
I am connecting to the internet using a DSL connection. Laptop running Windows 98 and desktop running Windows 2000. I ran the CD my ISP gave me and installed the connection on both computers. The connection worked but I got two errors:

Windows 98 Laptop error

I get this error "Cannot locate remote host" when I try to dial-in. I contacted my ISP and they redid the connection manually for this, same effect. Then disabled and renabled my network connection, same thing, control panel->system is fine and shows my NIC card is working correctly. However, when the ISP instructed me to run cmd->ipconfig I get an Auto IP address and they informed me that my network stack was corrupt and I need to uninstall and reinstall my networking components to correct this.

Windows XP Desktop

Different error, can connect to their server, authenticated on their server BUT cannot view web pages. Same cmd->ipconfig Auto IP Address and again my ISP is telling me it is a computer problem.

Ok, I am perfectly ok with replacing a NIC card myself, uninstalling and reinstalling networking components on laptop and desktop. However, I used rogers highspeed for years and have NEVER had any problems with either computer before this. I don't beleive the tech's at this ISP know what they are talking about and would like a second opinion to help me fix this. As this ISP is really cheap and I want them to work.

What are the possible real causes for why I can't connect to their service on the Windows 98 Laptop? Is there another way to fix the Auto IP Address as I have already uninstalled my networking components in Windows 98 SE and used netsh to reset TCP IP setting in Windows XP, nothing different same error.

These are the errors I get:

678 - There is no answer.
769 - The specified destination is not reachable.

only other error I get is cannot display web pages in IE or FIREFOX.

Please provide me with your input!

Forgot to mention, MODEM has full Sync and Connection to both computers is being done directly so far, no router being used yet.

Get a router a linksys.

Get a router a linksys.

I don't need a router, two computers won't be used at same time.

I can think of several problems:

- If you replaced a dial-up modem, the settings in Control Panel / Network Connections may still be trying to use the dial up.

- Your browsers may still be trying to use the dial-up driver.

- Using two computers with the same DSL is tricky, because the performance levels may be unequal. The DSL provider uses test software to find out what performance level your line, DSL CoDec, and computer can handle. Switching computers on it drives this software nutsy. A router may be needed on the ethernet side of the DSL CoDec.

- Are you using an ethernet Codec for one computer, and a USB CoDec for the other? That will really confuse the service provider's computer.

- Are the telephone filters installed correctly? DSL won't work right without them.

I can think of several problems:

- If you replaced a dial-up modem, the settings in Control Panel / Network Connections may still be trying to use the dial up.

- Your browsers may still be trying to use the dial-up driver.

- Using two computers with the same DSL is tricky, because the performance levels may be unequal. The DSL provider uses test software to find out what performance level your line, DSL CoDec, and computer can handle. Switching computers on it drives this software nutsy. A router may be needed on the ethernet side of the DSL CoDec.

- Are you using an ethernet Codec for one computer, and a USB CoDec for the other? That will really confuse the service provider's computer.

- Are the telephone filters installed correctly? DSL won't work right without them.

Thanks for your reply. There are DSL filters on all telephones, there are no faxes or alarms. Used rogers previously and also Bell Sympatico DSL on the laptop. Checked all the settings on internet explorer for both computers, everything is ok. Never used dial-up. ISP has no idea except to say my computer sucks and they think its my computer. I tried telling them I had DSL working fine on the laptop now all of a sudden that computer is no good, I don't believe it. I would like a refund since their service don't work right but they won't give it they insists its my computer. Future Shop techs and also two local computer shops can't find anything wrong with it. I got a new NIC card for the laptop and for the computer today same thing and ISP says its me still and both new NIC are faulty. I am fed up with them let me tell you.

I don't really need a router because I do not EVER connect both computers at the same time. In all honestly the laptop I don't use as the computer desktop is better computer. Basically disregard laptop and troubleshoot computer only as i don't really use laptop I just play with the older OS from time to time. Any other suggestions before I try and sue this ISP.

BTW, this ISP technical support seems childish and they don't speak English, wait times are horrible over an hour and they hang up when they can't help ya. Anyways, sorry but I am beyond frustrated at this point.

One thing did you get a disc for that Modem?

If so read the manual on how to install and install the drivers if you haven't done so already.

No disk, However, I did check for firmware upgrades. Modem is Speedstream 5360.

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