Yes this is the first time this has occurred..
I will tell you what happened... Here i go
Ok tonight i sent an im over aim to somebody and they said i sent a link which i didnt and i send another im to another person and they also said i sent a link which i didnt. So i dont know what this is, is it a trojan horse, a virus, or just a worm? I would think it would be a trojan horse. But i asked them what did the link say and they sent it back to me but it didnt register. And she told me that she sent it... Andi didnt think about it being a virus/trojan/worm untill she exited out of the window. Well i asked her what the link was and she said she didnt know. So it i told her if she gets the link again just send it back to me with out the .com so it wouldnt be a link. I am worried that i got one b/c this is the first time this has happened to me since i had my expensive imac. I am running a mac os x version 10.3.9. And i ran a virus scan for my apps with ClamXav so far there hasnt been a virus detected. Can someone PLEASE help me becuase when i tell my dad he is going to kill me if i dont fix it....

Thx alot, Robby


This happened to one of my friends but he used a pc. Anyways i dont know what he did but i found this on a website. I dont know if it will work on a mac, but it is worth a try.

Nope thats JUST for windows... But thx for trying

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