I'm having trouble with a computer that will not get out of chkdsk. Every time the pc boots, it starts the chkdsk program which normally would be ok, but it will not finish. It gets to 83% of phase 5 and freezes. there is no way to cancel the scan and i'm forced to reset the pc. When the scan initially starts, there is no option to skip the scan. It also says something about the drive being dirty. I've even tried safe mode but it freezes before loading safe mode (you see a list of files its loading but it freezes). There is no option to just boot with a command prompt so i can disable chkdsk. Any Ideas? Thanks.


You should be able to skip it if you press escape, but I wouldn't recommend it. If a disk check finds something wrong with your drive, it can sometimes take a reeeaaaaallllllly long time to finish / progress. You might just let it run overnight or while you go to work or school or whatever once just to be sure it's actually froze.

As I said before, it will not let you cancel the scan (press esc). And, I've let it run over night twice and no progress.

Did you ever find an answer??? I have the sane problem

You probably have some bad blocks on the disc (it may be failing), so chkdsk will take a long time. You need to run chkdsk with the "scan for bad blocks" option, so it can map those out of use. You also may want to consider replacing the drive.

If you have windows setup cd, consider use that, boot from it and try chkdsk again from there or consider scanning your hard drive first for defects

Hi , i suggest run the appropriate disk drive vendor self booting maintenance tool which will scan the disk and attempt repair if errors are detected
ie for seagate/maxtor drives
Seatools for dos
access tool via drive model

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