I am using TSST Corp CD/DVDW TS L632D ATA CD/DVD drive and when I insert the installation disk, it does not detect during the boot and directly restarts. But in Windows it works as normal. Any solution to my problem ???

what does "but in windows it works normal" mean? i am going to assume you have 2 computers and "windows" refers to one of them. make sure you have the boot sequence set up so that the cd-rom is ahead of the hdd in the sequence, otherwise you will get the behaviour described.

what does "but in windows it works normal" mean? i am going to assume you have 2 computers and "windows" refers to one of them. make sure you have the boot sequence set up so that the cd-rom is ahead of the hdd in the sequence, otherwise you will get the behaviour described.

I meant the CD Drive. Also, I have set up the priority for cd-rom ahead of the hdd and it didn't work.

I also tried disabling other options and made cd drive to boot from the disk but it did not also work.

Is there any other way to my problem?

if you have more than 1 drive, make sure you are prioritising the correct one. if it still does not work, maybe the drive is faulty? can you read cd/dvds after the computer is actually booted?

Seems BIOS doesn't detect it!
Two option:
1. Upgrade your bios (Be careful to follow instructions as it is dangerous)
2. Use boot Disk to do the Job

if you have more than 1 drive, make sure you are prioritising the correct one. if it still does not work, maybe the drive is faulty? can you read cd/dvds after the computer is actually booted?

I've just have 1 cd drive and it works after the windows boot!!!

Seems BIOS doesn't detect it!
Two option:
1. Upgrade your bios (Be careful to follow instructions as it is dangerous)
2. Use boot Disk to do the Job

Can you just tell me how to upgrade bios???
What happens that something get wrong with upgrading bios?

What installation disk?
The CD must have boot files to load at startup.

What installation disk?
The CD must have boot files to load at startup.

the drive itself was not able to detect the installation disk but detects after the windows boot...

What installation disk?

What installation disk?

windows..vista homepremium

Does this disk boot in another machine?
Does any boot disk work in yours?
Try cleaning the disk.

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