved. You only state in this thread you are receiving messages in your Internet Explorer...webmail? Popups? No logs attached nothing.

If all of the problems below were solved nobody here knows how and virtually all of them had unfinished steps requested by usually crunchie, myself or others but you never came back with the results. So that is why I posted what I posted. That isn't sarcasm, that is truth.

http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread147078.html no reply after crunchie's instructions

http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread148598.html no reply from you following my instructions

http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread158431.html no reply from you following my reply

http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread185170-2.html no reply from you after crunchie's last instructions, you failed to follow instructions throughout this thread

http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread185171.html you never replied after receiving replies from 4 different people.

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