Hey there,

ok, the other day mcafee picked up new win32 virus and i havent been able to clean or delete it. Im not sure where the virus started on my system, but now its gotten to most of programs and files, including me browser. My internet doesnt even work anymore!!(posting from desktop:) ) Ive seen other posts on this subject but im not sure exactly how to deal with this problem since my browser doesnt work, not even in safe mode.

Any help anyone could give would be supremely appreciated, Thanks much


Hello there, if you notice that your PC is running a bit crazy, it maybe possible that computer is infected. In addition to viruses, your computer may be infected with spywares, Trojans, worms, adwares, viruses and other malwares. Please let us know what type of computer you have and also what anti-virus program you’ve used. Personally, if a PC is infected, I do recommend using more than one antiviris program to help you. My personal recommendation for cleanup softwares are : Adware SE, ACE, Avast, AVG, Mcafee, ParetoLogic XoftSpySE, PREVX and spyware be-gone. Also, I do recommend that you clean/restore your registry files…if these are corrupted, your PC will slow down. The software to help you with your registry: RegCure and Regpair. Some of the above mentioned programs can be downloaded at www.cnet.com. Please use these utilities and let’s know the outcome. The removal of viruses and other malwares does affect your PC registry.. Also try http://www.kaspersky.com/virusscanner , let is scan your computer. Do the following to post a hi-jack log which we'll address for you, you must first download the software from:http://www.download.com/HijackThis/3000-8022_4-10379544.html

Thanks for replying, fortunatly the problem has been fixed for now as ive reformatted my computer (it was due anyway:) ) i will certainly however take your advice on the anti malware software suggestions. thanks again for replying. its good to know someones listening! :icon_cheesygrin:

It looks to me like C:\U.EXE is the culprit, and it regenerates if you delete it because of DLLs and the like that have been planted into the system.

If you are able to put your laptop disk into an enclosure and connect it via USB to another computer, I have a (dare I say it "elegant") solution for you in this thread:

Of course my advice is at your risk - and if you use this method all this HiJackThis stuff can be put aside.

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