This is a problem that i have been having for a while. Whenever I want to fxp a file to a server with port 21, it simply wont work. The connection drops. I've tried many ftp clients with no prevail. Any help would be greatly appricated :)

FXP? FTP, you mean?

If you're running some kind of firewall, it could be blocking your port 21. Who's your ISP? It could be that, even. Does it only happen on one system?

Na, not FTP, FXP. FXP is when you transfer files from one remote site to another remote site. Hmm ill figure it out.

Na, not FTP, FXP. FXP is when you transfer files from one remote site to another remote site. Hmm ill figure it out.

well this is 4 years late but I had the same problem and I found this by looking for the answer. So this may help anyone else looking.

its the firewall on your end
I use flashfxp and and you can see the folders were you want to send to but the file but it errors.

2 fixes turn off windows firewall or add this to the flashfxp.ini (right under main add FxpNatTrick=1 )
thats all it was for me

hope this helped

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