my internet browser isn't loadign some pages up properly (sometimes just permenantely loads and sometimes i have to refresh or click enter on the address bar numerous times for it to show a page). i dont have an issue with bandwidth and it is the same on 3 different internet browsers. I have also scanned my computer for malware adware and spyware including a virus scan and i have found nothing. any help would be great!

no i already tried all that

Did you verify your download and upload speeds at one of the speed test sites. I like It lets you check against several cities.

well my connection with other programs is fine i use cam sharing software and also play wow with no speed problems at all so loading web pages in theory shouldnt be an issue!

I have also scanned my computer for malware adware and spyware including a virus scan and i have found nothing. any help would be great!

I have never scanned a computer for all those things and found nothing, please give me the name of your Internet security program as it must be better than any I have ever tried.

You have eliminated just about every possible cause of your problem, I don't know what else you could try other than deleting two browsers and reinstalling them and trying again. IE can be tricky to uninstall so only uninstall the others.
Have you tried booting to a Linux live CD and trying to browse with that?

urgh its so annoying

i actually solved the problem it was avg doing this so i uninstalled it. i did try just de-activating the webscanner but this didnt work!

Good to read you got it going, could you now mark this thread as solved.

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