I have a laptop with windows xp sp3 on it. I removed a pretty big malware program with malwarebytes. It got rid of the program for the most part but there is one underlaying factor.
Firefox and Internet explorer 7 both redirect to stopmalwaresite.com and other random sites anytime you go anywhere on both browsers.
I have tired everything known to the net, not one of which were able to detect or remove anything.
I believe it is a hidden driver but Im not sure. I looked at them all and they all seem to be good.
I have tried:
Panda RootKit
Trendmicro rootkit
and more
you name it, ive tried it. All come back with nothing.
Hitman pro 3.5 did state that it detected a hidden driver in the hard drive layer with the allias of "allureon tld3"... I believe. But again can't find a hidden driver that is bad.
Someone help!