Hello to all,

Yesterday, I booted up my machine, it checked the memory, detected the Hardrives and then shut itself down. It always shuts down at the same point in the boot sequence. I am running a Pentium D something with Windows XP. I had the machine upgraded about 4 years ago because the it kept freezing. It turned out that the power supply wasnt good enough to say they upgraded to a 550W. My first thought was that it could be the power supply but since it always shuts down at the same point I figure its more likely to be the motherboard or something along those lines.

Does anyone have any advice on how to check if the mother board is finished? Or anything else that might be useful.

Many thanks

Get memtest86+, load it onto a floopy or USB flashdrive.. boot your sys with it. If RAM passes that, then remove all extraneous hardware, even all hdds, and see what error message you get about loading an OS, if it gets that far.

..is your motherboard is compatible for upgradation?.did you updated your BIOS version?.If your board is compatible for upgradation then try to check this options:..(1)check for the cpu heatsink if it is properly installed or (2)check the cpu if there is still a thermal paste on it, if it is dry, put thermal paste on it..(3)try to transfer your existing memory to another memory slot..vice versa..or (4)try to replace or swap a new memory to your existing memory..i hope it helps!..^_^..

buy a new MB to solve your problem... no headache at all..

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